84-LancatMr Farming. Saturday, Dacambar 12, 1987 Mother and Daughter (Continued from Pago B 2) wreaths of all sizes, strung on wire, and she made garlands, strung on ribbon. One craft Evelyn made which did not use apples was a ribbon wreath, with small folds of ribbon attached to a straw wreath with a floral pick. Evelyn said it took 20 yards of ribbon per wreath, but these can be done in colors other than Christmas colors to fit any decor. A mauve and silver wreath was very distinctive in the dispaly. She also found some tiny artifi- Ida’s Notebook Ida Kisser Books, books and more books. The world is full of them. Libraries have hundreds of thousands of them. They cover every subject Some books are interesting and some quite boring. I really enjoy reading, when I’m reading I can’t be baking a pump kin pie or cleaning a room. I’m constantly tom between reading the newspaper and cooking some thing like a big chicken and waffle meal. The food usually wins. Somehow I accumulate a stack of unread magazines and papers which eventually have to be dis carded. And that usually happens when we are expecting company and a foot high pile of papers does nothing good for the decor of the livingroom. Recently I was hunting for a par ticular book containing records of the Oregon Mill 1836 to 1844. I needed it for an article that I was writing: I finally found it on the lower shelf of a table. Beside, the book lay my Grandmother Land is’s geography book published in ARROW Your Best Defense Against the Major Alfalfa Diseases for Top Yields. • Very high yield potential. • Drought tolerant • Good leaf retention. • Excellent color. P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN, PA PH: 7 ONE OF AMU|p Nkkcnoa AMtrktn PUnl Breeden Inc ,PO Bon 2955, >j|iilm>, KS 66201 Uj, Plant Viiidv Protection or applied (or NAP® affalfa varieties. Unauthoriaad ■ekiplicatioo prohibited. The DtacUiater pf Warranty and Li Station