Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 02, 1988, Image 18
AlB-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 2, 1988 Phila. Potato & Onion Wed., June 29, 1988 CLOUDY 71-87. ONIONS-DRY ABOUT STEADY 50-lb sacks US#l or generally good quality Yellow unless otherwise stated TX Grano type jumbo few 750 med-lge few 700 Repackers size 7-750 CA Grano type jum bo 650-700 mostly 650 Repacker size 750-800 mostly 750 Red 25-lb sacks jumbo few 800 NM Grano type jumbo 6-650. POTATOES ABOUT STEADY 50-lb sacks US#I size A washed or brushed unless otherwise staled Round Whiles NC new crop 400-500 mostly 450 VA new crop 425-SOO mostly 450 large few 700 CANADA CD #1 Prince Edward Isle large 550 Round Reds NC new crop 7-750 size B 900-10.00 Russets 50-lb carton count ID 70s 11.5080 s 11.00-11.50 90s 10.00-11.00 100 s 850 CO Centennials 90s 750100 s 650 CA new crop Centennial 80s 950 90s 850 100 s 750 Norkota 70-80 s 10.00 90s 900 100 s 800. Leola Produce Auction Leola, PA Tues., June 28, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction BEDDING PLANTS 2 00-4.00 FLAT BROCCOLI 5.50-7.25, 12-14 CT. CABBAGE .3S-.47 HD.; 3 50-4.25 I’/. BU. CAULIFLOWER .55 .76 HD. CHERRIES 11.00-16 00 8-QT. FLAT. CORN 1.60-2.25 DOZ. WHITE. CUCUMBERS 10.00-13.50 1 1/9 BU GREENS 4.50 15 BUNCHES. LETTUCE 4.00-6.00 PER 12 COUNT ONIONS 10.00-12.00 40 CT. BUNCH PEAS 14.00-20 00 1 1/9 BU. PICKLES 8.00-12.50 '/. BU. POTATOES 5 00-9 00 PER 25 LB BAG RASPBERRIES 16.00-24.00 12 PT FLAT. RED BEETS 4 00-6.50 PER 15 CT BUNCH. RHUBARB 3.75 15 CT. BUNCH. STRAWBERRIES 10.00-13 00 8 QT. SHIPPER. STRING BEANS (GREEN) 20.00- 1 1/9 BU. (YELLOW WAX) 10.00- ’/. BU SUGAR PEAS 17.00-20.00 ’/. BU. nnnr nunnnrn lif/lfli VffUl « fcfl The World's Fastest Lawn Mowers Efficient, Mower You Can Buy! • Designed and built to professional lawn care specifications • Models available with 42 50 and 60 mowers 16 to 24 HP engines • Cut trimming time by up to 85% • Requires less space easier faster to load and transport • Zero turning radius and mowing speeds up to 6 5 mph let you cut more acres faster • Full length sharpened blades and 200+ mph blade tip speed provides superior cutting • Engineered for unmatched performance and ease of maintenance • Simple convenient operational controls and greater comfort • New easy to operate rear Lawn Vac available (or larger models NOW AVAILABLE WITH DIRECT HYDROSTATIC DRIVES (No Drive Chains or Sprockets) TAKE THE DIXIE CHALLENGE Make us prove what we say with a Free Demonstration SEE US OR CALL TODAY SUGAR SNAPS 16.00-20.00 'A BU. TOMATOES 30.00-50.00 25# #1 GREENHOUSE. ZUCCHINI (GREEN) 3.00-6.25 ’/. BU.; (YELLOW) 2.50-5.25 V 4 BU. NOTE: SALE WILL BE HELD MON., JULY 4. Shippensburg Produce Auction (717) 530-1700 Shippensburg, PA June 23, 25 & 28 Report Supplied by Auction APPLES 2.75-3.75 HALF BU. BEDDING PLANTS: 1.75-3.75 FLAT. BLUEBERRIES: 20.00-22.00 8 QT. FLAT. BROCCOLI: 5.50-8.50/BU. CAULIFLOWER: .22-.91 £A. CHERRIES: SOUR 5.75-6.25 8 QT FLAT; SWEET 6.75-13.25 8 QT. FLAT. CUCUMBERS: 5.75-8.75 ’/. BU. EGGS: .57-.T7 DOZEN. HONEY: .80-1.30 LB. LETTUCE: 3.00-4.25 BU. SPRING ONIONS- 6.00-10 00 (40-COUNT) BU. HULL PEAS: 7.00-10.50/HALF BUSHEL. RASPBERRIES; 11.75-14.00 12 PT FLAT. RED BEETS: 5.00-8.00 BU. STRAWBERRIES; 8.00-9 25 8 QT. FLAT. STRING BEANS: 9.00-14.25 HALF BU. SUGAR PEAS: 10 50-19 75 HALF BU SUGAR SNAPS: 8 00-15.00 HALFBU TOMATOES, FLA; 10.00-14 00 25# BOX. WATERMELON: FLA. MD. 1 75-3.25 EA. ZUCCHINI- (LOCAL) 6 75-12 00 HALF BU. Buffalo Valley Produce Auction June, 28 & 30 Report Supplied by Auction CAULIFLOWER: 25-1 00 PER HEAD. CHERRIES (DARK) 12 25-13.00 8 QT FLAT, (SOUR) 7.00-8.00 8 QT. FLAT CORN: 1.50-4 00 DOZ. CUCUMBERS: FEW 12.75 BU. PEAS: 3.00-5.00 PER HALF BU POTATOES: (FEW NEW), 6 25-7 25 50 LB. BAG; (UNCLASSIFIED) 1.65-2.50 50 LB. BAG. RED BEETS: .30 .55 BUNCH. STRAWBERRIES: 10.25-10.75 8 QT FLAT. STRING BEANS. GREEN; FEW 1075 ■/. BU. SUGAR PEAS: 3.50-10.00 PER 10-LB BOX. TOMATOES: LB. 6.00-15.50 25 LB. BOX; MD. 10.25-11.00 25 LB. BOX. WATERMELON: CRIMSON SWEET 2.80-3.10 EA. ZUCCHINI: 1.75-5.50 •/. BU. Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, PA , C.B. HOOBER & SON, INC. g HOOBER EQUIPMENT, INC Intercourse, PA I SHHHMRNNMHHMHHRRHMHIi Middletown, DE (717) 768-8231 ■ » TWO LOCATIONS (302) 378-9555 WE SHIP PARTS DAILY Via UPS - HOURS ■ Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-5 PM; Sat. 7 AM-Noon CALL US... If Could Be We Have If Where We Treat You Right Factory Warehouse Prices • Welght-Tronlx Feed Mill • Grain Bins • Feed Bins • Wet Tanks GSI FEED BINS From 2Vz Ton To 150 Ton Tuesday, June 28, 1988 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 194...PDA...Comp«red with last Tuesday's market: Slaughter steen .50 to $1 lower, Cowl $5 to $6 higher. Choice si. steers 63.50-67.75, Select 58.00-63, Standard 51.50-58.50. Choice si. heifers 61.50-67.75. Select 56.00-60.50, few Stan dard 50.00-55.00. Breaking Utility & Com mercial si. cows 45.50-49.85, Cutter & Boning Utility 43.00-47, Canner & Low Cutter 36.00-43.50, Shells down to 24.00. Couple Choice si. bullock 62.75&63.00. Yield Grade No. 1.1100/1780 lbs. si. bulls 52.00- Feeder Cattle: Few Medium Frame No. 1, 400/600 lbs. steers 53.00- Few Medium Frame No. 2, 600/800 lbs. bulls 47.00-56.00, Urge #2, 215/450 lbs. 48.00-55.50. CALVES 94.. Few Choice vealers The Saving Place - BUS - PPSH • Utility Augers • Grain Dryers • Transport Augers • Bucket Elevators • Stirring Systems • Air Drying Systems Also Available For Air Drying Computerized Aeration Monitor Flex- Systi -Auger Systems, PVC Tubing, 2”, 3”, 4” & 5” Diameter lems /y! Su»pon*lon Vr##d Auger Tub* M#l#Hng _T // Hook* / Drop I Drop f - t-J Curvtd J | Aug.r I 1 f | Tub# , V I *, Ybirtcl Drlvo or 801 l Drlvo I Powor Unit Food Lovol Plan Your Grain Handling And\ Storage NOW Before Harvest! Bin Boot 95.00- Good 70.00-85, Standard and Good 90/120 Iba. 85.00-100,60/85 lbs. 75.00- few Utility 45/60 lbs. 40.00- Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 90/120 lbs. 100.00-140.00. HOGS 2lS...Barrows and gilts .50 to .75 lower. US No. 1-2 210/240 lbs. 46.00- one lot 47.10,1-3 210/255 lbs. 45.00- 2-3 240/260 lbs. 44.00-44.85, one lot 2-4 300 lbs. 37.50. Few US No. 1-3 300/500 lbs. sows 28.00-30.00, few 2-3 300/500 lbs. 28.00-30.00, few 2-3 350/500 lbs. 25.00-27.50. FEEDER PIGS 5...N0 Market Test SHEEP 21... Few Choice 70/75 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 50.00-55.00, one small lot at 50.00. Few Slaughter sheep 13.00- GOATS 0...N0 Market Test. AIR FREIGHT, ETC. Authorized UPS Station HERR GSI GRAIN BINS AND ACCESSORIES YOU STAY RUT f Pick Up Your Phone And ‘•C;. . Place Your 'I r