Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 28, 1988, Image 21

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Lehigh Co. Cooperative
Extension Office
recent development in hay-tech
nology involves the use of chemi
cals which increase the drying rate
of cut forage. If we reduce drying
time, we increase our chances of
getting hay baled before it rains.
Several products have appeared
on the market and have been
referred to as desiccants, drying
agents, and/or chemical condition
ers. These should be distinguished
from chemical hay preservatives
that are used on high moisture hay
at time of baling. What are some of
the basic chemicals used in these
desiccant formulations? The origi
nal work in Australia used straight
potassium carbonate solution. In
the United State, some chemical
formulations include mixtures of
potassium and sodium carbonate.
Some have also added sodium sili
cate, methyl ester of fats, vegetable
oils and animal fat.
What is most effective? Tests
conducted at Michigan State Uni
versity have shown that potassium
carbonate and/or sodium carbo
nate solution worked as well as any
in improving field drying.
Researchers at Maryland,
Michigan and New Hampshire all
agree that drying agents work best
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Conditioners For Hay
for second and third cuttings and
are least effective at the first cut or
an autumn cut. Generally, at the
first cut, there is more forage to dry
off, soil moisture is higher, air
temperatures are lower and rela
tive humidity is higher than during
second and third cuts.
Chemical conditioners work
well on legumes, such as alfalfa,
birdsfoot trefoil and red clover, but
they are not effective on grasses. In
a legume-grass mixture, they
appear to work well because the
(faying rate of the legume becomes
about the same as that of the grass.
What is the rate of application?
Depending on the product used, it
will vary from about 5.7 to 8.0
pounds per ton of hay equivalent.
For most harvests, this will mean a
chemical cost of $5.00 to $lO.OO
per ton of hay.
Normally, the chemical is
applied at the mower-conditioncr.
There are two techniques com
monly used. With the first, a spray
boom is mounted ahead of the reel
and a push bar lays the crop over
allowing the spray to contact the
stems. The other method* is to
mount the spray nozzles behind the
reel but in front of the rolls.
Michigan State University has
reported that the more solution
applied, the faster the drying. They
recommend at least 30 gallons of
solution per acre for good cover
Continuing Its Tradition of
age for second and third cut alfalfa.
New Hampshire reported that 15 to
20 gallons per ton of hay is effec
tive. Attempts to use lower rates of
carrier have given mixed results.
At these high carrier rates are
the major limiting factor of this
technology. Refilling tanks and
adding chemicals will use up
important time that should be used
mowing. Therefore, a hay prodac-
Eastern Shell Egg School
Maryland Department of Agricul
ture (MDA) will be hosting the
internationally respected 57th
Eastern Shell Egg Quality School
on June 5-9 at the Carousel Hotel
in Ocean City, Maryland.
Originated by the Northeastern
Poultry Producers Council, this
year’s conference is sponsored by
Southern United Egg Producers. It
is co-sponsored and staffed by the
United States Department of Agri
culture; the state departments of
Agriculture of Maryland and Vir
ginia, and poultry science depart
ments of the University of Mary
land, North Carolina State Univer
sity, University of Georgia, and
Virginia Tech.
Thomas O. Meredith, Jr., Admi
nistrator of MDA’s Egg Inspection
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 28, 1988-A2l
Yields Mixed Results
er will need a nurse lank, filled
with enough pre-mixed solution to
cover the area he intends to cut that
day, mounted on a truck and
equipped with a fast delivery
'•gasoline-driven pump in order to
maintain high cutting time effi
ciency. Also, these solutions do
require good agitation to keep the
chemical from settling in the tank.
It is best to add the chemical (a dry
powder) slowly into a half-filled
program, will head the laboratory
section, where students receive
instruction in the actual handling
of eggs, learning candling tech
niques, how to assess shell quality
and interior egg quality, how to
determine correct weights and
sizes, and how to use Haugh units
to determine egg freshness.
MDA Egg Inspectors Deanna
Baldwin, Margaret Benbow, Jim
Greer, James Johnson and Ron
Rogers have been selected as
instructors. Each will be assigned a
small group of students who wdl
receive the individualized instruc
tion which has proven so success
ful in past schools.
Rated the best egg quality
school in the United States, this
session attracts foreign students
for example, two years ago the Egg
tank under constant agitation.
What is the future with hay
chemical drying agnets? There is
potential for the technology, espe
cially for cash crop producers and
fanners who are limited to hay sys
tems as their only means of forage
preservation. As of now, these pro
ducts are an addition to and not a
substitute for our conventional hay
making techniques.
Next Week
and Poultry Administrator from
the Danish Ministry of Agriculture
completed this intensive course.
“We feel privileged to be host
ing this important study session,”
said Secretary of Agriculture Way
ne A. Cawley, Jr., “and are happy
to be able to provide the help of our
outstanding staff and the hospitali
ty of the Eastern Shore.”
For further information contact
Thomas O. Meredith, Maryland
Department of Agriculture, (301)
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Lancaster Farming X '
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