Heat Relief For Dairy Cows cows comfortable, according to Graves, can be as simple as adding shade, providing for air exchange and supplying more water. “Water is still the cheapest feed. You need water to make milk. And if you get stingy with the water, you will pay for it in your milk (Continued from Pag* A 1) times until he got the spray level he wanted. *’?' ' **' The Importance Of Comfort High temperatures make dairy cows so uncomfortable they won’t eat. When cows don’t eat, they don’t produce milk. But keeping dows open for good cross-ventllatlon the dairy barn of Ben Lapp was a welcome relief Insplte of the 90-degree weather during the meeting hosted by the Lapp Valley Farm on Wed nesday evening. ii i lira. Sprinklers stalled In the barnyai . are on timers ai ,