Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 07, 1988, Image 50

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    X’s For Jeffrey, Jason And Renee
Most children don’t like to get X’s
on their papers. Often an X means
someone did something wrong,
but for the Nissley children, the
more X’s they get, the prouder
they are.
Six-year-old Jason said, “We
get X’s for every chore we do.
Each X is worth one penny. When
we get 100 X’s we get one dollar!”
His favorite job is loading his
wagon with boxes of wire, which
Jeffrey and Jason like to operate their radio-controlled
cars In the driveway that goes to their chicken house.
“I take care of my baby just like Mommy takes care of
Jeremy,” three-year-old Renee exclaimed.
his dad uses in his electrical busi
ness, and storing them in a build
ing. Jason said, “I like to stack
them ten boxes high until the
wagon tires bulge.” But most of
all, Jason said, “I like to get mus
cles from pulling the wagon.”
Some chores Jason does not
enjoy. He said, “I don’t like to
clear the table and unload the
Neither does his older brother
Jeffrey, 8. He said, “I like to help
do things outside, not inside.”
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The brothers and their three
year-old sister Renee do many
things other than work. Renee said,
“I like to play on the computer.”
Renee learned the alphabet and
numbers by playing games on the
computer. Jeffrey and Jason spent
so many hours playing Pacman
that their mother needs to remind
them that there is other things to do
besides playing computer games.
Outside, the brothers like to
built a ramp and ride bike over it.
It’s scary to watch them flying
over the ramp, but the boys aren’t
A calmer pasttime is playing
with their radio control cars.
Jeffrey spends many hours
drawing. He has notebooks full of
race cars and tractors and equip
ment that he has drawn. His
mother said, “Jeffrey is the artist in
our family.”
Like many children, the Niss
ley’s like to procrastinate at bed
time. They discovered that playing
games with their parents helps pro
long bedtime. “Almost every night
we play “Sorry” or “Skippo” or
“Uno”, Jeffrey said.
“Yes,” Renee chimed in, “we
have lots of fun.”
“Look at all my X’s,” Jason exclaimed. When Jason accu
mulates 100 X’s for the chores he completes, he gets $l.
I have a gray pet cat. She likes
nibbing against me. We live on a
By Ruth Click
c/o Alvin J. Click
Give eight-year-old Jeffrey and pencil and paper am
soons has a sketch of the latest In race cars.
“Now It’s my turn,” Renee said as she watched her older
brother Jeffrey on the computer.
farm and she enjoys it. We have
about four cats and two kittens. We
have other farm animals too, but I
like my pet cat the best. She is
mostly down in the bam. She.has
milk with the other cats every
morning and every evening. Well,
I should move along.
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Do you have a pet? If so,
we’d like to hear from you.
Tell us about your pet. Send
us pictures if you have them.
Make sure you include your
name, age, address and (If
you are a child) tell us your
parents’ names.
Perhaps you have a ques
tion about your pet. If so, ask
us and we’ll see if we can find
someone with the answer.
Address your pet stories
and questions to Lancaster
Farming, Pet column, P.O. Box
366, Lititz, PA 17543.