MILK REPLACER VALUE AND PERFORMANCE HAVE JUST REACHED NEW HEIGHTS. Nurse Chow® 100™ Nurse Chow® 200™ More than 400,000 of today’s better cows got a Nurse Chow start. Over the years, these two Nurse Chows have shown they can be counted on to produce healthy calves that develop into healthy cows. Each formula has been developed to deliver the optimum combination of nutrition and medication. Included in the nutrients is 22% protein and 12% fat. There are 10 essential minerals in Nurse Chow, plus at least 301. U. of Vitamin E, 5,0001. U. Vitamin D, and 30,000 I.U. of Vitamin A per pound. Nurse Chow® 100™ High Energy Formula Nurse Chow® 200™ High Energy Formula Extra energy to help boost weight gains in those important early days. Free-Choice Nurse Chow® A totally different milk replacer and a totally different way to feed it. For many dairy operations, a calf feeding program that isn’t tied to the clock offers big advantages. Free-Choice Nurse Chow has been developed specifically to meet this need. Once it has been mixed and placed in the calf pen, you can forget about calf feeding chores for up to two full days. Of course, good management of the calf operation is still needed to maintain healthy calves. A free-choice milk replacer must maintain high palatability for an extended time. It must stay in suspension to ensure that the last drop will be as nutritious as the first. Free-Choice Nurse Chow satisfies these requirements and more. Purina has never made a milk replacer with so many features and benefits. ——SEE THE FOLLOWING PURINA DEALERS FOR DETAILS ABOUT A TOTAL HERD REPLACEMENT PROGRAM... ALBRIGHTS MILL P.O. Box 195 Kempton, PA 19529 215-756-6022 P START ’EM Introducing Purina Mills’ about the NEW High Energy expanded line of milk Formulas and Free Choice replacers that now offers you Nurse Chow®. Feeds Designed With You In Mind! ANTHONY’S FEED MILL P.O. Box 212 Strausstown, PA 1^559 215-488-6211 In addition, Nurse Chow 100 and Nurse Chow 200 contain the dual antibiotic protection of oxytctracycline and neomycin. These antibiotics have proven efficacy against scours and certain other common diseases. When used as directed, Nurse Chow provides 50 milligrams of oxytctracycline and 105 milligrams of neomycin per gallon, the levels generally recommended for maintaining good calf health. Nurse Chow 100 derives its protein from an all-milk base. It has less fiber than many competitive milk replacers, a feature which some users find desirable. Nurse Chow 200 is the logical alternative for those who look for maximum value. This milk replacer gets its protein from a combination of milk and vegetable (soy isolate) sources. No milk replacer delivers better value. If you belivc in using a maximum energy milk replacer, these two new Nurse Chows provide the added nutrition needed. Each utilizes the same protein sources as its regular Nurse Chow counterpart, but fat has been increased to a 20% level. This additional energy can produce accelerated weight gains that translate into ability to breed at an earlier age, and a better chance for sustained good health once in the milking string. The extra performance built into Nurse Chow 100 High Energy formula and Nurse Chow 200 High Energy formula isn’t the best alternative for every dairy farm. But for those situations where all-out growth and development is desired, nothing with less capability will do. Acidified. Free-Choice Nurse Chow has a low pH which helps prevent over consumption at each nursing, and thus reduces the chance of bloating. Acidification also keeps the formula fresh, improves protein assimilation, and inhibits growth of pathogenic bacteria (such as E. coli) in the digestive tract —a valuable aid in scours control. High-performance nutrition. Frcc-Choice Nurse Chow has an all-milk base; lactose is the sole carbohydrate. This emphasis on milk ingredients provides natural nutrient sources and easy digestibility. The guaranteed analysis includes 20% protein and 14% fat. Like any new management tool, Free-Choice Nurse Chow should be carefully considered by every dairy farm. Free choice isn’t always the best choice. But for operations that want to replace twice-a-day feedings and inflexible schedules with a less demanding routine, Free-Choice Nurse Chow makes it possible. Because free-choice feeding requires changes in the way calves are handled, Purina Mills has developed a total management program which makes this innovative concept easier to adopt. Your local Purina dealer or District Sales Representative will be pleased to discuss ad lib feeding, and the sanitation and other management practices required to make it work. K & K FEED, INC. 23 N. Park St. Richland, PA 17087 717-866-6015 * Trade Mark - Ralston Purina Co. UMBERGER’S OF FONTANA R.D. 4 - Box 545 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-867-5424 PURINA MILLS, INC.