Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 06, 1988, Image 46

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In The Spotlight
The potato provides good nutri
tional return for the calories. Our
need for calories has decreased by
one-third since the turn of the cen
tury because we aren’t as active,
yet we still need the same nutri
ents. Potatoes give us a wide spec
trum of valuable nutrients. They
are one of our most important sour
ces of complex carbohydrates
which provide vitamins and trace
minerals. Potatoes are an excellent
source of vitamin C and several B
vitamins, thiamin, niacin and hard
to-get B-6, copper, magnesium
and small amounts of iron and veg
etable protein.
The traditional mashed potato
and other styles that require peel
ing have long been the mainstay
for the family diet. Although fla
vorable, they sometimes hinder
busy cooks who don’t want to
bother with peeling potatoes.
Today, there are many easy to fix
potato recipes that require a mini
mum amount of preparation and
few ingredients. Besides the stan
dard baked potato, scooped out
versions and casseroles that use
potatoes with their skins, there are
endless toppings to dress up pota
toes. Here are some ideas from The
Potato Board in Denver, Colorada.
Potato Florentine Combine 6
ounces spinach and 4 ounces white
sauce in pan. Heat throughly.
Spread open hot, baked potato, and
shape gently to form a flat surface.
Put butter in potato. Add creamed
spinach. Top with 2 ounces grated
Swiss cheese. (Serves 1).
small bowl beat A cup cottage
cheese until smooth. Add 'A teas
poon parsley. 'A teaspoon chives,
dill weed, salt and pepper as
desired; mix well. Spoon topping
over baked potato. (Serves 2).
open hot, baked potato and shape
gently to form flat surface. Place
butter in potato. Layer sour cream,
sauerkraut, corned beef julienne
and grated Swiss cheese over
your favorite pizza sauce recipe.
Layer the pepperoni, sliced
mushrooms and black olives on
potato. Top with mozzarella
Combine 3 teaspoons plain yogurt,
1-2 teaspoons minced onion, 1
teaspoon minced parsley, 2 teas
poons vinegar and a dash of papri-
Recipe Topics
If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please
share them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask
that you include accurate measurements, a complete
list of ingredients and clear instructions with each recipe
you submit. Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lan
caster Farming, P.O. Box 366, Lititz, PA 17543
Boise Os The Baste
ka. Blend and dollop on a slit
baked potato.
2 pounds package of frozen hash
brown potatoes, thawed
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 pint sour cream
'A cup melted butter
2 cups grated Cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix together all ingredients and
put into a 13x9-inch pan. Crush 2
cups of com flake cereal and mix
with % cup melted butter.
Sprinkle over potatoes. Bake until
hot and bubbly for approximately
45 minutes at 350 degrees.
Elaine N. McKlveen
4-5 medium potatoes, pared
V* cup hot milk
'A cup whipping cream, whipped
'A cup shredded sharp'process
Cook, drain, and mash potatoes.
Season with salt and pepper. Add
enough hot milk to whip light. Pile
into greased 8-inch round baking
dish, mounding into a volcano
shape. Make a “crater” in center.
Fold cheese into whipped cream.
Pour over top. Bake at 350 degrees
about 20 minutes or until lightly
browned. Makes 6 servings.
1 pound ground beef
4 cups thinly sliced potatoes
1 medium onion, chopped
1 can Cheddar cheese soup
1 soup can milk
1 can (15-ounce) tomato sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
'A teaspoon oregano
'A teaspoon sugar
6 ounces mozarella cheese
'A cup Parmesan cheese
Brown ground beef in pan.
Place potatoes and onion in baking
dish; add meat. Mix soup and milk
and combine tomato sauce, salt,
pepper, oregano and sugar. Pour
on top. DO NOT STIR. Dot with
butter. Bake, covered at 375
degrees for 1 hour. Remove from
oven and arrange cheese on top.
Return to oven uncovered for
about 15 minutes until cheese is
Treats for Sweethearts
Low Cholesterol Recipes
Rebecca Sonnen
PA Dairy Princess
Frances Weaver
>ish that Is becoming, <creas. popi
vegetables and topped with a variety of sauces.
2 pounds jacket boiled potatoes,
peeled and chopped
4 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon salt
'/« teaspoon pepper
1 pint sour cream
10 ounces (2 cups) grated sharp
Cheddar cheese
'A cup chopped onion
1 can cream of chicken soup,
2 cups crushed cornflakes mixed
with % cup melted butter.
Combine potatoes and butter in
large mixing bowl. Add salt, pep
per, onion, soup, sour cream and
cheese. Blend thoroughly. Pour
into greased 9x 13-inch casserole.
Cover with crushed cornflakes
mixed with melted butter. Bake at
350 degrees for 45 minutes.
Junia E. Laughery
Crawford Co. Dairy Princess
2 cups mashed potatoes or sweet
1 cup rice, cooked
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons butter
\Vi pound spare ribs
'/j cups water
Stir together potatoes and rice.
Add seasonings and butter. Brown
the spare ribs in a Dutch oven.
Cover half of the spare ribs with a
thick layer of dressing, then place
other half on top.
Add 'A cup water. Cover and
cook slowly for 114 to 2 hours.
Betty Biehl
6 potatoes
42 cups cheese
r *V* cup butter
1 cup milk
'A cup onion
1 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
Boil potatoes in skins. Cool.
Peel and shred potatoes. Melt
cheese and butter together; add to
rest of ingredients. Bake at 350
degrees for 'A hour.
2 medium potatoes, washed and
thinly sliced
'A cup spiced mustard
1 pound part-skim mozzarella
cheese, thinly sliced
9 medium tomatoes, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon oregano, dried
1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons virgin olive oil
Spray a large skillet with non
stick spray coating. Add potatoes
and cook covered, over medium
low heat, until tender (10 to 15
minutes). Remove from heat. Pre
heat oven to 375 degrees.
Spray a 9-inch tart pan (remov
able sides) with nonstick spray
coating. Arrange potato slices over
bottom and around the sides of the
dish, overlapping potatoes to form
a decorative edge. Evenly brush
the mustard over the bottom layer
of potatoes, and top with the moz
zarella slices, covering the bottom
Beginning at the outer edge,
make a layered overlapping row of
tomato slices. Make a second row,
and then fill the center with a final
circle of tomatoes. Sprinkle the top
evenly with the oregano and garlic.
Season to taste with salt and pep
per. Drizzle with oil.
Cover edges of tart with foil.
This week’s featured recipe comes from Lois Keller, Lititz. Lois
and her husband Bob farm 235 acres, raise 400 steers and 68,000
It’s no wonder that one of Lois’ favorite recipes includes lots of
eggs for high protein.
Enjoy this easy to make recipe. To learn more about the Kellers,
look for their story in this section.
Eggs Supreme
12 pieces bread
1 dozen eggs
4 cups milk
6 slices white American cheese
1 can mushroom soup mixed with 'A cup milk
1 can spam, chopped
Place a double layer of bread ina9xl3x2-inchpan.Mix eggs and
milk together & pour over bread. Layer while American cheese
over top of egg mixture. Spread the soup mixture on top of cheese
slices. Scatter chopped spam on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
The recipe can be made and refrigerated over night before baking.
Sandra Nolt
Featured Recipe
is stuffed with
Place tart on a cookie sheet and
bake for 20 minutes at 375
degrees. Remove foil and bake 20
minutes more. Let stand for 5
minutes after removing from oven.
Serve as a main lite course with a
crisp salad.
Katherine S. Wilson
6 cups prepared mashed potatoes
Vi cup butter, softened
2 3-ounce packages cream cheese,
Vi cup grated Parmesan cheese
Vi cup shredded Cheddar cheese
'A cup choped scallions
Vi cup chopped green pepper
1 2-ounce can pimento, drained
and diced
Prepare mashed potatoes with
out butter. Turn into large bowl;
add butter and cheeses. Beat until
well blended. Add scallions, green
pepper and pimento; mix well.
Turn into 2-quart casserole; refrig
erate for several hours for flavors
to blend. Bake in preheated 350
degree oven for 1 hour or until
thoroughly heated. Garnish with
parsley. Yield: 8 to 12 servings.
Jenny Bigelow
Blair Co. Dairy Princess
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