7^* «** k y ” * % Wre dome some about it ■ * w # lo help sou weather the effects of this summer s drought we re holding prices* on \gwas Fiber I till and <\gwas Kough-X 10. economical roughage extenders desdoped specihcalls tor use in areas w here local forages are in short suppis FII3FR FI LI Vtith a maximum crude tihei le\e! of 25% Fiber 1 till can be "sed to replace up to halt ot the it. y * r* ,* f ' t) ' / * * f i? * * n. %% - 9 / * * / $ roughage from ha\, ha\ silage or corn silage ROUGH-X 10 Designed to replace both roughage and gram, Rough-X 10 contains a maximum crude fiber lc\el ot IS% for best results w ith both products, make sure the total ration is balanced tor protein energ\ and other nutrients \nd tor additional sources ot economical pro'- tein and eneigv be sure to check our other \gv\a\ feeds talking o/ X / x X- „/■ .*tr' x’i if 'V ' 4 • - * , 'K -■% t J *s* V, .yf*' ** / * ' » 4 * ♦ v*4 * * %. * * ♦ For more information, talk to \our Agvca\ representative All of us at Agwa\ are here to help \ou Ihe wav we see it that s w hat cooperative is all about ’Thru 9/AO/88 Working for people who work the land (agway) \g\u\ farm hnu-rpriM,' wuc % mm* «Mk $ ♦ * **