Low-Input Farming (Continued from Page.AZO) in oats. Stollzfoos is mg with his hay fields and leans more toward mixes such as orchard grass and alfalfa. This year he put 20 units of nitrogen in the form of ammonia sulfate on his hay, which usually gets nothing, to sec how it works out. Hess looks into low input For the past 11 years, Claude Hess has avoided using drugs and antibiotics in his pullet operation. He reported that the birds arc lay ing more eggs, and the eggs are of a belter quality than he had been getting. “Then I began wondering if I couldn’t do the same thing with my soil,” he said. That’s when he became interested in low-input farming. Three years ago Hess got into land in a big way when he began purchasing land on to which to spread his chicken manure. Cur rently he has more than 600 acres scattered around southeastern Pen nsylvania, the home farm is in Manhcim. The Stoltzfooses farm In Kinzer, a town southeast of Lan caster. From left, Lucy holding three-month-old Charlene; Hilda, 6; Roman; Delmar, 2; and Dwight, 8. fjm an extremely effective way to get sucker control too. In sequential application with MH or all by itself. So look into the benefits of Prime+. Whether applied alone, or in a sequential over the top applica tion with MH. it’s a great way to get Hess, a member of Professional Farmers Institute, began sending away for information on low-input farming, signing up for courses, and talking to people. He also hired an agronomist to take care of recordkeeping, soil tests, crop checks, and recommendations. “I’m going slow because I’m not sure where I’m going (with (low-input farming). I’m in the learning and question stage,” stated Hess. The winter of 1986-’B7 Hess began to implement some of the ideas he’d been hearing about. He spread calcium in the form of high calcium limestone and chose alcitc clover, because it is a natural nitro gen source, to spread in with 35 acres of wheat for a cover crop. The next fall he left the shredded fodder for residue, which he incor porated into the soil with a chisel plow the following spring. This spring Hess hydroseeded 80 additional acres in alcite clover, putting seed in liquid nitrogen and spraying it over the field. He also used liquid N and 10-20-20 starter C'v^f r * yj- -JC in the fields where chicken manure wasn’t available. Where com had been the year before, he sprayed Furadan anti herbicides. Limes tone had been applied earlier in the year while the ground was still fro zen to avoid compaction. Insecti cide use has been cut by about 25 to 30 percent, and herbicides have been cut 25 percent for soybeans and clover. Hess uses a chisel plow on his fields as well as a field cultivator with a 5-row spike harrow. He also purchased a new cultivator that works in no-till and ridge-till applications. He wanted this flexi bility in case he decides to try his hand at ridge tilling. The cullivater is reputed to aerate soil between rows thereby supplying air and water. Hess believes in crop rotation, not using muriated potash, and keeping the manure in top layer of the soil because “if it is plowed under the ground and it gets no oxygen, it can get into the drinking water more quickly. Manure and trash should be near the surface so they’ll decompose aerobically.” He also believes that farmers should use calcium generously. “Don’t cheat on calium: it’s cheap, helps balance the soil, and, in cal cium carbonate form, you can get carbon in the soil.” The underlying message from both Hess and the Stoltzfooses is that a farmer interested in low input farming should do his home work. Like Hess, the Stoltzfooses did quite a bit of research before they began working with low input farming so that they wouldn’t have a crop failure. And that’s the route they recommend for any farmer interested in chang ing his farming practices. “When farmers call up and ask how I did it, I tell them we got away from munated potash, excess nitrogen, and chemical pes ticides,” said Stoltzfoos. “We sug gest experimenting with small plots in different parts of the farm such as the orchard, garden, hay, and corn to see how it works.” Although the farm is much improved, the Stoltzfooscs feel they still have a long way to go before their crops, soil, and ani mals arc in balance wilh each other. “We’re still suffering from Underlying message sucker control—and get more for your crop at auction. For answers to tobacco questions, call Furney Tbdd on the Monday Hotline, 1-800-862-2229. Prime* CIBA-GEIGV 01—ClM Qt|i.AtriculHwlOM>kin.FO Sox 1000 Qi««Mbon> NCZ74I* Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 18, 1988-A2l chemicals,” they said. “We’d like to get the soil in better shape, gel the chemical residues out and build humous and organic matter so the soil is less credible.” Hess also feels he’s got a long way to go. but he’s taking his time so he can achieve a balance between using chemicals and not PSU College Of Students Win Speaking UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre) Six students in the College of Agriculture received cash awards this spring for their winning pre sentations in the annual Guldin Speaking contest at Penn State. First prize went to Jill L. Kutz, daughter of Du Wayne A. Kutz of Tunkhannock, for her presenta tion, “Promoting Nature’s Most Nearly Perfect Food.” Her speech dealt with the promotion of dairy products,including promotional trends in the 1980 s. Jill is a junior majoring in agricultural econom ics with a minor in speech communications. Second place went to Ann Grumbine, daughter of Ray and Martha Grumbine of Myerstown. Her speech, “Just Plants,” focused on the asthetic quality of house and landscape plants and said that they enrich the quality of our lives. Ann is a junior majoring in horticulture. Laurie Winward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Winward of Whitchouse Station, New Jersey, won third place. Her speech, “Che micals In Our Foods,” focused on sorbic acid and how and when it creates problems of toxicity. Laur ie is a senior majoring in food sci ence. Other winners were: David E. Blank, son of Elam R. and Dorothy Blank of Parkesburg. His speech, “Farmland vs. Urban Pressure,” was concerned with the issues of farmland preservation and outlined current measures to protect agriuclutral land. David is a senior majoring in agricultural education. William Hoffman, son of Lynn • s > 4 > using any additive. “The bottom line is dollars and cents,” he explained. “But coupled with that is stewardship of the soil. Too many farmers arc mining the soil. You should feed it so it will feed you and your children and grandchildren.” Ag Contest and Pepper Hoffman of Pennsyl vania Furnace, gave a speech on “Chemical Pest Control: Issues and Answers.” It focused on the use and misuse of pesticides in agriculture. William is a junior majoring in agricultural econom ics and rural sociology. Jose A. Alcantara, son of Claude and Evelyn Adams of Northum berland gave a talk on “Agrofore stry.” He discussed the use of bio mass (the volue of minute animals and plants such as protozoans and blue-green algae that live in a given habitat or area) as a potential source of fuel. Jose is a senior majoring in forest science. The Guldin Speaking contest is made possible through funds donated in memory of Paul R. Gul din, an agricultural leader and poultry farmer in Berks County. It is sponsored by the Coaly Society, the student honor society in agri culture at Penn State. Finalists were judged by a panel of students and faculty. This year’s faculty judges were Maureen Montgomery, coach of the Penn State Speech Team, Dr. Robert Wideman, assistant professor of poultry science and Dr. Connie Baggett, assistant professor of agriculture and extension educa tion. All students in the College of Agriculture are eligible to compete. RCMA Asks Members To Avoid Boycott BATAVIA, N.Y. The Reg ional Cooperative Marketing Agency issued a reminder on Fri day to Us members, supporters and interested parties that it is the group’s policy not to “support, participate in or condone any activity which might be considered a boycott.” According to William Zubcr, RCM A president, RCMA appreci ates the support it has received from many sources during its battle to secure fair farm prices. However, Zubcr said that RCMA in no way supports a consumer boycott of supermarkets which purchase milk from dealers who oppose RCMA. “Participation by RCMA or its members in a consumer boycott could be viewed as illegal and RCMA has worked very hard to avoid any suggestion of illegality,” he said. Zuber pointed out that members can help RCMA improve farm income by signing-up neighbors who have not joined the organiza-