Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 14, 1988, Image 24

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    A24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 14, 1988
May Dairy Digest
early spring or fall and when the
forage has been frosted.
Feeding milk cows about 5 to 6
lb of stored forage dry matter daily
can help prevent bloat. The stored
forage should be split into two
feedings. Preferably it should be
provided as long hay with a low
legume content A grass or mixed
mainly grass hay often is used.
Com silage or haylages could be
fed to provide more scratch factor
to enhance eructation of gas if no
hay is available.
A chemical compound, called
S. E. BARNARD, poloxalene also may be fed for
Food Sci Ext bloat prevention. It is sold under
DAIRY LABORATORY the trade name of Bloat Guard. The
WORKSHOP daily dose is 2 to 3 grams of active
A Dairy Laboratory Workshop ingredient per cwt of bodyweight
is scheduled for July 11-22, 1988 daily. (Example: 26 grams for a
in cooperation with the PA Depart- 1300 lb cow). ft is available from
ment of Agriculture. One week some feed trade suppliers and deal
will provide instruction and ers as 3 product containing 53%
demonstration of all tests used for poloxalene. Thus 49 grams of this
milk. It is directed towards inex- material may be needed daily for a
perienced analysts and those 1300 lb animal (26.53 =49). As an
responsible for quality assurance adjunct to treatment for bloat,
programs. The second week will poloxalene should be administered
concentrate on the six required at a l eve l of 4to 5 grams of active
regulatory tests and include exami- compound per cwt of bodyweight.
nation to become a PDA approved Poloxalene also is available in
Dairy Laboratory Director. Copies special supplement blocks
of the program are available. designed for pastured animals and
S. E. BARNARD, in some specially formulated min-
Food Sci Ext eral mixtures. If these products are
MARK YOUR CALENDER used, care must be taken to see that
Plans are underway for a confer- cattle are eating sufficient amounts
encq on Dairy Manure to provide an effective intake of
Management and Water Quality to poloxalene.
be held in conjunction with the Feeding 3 to 4 oz of vegetable
New York State Farm Equipment oil per head daily also can help pre-
Show in Syracuse, NY the week of vent bloat. This could be incorpor-
February 20, 1989. Anyone inter- aied in the grain mix or sprinkled
ested in presenting information on supplemental stored forage,
should contact Marty Sailus, The need for oil might be met by
NRAES Riley Robb Hall, Ithaca, feeding about 1 1/2 to 2lb of
NY 14853, or myself at 202 Agri- ground soybeans or cottonseed
cultural Engineering Building, daily. As an adjunct to treatment
University Park, PA 16802. for a bloated animal, 3 cups of oil
Details as to exact date and loca- may be given via drenching,
tion will be forthcoming soon. Accumulated gas sometimes
R. E. GRAVES, may be partially reduced by use of
Ag Eng Ext a stomach tube. In severe cases an
BLOAT CONTROL incision may need to be made in
ON PASTURE the left side of the animal in the
CONTAINING LEGUMES area under the lumbar region and
Each year some farmers lose between the last rib and the hook
animals due to bloating on pastures bone. However, frothy bloat often
that contain appreciable clover or occurs and surface tension must be
alfalfa. Straight legume forage is reduced by administration of oils,
more apt to bloat animals. Howev- poloxalene or certain detergents
er bloat also can occur on grass- etc. A veterinarian should be
legume mixtures, particularly in called as soon as appreciably
The annual three day conference
for PA Dairy Sanitarians and
Laboratory Analysts is scheduled
for May 16-18, 1988. As many as
250 participants are expected for
the conference which features a
wide variety of topics to help field
and laboratory staff be aware of the
latest information on equipment,
'tests, regulations, marketing,
promotion, feeding and water and
milk quality. Copies of the prog
ram are available.
• Keeps mangers and feed dry • prevents feed souring and odors
• Cows eat and milK more, since feed stays fresher
• Easily clamps onto most sizes of metal or plastic bowls
• 4-rugged, steel, hold-down brackets secure guard firmly to water
bowl rim cows, carts or hay bales can't knock it off
• Tough, high-density poly won’t crack or rust - meets Grade A specs
• Guard extends 2Vz" above bowl and V down into bowl - specially
designed bottom lip slows water movement
Patent Pending
“the solution” to
wet mangers
Stfles & Service
5935 Old Phila. Pike, Gap, PA 17527
bloated animals are noticed
Inflammation of a joint is the
definition of arthritis. This is gen
erally the response to a joint injury,
although the cause is not always
known. The production of fluid DON’T FORGET
helps to lubricate the injured joint PLAN REVIEW
but is also responsible for pain and Don’t forget about the Pennsyl
impaired function of the joint Any vania Department of Agriculture’s
joint may become inflamed but review requirements when plan
some joints are more susceptible) ning renovation or building pro
than others. Arthritis can be jects at the dairy bam. .Paragraph
divided into two different forms, 59.03 of Pennsylvania’s Milk
infectious and non-infectious or Sanitation and Standards states in
degenerative. Dairy cattle are part; “plans must likewise be
more prone to arthritis than beef approved before construction or
cal T t ~- . . . extensive modification of manure
Infectious arthritis generally storage system; installation of a
affects younger cattle. Bacterial or bulk milk storage tank; installation
viral agents can be introduced into of a milk transfer system on a dairy
the joint by one of three ways: (1) a farm..." Its always a good idea to
puncture wound penetrating the di SC uss any major building or
joint can quickly become remodeling project that relates to
inflamed, (2) an infection in an the milking herd with your milk
area next to the joint may cause inspector. Your inspector will
swelling and interfere with the know if plan submission is neces
joint s movement, (3) or an infec- sary and also may have some good
tion from another part of the body suggestions for your project,
may move to a joint. The best r. r. GRAVES
example of this spread from AUTOMATION
another part of the body is in new- BIG OR SMALL?
bom calves with an umbilical or Last year at this time I had never
navel infection. Treatment of this seen a robot for milking cows. In
type of arthritis is done by contrail- March I witnessed first hand a pro
ing the infection by using poultices totype robot on a dairy research
and drainage. Since manycases of farm in France. I have also met
infectious arthritis can be traced to with Dutch scientists and seen pic
navel ill, it is a wise practice to dis- tures and a video tape of a robot in
infect the navels of aH newborn operation milking cows on a
calves - research farm in the Netherlands. I
Non-infectious arthritis is a joint am not particularly surprised that
disease characterized by degenera- these events have taken place,
tion of the cartilage. The area sur- What has been an awakening to me
rounding the cartilage and bone
becomes enlarged. Arthritis of this
type may be in response to an
injury such as a sprain, a disloca
tion, a fall, or an irritation to the
joint when an animal is constantly
lying on a hard surface. Weight
bearing joints in older cattle are the
ones most likely to be subjected to
VjjpSlf* for Cm/ AM
I 8
■ s
• Zinc Mclhiomnc
• Niacin • Cobalt Complex
• Choline • Kelp
• DOS - Lactobacillus acidophilus
• Amylase, protease and ccllulase cn/ymes
• Vitamin E
■ Vitamin A and D
• B Vitamins
Any drugs - so there is no fear of drug
• Increase Milk Production
• Increase Conception Rate
• Decrease Somatic Cell Counts (SCC)
• Decrease Foot-Rot Problem
• Increase Appetite
• Increase Feed Efficiency
• Make Your Average Cow A Top Cow
• Retails $52/50 lb. Drum
Two ounces qf DAIRY POWER daily add enough
power to your average cow. Ask by name - UAS
DAIRY POWER. Do not settle for substitutes!
UNITED AGRI-SERVICES, INC. Or Our Area Representatives
9201 Penn Avenue South #lO AARON S. GROFF & SON GUY HARBOUGH
Minneapolis, MN 55431 RD 3, Ephrala, PA 17522 Waynesboro, PA
(612) 881*1915, Toll Free 1-800-422-3371 (717) 354-4631 (717) 762-1093
the greatest stress and become
degeneratively arthritic. The
natural response to an injury of this
type is swelling, pain and altered
function of the joint Swelling
from degenerative arthritis should
not be assumed to be abscessed.
Lancing this swelling could result
in a lethal, systemic infection.
and C. M. BURNS,
Vet Sci Ext
• University
developed and
• Reduces dry
matter loss
• Reduces mold
• Retains nutrients
• Extends bunk life
• Contains-
is the applications that are planned.
Up until now I had imagined
robots as devices to help big farms
become bigger where milking par
lors had 10 or 20 mechanical
robots working away around the
clock. The Dutch milking robot is
planned for use by fanners with up
to 80 cows. It is being developed
by a consortium of public and pri
vate organizations.
The milking robot is part of a
project to help keep the smaller
Dutch farms competitive. The
robot is combined with a computer
feeding station. Whenever a cow
visits the station, her record is
checked as to when she was milked
last. If its time to milk her again
(many cows are milked 4 or more
times a day) the robot goes to
work. The advantage to the farmer
is an increase in milk yield and less
labor is required. If successful, the
robot will allow a family fanner to
handle 60-80 cows with less hired
labor. This will make that fanner
more competitive.
How many farms will have
robots by the year 2000? I don’t
know. I do know that this experi
ence has served to remind me that
labor saving devices, mechaniza
tion and automation have the
potential for helping keep our fam
ily farms in business. We need to
remember this as we evaluate vari
ous new ideas. On any given day,
the mechanical gutter cleaner and
silo unloader helps more family
dairy farmers than it does large
corporate farms. This cooperative
effort between government and
industry should also remind us of
the importance of working
together to help keep Pennsylvania
and US farms competitive. Its
obvious to me that the Europeans
plan to stay in the dairy business,
world wide!
And Sms Yon
For took *l.OO
You Initost
Ask For By Name
Po Not SofHo For Substitutes!
Dealer Inquiries Invited