Your body will be every so grateful if, when you sit down' to Christmas dinner this year, you trim away fat, calories and choles terol along with your holiday turkey. Holiday feasts are typically laden with high-calorie foods that are high in fat and unnecessary protein as well, says Mark A. Kan tor, nutrition specialist with the University of Maryland Coopera tive Extension Service. An extra buttery popover here, a second helping of pie, another dollop of sour cream on your potatoes-it all adds up to calories that most of us just don’t need. “Very simply, if you eat too many calories, you’re going to gain weight,” says Dr. Kantor. Armstrong FARM MUSCLE —Mf > jaw We Install Tires On Your Farm • Centre Hall • Williamsport • Sunbury • Allentown • North Penna. • New Jersey • Northern Maryland Armstrong FARM MUSCLE Armstrong FARMTIREi Hi Power Lug Service Available.... Call For Quote! Trim Fat From Your Holiday Feasting “Most people do tend to put on a pound or two during the holidays.” Consuming 3,500 extra calories will add a pound to your frame. By the same token, losing a pound means that 3,500 calories must be stricken from your diet over a few days. But the more important thing to know, says Kantor, is the source of those calories~did they come from fat or from carbohydrates? Fat, he says, has more than twice as many calories per gram as protein or carbohydrates. You can eat the same amount of fatty foods as car bohydrates, gram for gram, and actually be consuming more than twice the calories! That’s why it’s so easy to let the calories get out of hand when eating fatty foods. All Orders Over *2SO Delivered Free To Your Forml (Orders Under $250... Only A Small Extra Fee), Ask About Our 5 Year Guarantee On Rear Tires Strongest In The Country 11.2x24, 4 Ply 11.2x24, « Ply 14.9x24, 4 Ry 14.9x24, 6 Ply 14.9x24, ( Ply 16.9x24, 6 my 16.9x24, I Ply 14.9x26, 6 Ply 18.4x26, 6 Ply 23.1x26, 6 Ply 11.2x28, 4 Ply 124x38, 4 Ply 13.6x26, 4 Ply 13.6X28, 6 my 13.6x28, 6 my 14.9X26, 4 Ply 14.9x26, 6 Ply 16.9x28, 6 Ply 16.9x28, 8 Ply 16.9x30, 6 Ply 18.4x28, 6 Ply 18.4x30, 6 Ply 23.1X30, 8 Ply 24.5x32, 10 Ply 16.9x34, 6 Ply 164x34, 6 Ply 164x34, 8 Ply 20.8x34, 6 Ply 20.8x34, 8 my 23.1x26, 10 Ply 23.1x34, 8 Ply 11.2x38, 4 Ply 124x38, 4 Ply 13.6x38, 4 Ply 13.6x38, 6 Ply 14.9x38, 6 Ply. . .. 165x38, 6 Ply 15 5x38, 8 Ply 16.9x36, 6 Ply 169x38, 8 Ply 164x38, 6 Ply 18.4x38, 8 Ply 208x38, 8 Ply In the long run, high-fat diets contribute to heart disease and cancer-the two leading health risks for Americans. So it’s clear that fat is one item to trim out of your diet Too much protein is another, Kantor says. Protein is more difficult for the body to absorb than either car bohydrates or fat The kidneys work hard to process the nitrogen in protein. A chronically higlf protein diet can strain the kidneys and even lead to kidney disease. High-protein foods often are high in fat as well. For example, foods such as hamburger, cheese and milk are good sources of pro tein. But they also are high-fat foods and better kept to a Armstrong Loader- Dozer * TUBELESS ★ 18.9x24, 8 Ply *288.00 16.9X24, 10 Ply *330.00 1751x24, 6 Ply ..*245.00 17.5x24, 8 Ply *270.00 155x25, 12 Ply *310.00 17.5 x2S, 12 Ply *440.00 19.51x24, 10 Ply *390.00 19.51x24, 12 Ply *430.00 121x24, 12 Ply *500.00 20 5x25, 12 Ply (843.00 23 5x25, 12 Ply *l*o.oo 23 5x25, 16 Ply *1,000.00 Armstrong ★ TUBE TYPE ★ 14.9x24, 6 Ply *200.00 14.9x24, 8 Ply *220.00 16.9x24, 6 Ply *220.00 16.9x24, 8 Ply (235.00 16.9x24, 10 Ply (2(0.00 17.51x24, 8 Ply. 180x28, ( Ply... 184x28, 10 Ply. 285x25, 12 Ply. 23.5x25, 18 Ply 1300x24, 10 P|y. 1300x24, 12 Ply 1400x24, 10 P1y...... 1400x24, 12 Ply FRONT TRACTOR Shipped UPS - No Charge! ★ 3-RIB * 400-12 400-15 400-10, 4 Ply... 600-15 650-16, 4 Ply... 550-16. 6 P1y.... 600-14. 6 P1y.... 600-16, 4 P1y.... 600-16, 6 P1y.... 650-16, 6 P1y.... 76L-15, 6 P1y.... 760-16, 8 Ply... 760-16, 6 P1y.... 750-18, 6 P1y.... 760-20, 6 P1y.... 9-SL-IS, 6 Ply... 8.5 L-15. 6 Ply... 10.00-16, 6 Ply. lILxIS, 8, Ply... 1100-16, 8 Ply.. 14L-16.1, 8 Ply. ★ 4-Rm ★ 11L-16, 8 Ply 1000-16, 6 Ply 10.00- (TL), 6 Ply... 10.00- (TL). 8 Ply... 11.00- 6 Ply 11.00- (TL), 6 Ply... 11.00- 8 Ply 11.00- cry. 8 Ply... 14L-16.1 (TL). 6 Ply... 14L-16.1, 8 Ply 105 L-16.1 (TL). 6 Ply ★ 5-RIB * 1100*16, 12 Ply, Tubatype 1100*16, 12 Ply, TuMm* Small Rear Farm Tires 780x20, ♦ Ply 151. K 760x24, 4 Ply *04.00 03x24, 4 Ply *02.00 03x24, 4 Ply *02.00 11.2x34, 4 Ply *142.00 11.2x30, 4 Ply *144.00 124x24, 4 Ply *123.00 123x30, 4 Ply *l*o.oo 13.0x30, 0 Ply *200.00 Uncastr Farminfl, Thursday, Dacamber 24, 1987-819 mmimum-except, perhaps, skim milk and skim-milk cheese. Fat is rarely a problem in car bohydrates such as fresh veget ables, fruits, and whole-grain breads. It’s the butter and jams, syrups and sauces that we put on top of those foods that counteract their healthful qualities, Kantor says. “Holiday dining doesn’t have to be a pig-out,” he declares. “There’s no reason why you can’t stick to reasonable amounts of food-while also cutting back on calories-if you’re part of the food preparation team.” Try these cooking hints to lower fat, calories and sodium in your holiday meal: .. *24800 ...826800 340.00 ..Call For Quota ..(225.00 ...(245.00 ..(25800 ...*2(800 622.00 624.00 620.00 631.00 63000 63000 652.00 637.00 641.00 ......642.00 65000 ......654.00 65000 684.00 677.00 ......655.00 ......66000 68000 jsfl^^pMSTRONG' *75.00 ...611000 .... 616000 6BOOO .....68000 6*ooo ...610000 ...610000 ...611000 ...610000 ...612000 ...618000 ...6164.00 ...625000 .$135.00 $150.00 TURKEY Avoid pre-basted and “butterball” varieties which have hydrogenated oil added under the skin. Cool turkey on a rack so that fat will drain off. Order plain or fresh turkey. Baste only in broth or apple juice. Roast covered for juiciness. GRAVY Avoid gravies made with butter, flour or drippings. Use broth from turkey; chill or use separator to skim fat For a low-fat gravy, mix one tablespoon cornstarch and one tablespoon skimmed turkey broth in saucepan. Then stir in one full (Turn to Pago B 20) CONTRACTOR F-3 111x15. • Ply 5U.00 llLxie. • Ply 1*2.00 lILxIO. 10 Ply *N.OO 750 500x16. 10 Ply WO.OO 11Lx1«, 12 Ply -*130.00 145 - 75 • 16.1, 10 Ply 3 WriEELi TIRES 20x7.00-8 S3S.U 21x7.004 $3340 22x11.004.... 93041 22x8.00-10. $40.78 22x11.00-10 $454$ 25x12-8. $54.71 18x9504 $3040 0,3«24 ll BJSkM 14.8x24, 6 Pty 18,8x24, • Ply 18.4x18.1, 6 Ply 184x26, 8 Ply 13.8x28, 6 Ply .rioooo .1112.00 *2OOOO .*2lOOO *245.00 *3*ooo *22000 SKID LOADER TIRES 870x12, 4 Ply 23.850x12, 4 P|y 27.860x15, 4 P1y.... 27.850x15, 8 Ply 27.1060x15k 8 Ply 700x15, 8 Ply 750x16. 8 Ply 10-18.5, 8 Ply. 12-18.5, 8 Ply. •MM ShM 10-IS.S, • Ply Above Tires Shipped To You FREE •» $221.00 USED GRASS TIRES IN STOCKI moo 547.00 - $51.00 50540 570.00 505.00 soo.oo —soo.oo sl2slOO 505.00