Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 04, 1988, Image 48

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    88-Lahcistar Firming, Saturday, June 4, 1988
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If you are looking for a recipe but can’t seem to
find it anywhere, send your recipe request to Cook’s
Question Corner, care of Lancaster Farming, P.O.
Box 366, Litltz, PA 17543. There’s no need to send a
SASE. If we receive an answer to your question, we
will publish ft as soon as possible.
Answers to recipe requests should be sent to the
same address.
QUESTION - Ellen Hoover, New Holland, requests a
recipe for homemade cheese that tastes similar to
White American cheese.
QUESTION - Ruth Etta Nolt, Fleetwood, requests
recipes for canning cream of mushroom soup that
doesn’t get tough or gummy.
QUESTION - Mrs. J. C. Ollinger, Lancaster, requests
a recipe for Salisbury Steak with Bordelaise Sauce.
QUESTION - Mrs. J. C. Ollinger, Lancaster, requests
recipes for chocolate, banana, cherry and powdered
drink ice cream pops.
QUESTION - Stephanie Sudal, Pine Island, N.Y.,
requests a recipe for onion bread that is made without
QUESTION - Sue Fair, Millers, Md., would like to see
more recipes that use basic ingredients such as eggs,
flour, milk and sugar instead of recipes using ingre
dients that the average cook does not stock.
QUESTION - Ida Keeny, New Freedom, would like a
recipe for making apple butter without sugar.
QUESTION - I.R. Luttrell, Holtwood, requests a
recipe for a good Italian salad dressing similar to the
Good Season Salad dressing mix.
QUESTION - Renee Hankins, Norristown, requests
recipes for Tunnel of Fudge Cake, Chow Chow with lima
and kidney beans, and creamy rice pudding.
QUESTION - Mrs. Donald Retterburg of Woodbury
would like a recipe for cheese soup similar to that served
at restaurant salad bars. She also would like some jello
salad recipes.
QUESTION - Ralph Baer, Temple? requests a recipe
for Hungarian Goulash.
QUESTION - Edith Moore, Pennington, N. J,,
requests a recipe for Hawaiian cheesecake.
QUESTION - Estella Fink, Allentown, requests a
recipe for chicken pie.
ANSWER - Helen Kofron, Claymont, De., requested
a recipe for a good sourdough starter. Thanks to Bob
Downey of Street, Md., for sending his recipe and to
Suetta High for her starter recipe and recipes in which to
use the starter.
Sourdough Starter
'A package active dry yeast
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2'A cups water
Combine ingredients in a stone crock or glass bowl,
never use metal. Beat well. Cover with a cheese cloth
and let stand two days in a warm place.
Add equal amounts of water and flour to the remain
ing starter, let stand uncovered at room temperature
until it bubbles. Cover and store in the refrigerator. Star
ter should keep about two weeks. When using the star
ter, Bob advises reserving some for your next recipe.
Commercial dehydrated sourdough starters can be
found in some health food and specialty shops.
Sourdough Starter
1 package yeast
% cup water
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
% cup sugar
Soften yeast in water. Feed it with milk, flour, and
sugar. Let ferment for several hours. Feed again When
it bubbles the second time place m refrigerator until
ready to use.
General directions: don’t use metal when working
with sourdough starter and it is fermenting for a ’ong per
iod of time. Feed it at teast every seven days or more
often if you tire using it. Feed it"with j cup milK, > oup
flour, and 1 /< cup sugar.. Don't use starter on the same
day that you feed it. Always use baking soda with the
starter —it sweetens it. Sourdough can be used instead
of sour cream, buttermilk, or sour milk in most recipes.
Thin it with milk to replace buttermilk. If recipe doesn’t
call for soda, add about 3 /i teaspoon per cup of
Sourdough Softies
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
'A teaspoon baking soda
Vi teaspoon baking powder
1 cup sourdough starter thinned with 2 tablespoons
Vi cup butter
V/i cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Add dry ingre
dients alternately with sourdough. Drop onto greased
cookie sheet, and sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and
cinnamon. Bake at 375 degrees for 12 minutes.
Sourdough Pancakes
2 cups sourdough starter
1 or 2 eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons oil
Mix together and bake on hot griddle. These are a
moist pancake. For thicker ones, add flour, wheat germ,
Sourdough Waffles
Use the above recipe, but double the oil and sugar,
Bake in waffle iron.
Sourdough Biscuits or Sticky Buns
1 cup sourdough starter
Vi cup oil
1 cup flour
1 /a teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
% teaspoon baking soda
Add oil to sourdough. Add dry ingredienhts. Roll or
drop for biscuits. May be rolled and spread with butter,
brown sugar, cinnamon, and raisins. Roll as for jelly roll
and slice.
For sticky part, put % cup water, 14 cup brown sugar,
and 14 stick butter cut in small pieces in bottom of pan.
Places slices in liquid and bake at 425 degrees for 15
minutes or until nicely brown.
Sourdough Dinner Rolls
1 cup sourdough starter
% cup sugar
14 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
5 cups flour
1 cup water
14 cup oil
Mix all ingredients together thoroughly. Shape and let
rise, this will take a long time, 5 hours or more. Bake at
375 degrees until nicely browned. Whole wheat could
could be substituted for half the flour.
ANSWER - M. Laughman, Wellsville, requested a
recipe for making apple butter in a copper kettle. Thanks
to Phoebe F. Heim of Reinholds for sending one.
Apple Butter
15 gallons apple cider
314 bushels apples, peeled
15 pounds sugar
14 pound butter
cloves and cinnamon to taste
Put spices in cider. Cook cider down by half. Add
apples a few at a time. Cook until almost done. Add
sugar. Stir continuously until done. Takes about 6 to 8
hours. When done, separation stays when a knife is
scraped through it.
QUESTION - E. Zimmerman, Manheim, requested a
recipe for Rhubarb Punch. Thanks D. Witmer, Ephrata,
for your recipe.
Rhubarb Punch
2 cups rhubarb, diced
4 cups water
Vi cup orange juice
T/« cup sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
Vi cup ginger ale
Cook rhubarb, water and sugar for 2 minutes. Strain
and cool. Add lemon juice, orange juice and ginger ale.
Stir well; add ice and serve.
(Continued from Page B 6)
3 cups fresh strawberries, halved
'A cup sugar
V/t cup whipping cream
V* cup sour cream
'A teaspoons vanilla extract
2 envelopes unflavored gelatin
Vi cup cold water
Sweetened whipped cream
Place strawberries and sugar m a
blender container. Cover and
blend at medium speed until
pureed and sugar is dissolved,
scraping sides of container. Place
VA cups of the puree in a large
bowl. Add whipping cream, sour
cream and vanilla. Stir until well
blended. Set remaining puree aside
for sauce.
In a small sauce pan, mix gelatin
and water, let stand for 1 minute.
Cook and stir over low heat until
gelatin dissolves. Stir into cream
mixture until blended. Pour into a
4-cup mold. Refrigerate for 2
hours or until set. Unmold onto a
serving plate. Spoon part of the
reserved berry puree over mold.
Top with whipped cream. Serve
remaining puree separately.
Nancy Suzanne Dutterer
Thurmont, Md.
4 envelopes plain gelatin
2 large boxes flavored gelatin (any
4 cups hot water
'A pint cream
Dissolve gelatins in hot water.
Add cream. Pour into two
10 3 /< x7-inch pans or one
13x9-inch pan. Refrigerate until
firm and ready to serve for snacks
or meals.
Rebecca Ann Sonnen
Pa. Dairy Princess
A cup bulter
VA cups water
1 package (10-ounces frozen
'A cups quick-cooking rice
1 can (U)y< -ounces) cream of
mushroom soup
1 jar (8-ouncc) chcddar cheese
Combine water and butter; bring
to a boil. Add broccoli and simmer
5 minutes. Add uncooked rice;
cover pan and set aside 5 minutes.
Stir in undiluted soup and cheese.
Bake at 325 degrees for 40
Linda Miller
New Smithville
2 cups Iro/cn ncrncs
1 cup light cream (or heavy cream
and milk)
Sweeten to taste with either
sugar or a sugar substitute. Blend
together in a food processor until
berries are crushed. Serve immedi
ately. Makes about 4 servings.
Rita Turner
Alloway, N.J.