Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 16, 1988, Image 23

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(Continued from Page At)
day evening.
Wheeler had die opportunity to view the
county from the air on Thursday, and com
pare its beauty and its graoijeuf la a quilt.
“But this quilt with its history, its farm
land, its human settlements is tattered and
frayed in some places and in other places
are holes and stains,” said Wheeler.
Wheeler was invited to the county to
discuss the topic “Will We Livejn Acci
dental Cities or Successful Communi
ties?.” Wheeler has made several visits to
the county and sees the rapid development
and growth of this area mirrored-lhrough-
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Whose Milk Is H Anyway?
If you're not in RCMA
you're not in control.
You're up early, and you work long hours That’s part of dairying We all know
that For too long another part of dairying has been that farmers have not had
any say in pricing their milk That may have been okay a few years ago when
the government-supported price was enough to make a living on, but now
prices have dropped through the floor And they’re expected to keep falling
Hawn a say in what your
blood and sweat is worth.
Right now, dairy farmers have an opportunity to gam a say in establishing a
fair price for milk Some milk dealers want you to leave pricing strictly to them
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to for your milk RCMA premiums will be here tomorrow, month in, month out
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control of your milk 7
Call 1-800-634-3723.
out me country. A boom in citizens’ con
cern accompanies that growth and with
good reason.
First you must realize the importance
of Lancaster County’s assets. There have
been many changes m the past three or four
years. Along with the county’s beauty,
productivity, growth and economic deve
lopment you must also recognize it’s vul
nerability,” said Wheeler.
“More and more people will want to
share the good life that you have found.
That is inevitable. The way you handle that
growth is the most critical issue in order to
protect your cultural and natural assets
which are at risk of being lost,” warned
26 Harvester Avenue ■ Batavia, N.Y. 14021
Wheeler pointed out that the vitality of
the county and those characteristics which
make this area distinctive can be lost if
there is unplanned grow th He defined suc
cessful communities as those which have
livability. That livability is dependent
upon the definition of special places which
are those places which bring meaning to
our lives.
“Special places are not grand parks like
Yellowstone or Grand Canyon, Special
places are those areas which arc distincti vc
to your community alone. They arc those
places which bring meaning to our lives.
How can we save our special places? You
must recognize these as assets and make
plans to protect them to secure their future
so they do not become part of the homo
genized countryside.”
Wheeler recognized the difficulty of
pooling the desires of more than 60 inde
pendent jurisdictions within the county to
formulate a comprehensive plan for
healthy growth. He warned that frustration
can lead to simplistic solutions. In Orange
County, California, according to Wheeler,
the citizens are preparing to vote on ordi
nances which will stop all development
unless the developer can prove it will result
in no furher deterioration of their
“My prediction is that development will
come to a halt, but u is their only viable sol
ution at this point. I believe there is a better
solution here,” said Wheeler.
Agriculture, tourism and industry arc
the components of the county’s economy.
However, without the quality of life as
most know of it today, Wheeler warned,
that tourism and industry would not be
“I don’t hae to tell you that the tourists
will not come if Lancaster County is paved
over. And industry will not come if the
quality of life is not here. Siting specialists
look first for a site which will satisfy the
employees’ desire for quality of life,” said
What makes a successful community
and how can concerned citizens work tow
ards that goal?
First, observations must be made to note
the assets which make that community dis
tinctive. Second, envision that community
or what would be left of it without those
assets. What will increased population
impose on the life of that community?
Once that negative vision is formed the
work begins to prevent that from
A successful community can only be
accomplished through the work of local
hometown heroes, leaders who will spear
head projects and unwaveringly see it
through. But individuals cannot do it
alone. The community needs what Wheel
er calls quality-of life lobbyists who are
willing to act on their concerns.
“We can’t afford not to do something!
We cannot give into the alledgcd inevit
able sprawl. I emphasize the need for
hometown heroes to draw on the resource
of concerned citizens here the county,”
slated Wheeler.
Wheeler encouraged groups to commu
nicate and for everyone to think in broader
terms or development and planning, not
only as it pertains to a single township. He
urged citizens to start at the local govern
ment level, to attend township meetings
and to make government officials respon
sive to the desires of its constituency.
Wheeler’s visit to the county was spon
sored in part by the county Agricutural
Preserve Board, the Friends of Agricutural
Land Preservation and the Lancaster
Alliance for New Directions.
IN 1938
Barry Hoke
Distict Sales Mgr.
244 Moyer Ridge Drive
Manheim, PA 17545