D4-Lancaster Farming Saturday, July 30, 1988 HARRISBURG Robert Krulwich, CBS’s “Morning News” economist, will close the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation’s annual Pa. Poultry Conference with his discussion of ‘The Elec tion Outcome on the Economy.” Krulwich, who reports on busi ness and economic topics twice a week for the national network, has received numerous awards for his work, frequently contributes to the New York Times, and holds a law degree from Columbia University. The two-day conference, sche duled for Wednesday, September 28 th, and Thursday, September 291 h, at the Holiday Inn, Gransvil le. Pa., opens Wednesday morning with presentations including; ani mal welfare by Steve Koppcrud from the American Feed Industry Association; wage and hour infor mation by David Feinberg, consul tant: environmental pollution, Paul Swartz of the Pa. Dept, of Environ mental Resources; and a commod ity price outlook by Dr. Milton Madison from Penn State University. Wednesday afternoon provides conference attendees the oppor tunity to cither participate in a golf tournament or attend a theater per formance of Agatha Christie’s “Murder On The Nile,” followed by Wednesday banquet dinner which features the hilarious Dr. Tim Slivers. Thursday morning’s session boasts three separate sessions for broiler, turkey and egg participants. The broiler session features Windy Hill Farms PO Box 945 • TMutvflto, FA 16354 ANIH 814/827-2764 or 814/827-7212 M,NU PRESENT 1988 PENNSYLVANIA SIMMENTAL FIELD DAY!! AUGUST 6th, 1988 10:00 Jr. Simmental Show Noon Lunch - ALL YOU CAN EAT! 1:30 Program ASA Representative - Gerry Williams PSU Beef Extension Specialist Dr. John Comerford Thom Holman-Simmental Marketing Specialist Showmanship Demonstration by Jr’s Farm Tours ACCOMMODATIONS CROSS CREEK RESORT 814/827-96U HOLIDAY-INN, OIL CITY 814/677-1221,L DRAKE HOTEL - 814/827-2267 Krulwich To Close Pennsylvania University of Maryland’s Dr. Dave Snyder discussing “New Techniques for Bursal Disease”; Penn State’s Dr. Guy Barbato on “Improving Carcass Composi tion”; and Mr. Jerry Dyer, presi dent of ASTEQ, Inc. discussing “Methods for Solving Processing and Marketing Problems.” Thursday morning’s egg ses sion features Paul Suther, Purina Mills Inc., discussing “Effective Management of Manure”; Ken Looper, president of Cal-Maine Foods Inc., on “A Word About Price Discovery”; and Dr. Morris Potter of Atlanta, Ga.’s Centers for Disease Control discussing “The Human Aspect of Salmonella Enteritidis.” AGENDA Windy Hill Farm* is located 3 miles south of Titusville, PA r on Route 8. FOR HELP...CALL FRED PENNSYLVANIA SIMMENTAL ASSOCIATION OR JEFF 814/827-3765 or 814/827-7212 Turkey session attendees can hear Dr. Dave Halvorson from the University of Minnesota discuss ing “Biosecurity, Surveillance and the Use of Vaccines in Disease Control”; Mike Morris of Purdue Turkey Farms Inc. on “Housing Management for Better Econom ics”; and Dr. H. John Barnes from Performance-Tested STATE COLLEGE (Centre) The PA Department of Agricul ture’s Meat Animal Evaluation Center is making final prepara tions for PA’s 10th Performance Tested Ram Lamb and Invitational Ewe sale scheduled for Saturday, August 6,1988 at 1:00 p.m. in the Ag Arena complex. The 77 rams on test are doing very well in spile of the extremely hot, dry weather. After 70 days on test the entire group of rams have maintained a .98 pounds-per-day average daily gain and a lifetime weight per day of age of .97 pound s per day. Two Columbias have gained an average of 1.15 pounds per day on test. Two Oxfords from Stone Haven Sheep Farm have gained 1.07 and 1.09 pounds per day on test respectively. Six Polypay rams have maintained a 1.03 pounds per 25 H.P. J.D. 850 4 WD $7,810 CASH SALE ONLY Implements Extra r5*T) Nothing Runs like a Deere" 1 \JOMN DEERE J Poultry Conference North Carolina State University discussing “Osteomeylitis A New Threat.” A separate “Ladies Program” is provided on both conference days and includes a presentation on “Managing Stress” (Wednesday morning) and preparing “Holiday hors d’oeuvres and Garnishes” Lambs Doing Well day average with the top .gaining Polypay from Folly Farm in Con necticut gaining an impressive 1.26 pounds per day. The two Shropshire rams from Calvert Farm have gained more than a pound a day on test and the two Montadales recorded a breed aver age daily gain of .94 pounds per day. The eight Hampshircs have been gaining a breed average of .99 pounds per day on test. The top-gaining Hamp from Bob and Donna Spangler is a very impress ive ram with figures to match. He has gained 1.31 pounds per day with a ration of 133. The 18 spring bom Dorsels and the eight fall bom Dorsets recorded an identical breed-group ADG of .88 pounds per day. The top-gaining Dorset of David Dykes has gained U 3 pounds per day with a ratio of 129. There are also two Dorsets, one from David Dykes and the other John Deere Diesel Headquarters Summer Clearance Limited Quantities Available M#n.. Thun. A Fri. till 9:00 • Tu«t. A W«d till 9:00 • S«f. till 5 00 (Thursday morning). For conference and lodging registration forms, programs and other information, contact the Pen nsylvania Poultry Federation, 500 North Progress Avenue, Harris burg, Pa., 17109, telephone (717) 652-7530. Ram from Kenneth Staver, gaining 1.07 pounds per day wuh ratios of 122. The 30 Suffolks ha\ e maintained a 1.05 pounds per day gain on test and a 1.07 lifetime weight per day of age. The top-gaining Suffolk and top over all breeds is from Blue Jacket Suliulks and has gained 1.34 pounds per day with a ration of 128. One of Penn State’s Suffolks is close behind with a gain on lest of 1.33 pounds per day. With another Sufiolk Ram from P.S.U. attained ihc top-lifetime weight per da> of age of 1.33 pounds per day. For more information on this outstanding group of Performance Tested rams being v ffered for sale or the approximate! v 100 ewes that will be consigned, please contact Glenn Eberly, Director, Meat Ani mal Evaluation Center, 651 Fox Hollow Road, State College, PA 16803 or phone: 814-238-2527. 36 H.P. J.D. 1050 4 WD Ag Tires $11,375 CASH SALE ONLY
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