AIRGINI4 MARKETS Shenandoah. VaUey Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Sat., Nov. 28, 1987 Report supplied by auction FEEDER CATTLE TREND: STEADY. STEERS: M&L-l 300-500 LBS. 81.00-89.00; 500-700 LBS. 73.00-78.00; 700-1000 LBS. 8-900 70.00. S-LAM&L-2 300-500 LBS. 75.0084.00; 500700 LBS. ATTENTION FARMERS EVERY MONDAY HATFIELD PACKING CO. and MOYER PACKING CO> Will Receive Your Hogs and Cattle at the DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET RO 4, Danville, PA • We will receive your hogs from 8 AM to 12 Noon every Monday. Your hogs will be weighed and paid for immediately. • We will also accept your sows & boars. • Your cattle will be received from 12:30 to 5 P.M. We will either pay you for your cattle immediately or you-may sell them dressed weight. • There will not be a commission or yardage fee deducted from your check. • You may call our office Monday morning and we will be able to tell you the base price for hogs for the day. MELVIN M. LEHMAN - Owner Danville Buying Station Phone:7l7-275-2880 Green Dragon Livestock Sales ip? J Location: Ephrata RD 4. 1 mile N. on North State St, Ephrata. c o* s cows % SALE EVERY FRIDAY Lots of good Northern Feeder & Stockers. Slaughter Cows - Bull Steer, Veal-lamb. 11:00 A.M.-Beef Sale 200-300 each week. 1:00P.M.-Dairy Sale. 7:00 P.M.-Small Animal Sale. For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733-2444, Home 717-838-4318. WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor All out of state and new buyers must have cash or certified check or current letter of credit from bank. SWINE PRODUCTION SALES AND SERVICE Co* Feeding Programs And Services To Meet Your Individual Needs Computerized Record Keeping System Grain Purchasing And Exchange f Livestock market and auction news 70.00, 700-1000 LBS. 63.00. FEEDER BULLS: M&L-l 300-500 LBS. 75.00-81.00, 500-700 LBS. 73.00. HEIFERS: M&L-l 300-500 LBS. 68.0073.50; 500-700 LBS. 63.00-67.50. S-L&M&L-2 300-500 LBS. 65.00. STOCK COWS: BEEF: 530.00550.00; BABY CALVES: 25.00-125.00. SLAUGHTER COWS TREND: STEADY. UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 2-4 39.0046.00; CANNER & CUTTERS BUYING STATION OPEN TO RECEIVE YOUR MARKET HOGS AT THE GREEN DRAGON MARKET RD4, EPHRATA, PA 17522 1 MILE NORTH OF EPHRATA ON NORTH STATE STREET. HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY 7:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. 215-458-5677 Residence 717-733-9648 Office 215-458-5677 Residence 717-733-9648 Office YOU ARE PAID FOR YOUR HOGS IMMEDIATELY Ken & Lois Emery, Proprietors ARE YOU FLUSHING DOLLARS? Are you flushing your hard earned money on a man- ure management system that -will prove to be inadequate for your needs? Wouldn’t you like to be sure you’re spending money on an effective program, rather than just a program. When you need answers to your needs without pure sales talk - contact U S Agri-Systems. The prime objec tive at U S Agri- Supplying Farm Fresh Feeder Pigs Marketing and Hedging Marketing of Genesis Breeding Stock Developing Individual Financial Programs 1-3 34.00-40.00. SLAUGHTER BULLS 47.00-53.00. LAMBS: TREND: SLAUGHTER 154 HIGHER; FEEDERS STEADY TO $5 HIGHER. BLUE O HIGH CHOICE & PRIME 64.00; RED O CHOICE 67.00- FEEDER LAMBS CHOICE 76.00- SLAUGHTER EWES 21.50. HOGS: BUTCHER HOGS 40.00-42.00; SOWS 1-3 38.00. VEALS: GOOD 79.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: GOOD CHOICE 71.00. Systems is to pro vide you with straight talk about your needs and your budget. State of the art equip ment backed by 15 years experience will give you the confidence of doing the right thing. Contact U S Agri-Systems and plug the* leak of spending too much money on an inadequate manure manage-- ment system 1-800-222-2948. Services Carlot Pork De< Moines, lows Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1987 Includes major production areas in mid west as of 3:OOPM. 1 &2 Compared Tuesdays 3:PM close: Fresh Poik Loins 14-18# steady to 1.50 lower, Boston Butts steady to 2.00 lower, Sknd Hams 17-20 lbs. .50-1.00 higher, 20-26 lbs. uneven, generally 2.00 higher, Sdls Bellies weak to 1.00 lower. Trade active for moderate to good demand and moderate offerings. US #2 175 LB HOG CARCASS DECLINED (.16) TO $58.85 P/CWT. LOADS PORK CUTS 100.50. LOADS TRIM/PROCESS PORK 19.00. PORK CUTS FOB OMAHA BASIS LOINS, REGULAR, FRESH 14-18 LBS. 34.0 LDS. 70.00 - 76.00, m 73-73.5. 18-22 LBS. 4.0 LDS. 67.00 - 69.00. BNLS. CENTER CUT LOIN 1.0 LD. 166.00 -179.00. TENDERLOINS 2/BAG 0.5 LD. 260.00. PICNICS 4-8 LBS. 1.0 LD. 45.00. 8/UP LBS 44.00 C. BOSTON BUTTS 4-8 LBS. 2.5 LDS. 57.50 - 58.00. SPARERIBS, FRESH 1.5- LBS. 1.5 LDS. 103.00 -103.25. 3.5- LBS. 0.5 LD. 81.00. SPARERIBS, FROZEN 1.5- LBS. 1.0 LD. 103.50. 3.5- LBS. 83.00 D. LOIN BACKRIBS 1.5/DN LBS. 225.00 A. 1.75/DN LBS. 0.5 LD. 228.00. 1.75-2.25 LBS. 185.00 C. HAMS, SKINNED, FRESH 14-17 LBS. 101.00 E. 17-20 LBS. 28.5 LDS. 89.00 - 93.00 jn 89-91. 20-26 LBS. 8.5 LDS. 78.00 - 81.00. 26-32 LBS. 0.5 LD. 70.00. 32/UP LBS. 1.0 LD. 70.50. BELLIES, SDLS, SKIN ON, FRESH 10-12 LBS. 42.00 B. 12-14 LBS. 2.0 LDS. 43.50 - 45.50. 14-16 LBS. 3.0 LDS. 43.50 - 45 50 16-18 LBS. 3.0 LDS. 42.50. 18-20 LBS. 5.0 LDS. 33.25 - 34.50, 20-25 LBS. 4.0 LDS. 30.00 - 31.50. PORK TRIMMINGS/ BONELESS PROCESSING PORK (CHEMICAL LEAN) COMBO 42% FRESH 7.0 LDS. 25.25 - 26.50. BOXED FROZEN 29.00 A. COMBO 72% FRESH 6.5 LDS. 61.00 - 64.00, m 61-61.5. BOXED FROZEN 1.0 LD. 64.00. BONELESS PICNIC MEAT COMBO 72% FRESH 3.5 LDS, 63.00 - HOSTETTER PORK Wanted To Buy Crippled and Disabled Sows and Boars Hogs Slaughtered For Federal Inspection PHONE 717-274-7609 66.00. BOXED 72% FRZN 67.00 A. SKINNED JOWLS COMBO FRESH 19.00 E. BOXED FROZEN 1.0 LD. 22.50. CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS HAMS, SMOKED, SKINNED, WATER ADDED 16-19 LBS. 104.00 -124.00. 19-23 LBS. 101.00 -116 00. PICNICS, SMOKED, WATER ADDED 4-7 LBS. 61.00 - 81.00. BACON, SLICED, VAC. PACK 1# PKG 94.00 -158.00. ABCDE AFTER QUOTES REPRE SENT DAYS SINCE LAST ACTUAL MARKET TEST. QUOTES ARE DROPPED AFTER 5 DAYS OF NO TEST OR BEFORE IF THEY NO LONGER REFLECT CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS. East Coast Carlot , Princeton, NJ Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1987 EAST COAST CARLOT MEAT TRADE DELIVERED PRICES (CAP) BOSTON TO WASHINGTON AREA INCLUSIVE. COMPARED TO TUESDAY’S CLOSE: LIMITED SUPPLIES OF CHOICE AND PRIME SPECIAL FED VEAL 3.00 TO 4.00 HIGHER. GOOD AND CHOICE BONING VEAL GENER ALLY STEADY WITH MONDAY’S LAST TEST; NO SALES REPORTED FOR INSHIPPED. CHOICE AND PRIME LAMB NOT ESTABLISHED EARLY; STEADY TO FIRM UNDERTONE. VEAL CARCASS-HIDE ON CHOICE AND PRIME (SPECIAL FED) 100 HEAD 220-280 LBS 204.00-205.00, 3 00-4.00 HIGHER. GOOD AND CHOICE BONING TYPE • HIDE ON NORTHEASTERN SUPPLIERS 675 HEAD GENERALLY STEADY WITH MONDAY 65-75 LBS 116.00-120 00, 55-64 LBS 112.00-116.00, 45-54 LBS 108.00-112.00,35-44 LBS 104.00-108.00, 34 LBS DWN 102.00-106. RUI LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMRLCTE AND UR TO DATE MARKET REPORTS