just don’t let anything detour you, How Can You Stay (Continued from Page A2O) land. STEP 3; Do not break out highly credi ble land without an approved conservation system in place. Highly credible land not planted to an agricultural commodity dur ing the time period 1981-1985 can be used to produce crops only if the land is to be farmed in accordance with a conservation system approved by your local Soil and Water Conservation District. According to the language in the Food Security Act of 1985, the term “agricultur al commodity” applies to any crop planted and produced by annual tilling of the soil, including one-trip planters, and sugarcane. Hay crops and pasture are NOT defined as an agricultural commodity. This is of great importance in states such as Pennsylvania, in which many farmers have hay as part of their crop rotations. If a farm has fields that are predominantly highly credible that were in hay or pasture from 1981-1985, the use of such fields for crop production with out an approved conservation system in place constitutes a violation and can lead to the loss of eligibility. Even if the land was plowed down and planted in the spring of 1986, the farmer is in violation. Because hay and pasture were not defined as agricultural commodities in the Food Security Act, SCS and ASCS admi nistrators cannot simply make a change in the regulations. It will take an act of Con gress to do that Until such a time, you should exercise caution if any such land is to be planted to a crop. STEP 4: Have a conservation plan that meets the specifications of the Final Rule developed for your highly credible land by January 1,1990. Failure to do so will con stitute a violation. SCS estimates that in Pennsylvania, 12,000-14,000 conserva tion plans need to be developed or at least updated by January 1, 1990. A conserva tion plan developed for your farm several years ago may not be good enough for the purpose of meeting the specifications in Given the size of this workload, the smart farmer will seek assistance today in putting together an approved conservation plan. Waiting until 1989 could prove dis astrous. If this prevents SCS from assisting you in time, you will still be in violation. You, the landowner or land user, are responsible for getting an approved con servation plan developed. Blaming SCS after-the-fact will be a cop-out that no one will be likely to listen to. Get started now! STEP 5: Carry the plan out by January 1, 1995. Failure to do so will constitute a vio lation. You not only need to pursue the conservation work outlined in your conser vation plan by 1990, but you also need to have the conservation system specified in the plan fully implemented on your highly credible land by 1995. The plan can be flexible, allowing for change over time as long as the erosion control standards are met. There you have it In a nutshell. Society, through the U.S. Congress, is asking you to farm your land in a reasonable and respon sible way if you wish to remain eligible for various publicly provided support prog rams. You can assure yoursel of being in compliance by following the five steps described above. If you have questions, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service, Soil Conservation Service, and Agricultural Stabilization and Conserva tion Service. Watch for announcements of educational meetings your area concern ing these issues. MAD LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS Effort Underway To Repeal (ContlniMd from P«a* A 20) with this financial fiasco. Although they vary in wording, each deals with the effect that collection of the excise tax at the wholesale level has on farmers and would remedy the problem created by the Recon ciliation law. Dairy farmers must contact their legisla tors. Urge them to support this legislation. Farmers should not have to pay a tax they do not owe in the first place. Your rep resentatives in Washington need to hear that message. tion point for the diesel excise tax from the retail level to the wholesale level. While fanners retain tax-free status for off highway use, they must now pay the diesel excise tax at the time of purchase and then file for a refund. This change requires farmers, although exempt from the tax for off-road use, to incur the expense of the tax up front, increasing initial production costs. Increasing up front costs will cause cash flow problems for many, which may lead to increasing interest costs as farmers require more money to handle farm fuel requirements. To date at least four bills have been introduced in the House and Senate to deal Guernsey Come Out For the thud, consecutive summary, Guernsey first-evaluation Al-sampled sires excelled in relation to the other major dairy breeds. The 20 first-proof Al sampled bulls have a Predicted Difference (PD) average of +S2BM +23F +s6B +I3P +S62CY. The fust-evaluation AI bull information provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows the average Guernsey young sire outdistancing the nearest breeds by +lB PD$ or 36 percent. Table 1. First-evaluation Predicted Difference average* of AI bulla for each bread. No. of Breed Bulla POM PDF PD$ PDP CY$ Guernsey 20 528 23 68 13 62 Holstein 600 483 13 SO 9 39 Jersey 38 409 16 50 6 36 Brown Swiss 10 397 16 49 4 30 Ayrshire 3 21 2 4 -4 -3 Commenting on the success of genetic advancement in the breed, American Guernsey Association (AGA) Executive from saving 6% at Pioneer Days. At Pioneer, we’re going out of our way to make this year’s Pioneer Days the best ever. For starters, you can save 6% on Pioneer®brand products just by paying for your order during Pioneer Days. In addition, you could also qualify for a free gift. Plus there are additional programs that can save you even more on Pioneer products. And we’ll even have free coffee and donuts. So whatever it takes, make sure you make it to Pioneer Days And don’t let anything come between you and substan tial savings. Pioneer Days, February 22-27 PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL INC PIONEER s brand products are sold sublet to the terms and conditions of sale which are part of the labelmgand sale documents Pioneer is a brand name numbers identify products "Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 6, 1988-A2l IRS Issues Free Tax Guide For Farmers A free publication, designed to explain how tax laws apply to fanning, is available by writing or calling the Internal Revenue Service. Young Sires On top Again Secretary-Treasurer Erick Metzger stated, “These bulls were sampled when the aver age PD$ value for active-AI sires was below $6O. This means that breeders using young sires were introducing better gene tics into their herds than if they just used average proven AI sires.” Twelve of these bulls were proven through AGA-administered young-sire proving groups, including Flambeau Admiral Crusader who ranks 15th on the Guernsey Active-AI list Organizations such as Mid-Atlantic Guernsey Sires (MAGS), Dairybelt Guernsey Sires (DCS), Lake Central Guernsey Sires (LCGS) and Western Guernsey Sires (WGS) work with the major Al organiza tions as regional young-sire proving groups. The American Guernsey Association is the national organization for the registra tion and promotion of Guernsey cattle and is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. PIONEER. BRAND • PRODUCTS Des Moines lowa USA ©1987