Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 02, 1988, Image 20
A2o*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 2, 1988 Dairy Cooperatives Honor Outstanding Young Farmers (Continued from Page At) winner receive an expense-paid trip to the National Milk Producers Federation’s annual meeting. Here they have an opportunity to attend the national young cooperators program. • The third through fifth place winners receive expense-paid trips to the American Institute of Cooperative’s annual National Institute where they will interact with young farmers from various agricultural backgrounds. Atlantic Dairy Cooperative David W. and Phoebe R. Biller of Fleetwood in Berks County cap tured the “Outstanding Young Cooperator” for Atlantic Dairy Cooperative. The Billers operate the Vista Grande Farm, a 349-acre farm with 173 head of registered Holsteins. Their average annual production is 20,274 pounds with 721 pounds of butterfat on 88 cows. In second place were Laurence and Valerie Johnson of Forest Hill, Maryland. The Johnsons farm in partnership with Larry’s family and are responsible for the 80-cow milking herd. Average annual pro duction at Merry-Lar Farm is 14,400 pounds of milk and 547 pounds of butterfat. In third place were Francis L. and Joyce Uhland, Jr. of Mt. Joy, previously from Lititz where they operated a 155-acre, 63 head Hols tein farm. The Fra-Joy Dairy post ed an average annual production of 15,633 pounds of milk and 595 pounds of butterfat on 38 cows. In fourth place were Michael A. and Linda J. Behrer of Spruce Creek. The Behrers operate a 765-acre, 185 head Holstein farm, the Willow Behrer Farm. They are the sole owners of the farm and employ four full-time and three part-time employees. Average annual production is 17,872 pounds of milk and 642 pounds of fat on 160 cows. Philip M. and Cheri L. Pettit of Woodstown, New Jersey took fifth place. The Pettits operate a 637-acre farm with 450-head of registered Holsteins. The Pettit farm, Clovervale Dairy Farm Inc. is Organized as a small family-held corporation of which Philip and Cheri own 40 percent of the shares. Average annual production is 19,252 pounds of milk and 716 pounds of butterfat on 255 cows. Maryland and Virginia D. Richard and Karen Arring ton, 111, of Mt. Airy, Maryland cap- 1989 Wheat Program Provisions YORK York County ASC Committee Chairperson, Geary Huntsberger today announced a required 10 percent acreage reduc tion and other provisions of the 1989 wheat program. Other provisions of the 1989 wheat program include: A price support loan and purchase rate of $2.06 per bushel, a 20 percent reduction from the bas ic loan and purchase rate of 52.57 the 1988 loan rate was 52.21/bu. The established target price is $4.10 per bushel, the statutory minimum, and down three percent from the 1988 target price of 4.23 per bushel. A paid land diversion will not be implemented. No marketing loan or related program provisions will be implemented. Producers required to in Fleetwood, were named Atlantic Dairy Cooperative’s “Outstanding Young Cooperators” for 1988. They farm 349 acres and carry a 20,274-pound of milk and a 721-pound butterfat herd average on 88 registered Holstelns. Michael and Linda Behrer of Spruce Creek captured fourth place in ADC’s Young Cooperators contest. lured the “Outstanding Young of Middletown, Maryland were the Cooperator” award in Maryland first runners-up. In second were and Virginia Cooperative contest William and with 19 couples vying for the hon- of Davidsville, Pennsylvania, or. The Arringtons own one-third Elam and Diane Myers of St. Tho of the livestock and equipment on mas, Pa., captured the third runner their family-operated farm. Their up spot. herd average is 18,287 pounds of Mid-Atlantic Dairymen Inc. milk with 115 grade Holsteins. Kevin and Robin Martin of Thomas and Bonnie Remsberg Oxford, Pennsylvania, received THREE NEW STEPS 10 SUCKER CONTROL Now you can save time and get application. Just spray Prime+ over of over the top application, effective sucker control by spraying the top at the early flower to It’s the way to grow quality Prime+® over the top and following elongated bud stage. Wait a week, tobacco. Of course, applying Prime+ up later with an application of MH. then apply MH. You’ll get great *by hand with a dropline, by back- It’s a simple, sequential sucker control plus the convenience pack sprayer or from the jug is still Kevin and Robin Martin of Oxford in Chester County were named the “Outstanding Young Cooperators” for 1988 for the Mid-Atlantic Division of Dairymen Inc. Larry and Valerie Johnson of Forest Hill, Maryland cap tured second place as Atlantic Dairy Cooperative’s “Out standing Young Cooperators” for 1988. the “Outstanding Young Coopera- Contestants were judged on tor” award. This Chester County their knowledge of dairy farming couple farm 70 acres and have and dairy issues and on their ability 90-head of registered and grade to communicate effectively Holsteins and milk 50 cows. through speaking.