f idlest) \ PENNFIELD DAIRY / FEEDS S s 0^ WE DESIGN YOUR DAIRY RATION TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Pennfield’s new Mt. Joy feed mill has a feed production line specifically designed by Pennfield to produce PFR (Precision Formulated Rations) custom formulated dairy feeds balanced for each dairyman’s feeding program. This customized ration will be pelleted to prevent separation of vitamins and minerals from the feed ingredients. The ration will be balanced to meet specific needs such as PROTEIN, BY-PASS PROTEIN, MINERALS, STARCH LEVEL, ADDED FAT, NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), PALATABILITY, TOTAL RATION DENSITY, and FEEDING PROGRAM PROFITABILITY. “NO CHARGE” TESTING LAB. Pennfield’s Forage Testing Lab is certified by the NAHTA (National Alfalfa Hay Testing Assoc.) Forage results mailed directly to the farm. Professionally formulated dairy feeding programs Precision formulated rations balanced to individual dairy farm’s forage program. Order dept, open 24 hours per day Monday 5 AM through Saturday 5 AM. Answering service on weekends. #5OB #50820 16% Golden Flake 20% Golden Flake $159.28 Net/Ton Includes 8 ton volume discount and cash discount of I'A % due 15th following month Prices effective Jan. 25, 1988 and subject to change with gram markets. Deduct additional $3.00 per ton if paid in 10 days DAIRY RATION BALANCED FOR EACH DAIRY FARM PENNFIELD DAIRY PROGRAM PLUSES: $180.26 Nctn'on - CERTIFIED FORAGE From PA 1-800-732-0467 Mt. Joy Mill - Built To Meet YOUR Needs #533 Pellet 32% Dairy Cone. $236.12 Nct/Ton pennfield feeds Quality Service Value Grain exchange program for Com - Barley - Oats No hauling charge for grain exchange customers Dairy Terms: 2'A % Cash Discount - due 15tb of following month. , Well trained “Dairy Service Specialists” who can work with you to help solve problems when they occur. ' Feed quality guaranteed #538 Meal 38% Dairy Cone. $258.57 Nct/Ton #578 Maximum Density Beans-Beet Pulp Top Dress $216.06 Bulk/Net From MD, NJ, DE 1-800-233-0202