NN JERSEY PRODUCTS IS PROUD TO BE PART OF E AGRICULTURE-THE EVOLUTION OF EXCELLENCE” Stop by Penn Jersey’s booth (#270-273) for information on our special program on pre-owned Harvestore® haylage structures! “0% Financing” Till Feb. 1, 1989! The results you may achieve wuh your Harveslore* System depend primarily upon your management skills and may vary from successful results achieved by others.. Any application to a particular farming operation requires the advice of qualified experts and is subject to limitations of good management, weather and other conditions present at the individual location. 1 Creek, PA 17-483(6940 Yoder, Mgr, 1988 PA Take advantage of an extraordinary program that allows you to use your Harvestore System for 1988's haylage- with no payment until February 1989! NOTE: Availability of financing subject to credit approval. This offer may be withdrawn at any time. New Enterprise, PA Newvllle, PA 814-766-2364 717-776-3397 Ken Bupp, Mgr. SERVICE IS THE KEY! Maynard McCullough, Mgr. \m im tm Sh SUB-STATIONS SERVING YOU FROM at the FARM SHOW 30 offio Columbus, NJ 609-298-7136 Charles Van Mater, Mgr,