Vermont Senator Proposes Regional Dairy Policy WASHINGTON. D.C.—Sena tor Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chair man of the Senate"-Agriculture Committee today introduced one of the most sweeping reform prop osals since the dairy program was created in the 1930’5. “I am introducing this bill” Leahy stated, “because I am con cerned about trends that I see in milk production that are distorting the intention of the 1985 Farm Bill, which was to hold down milk pro duction and thus the cost of the dairy program. “A program designed to save the family dairy farm by reducing excessive supply, may inadver tently hurt family fanners, while rewarding excessive production on huge farms. “We must have a regional dairy program, because in most regions, the goals of the Farm Bill have been met Production is either down or level. But there are some THE LANCASTER CO. RELIABLES Lancaster Ford Tractor Us GARDEN 5.9% FORD FINANCING UP TO 60 MONTHS I m Is] M M notable exceptions to this pattern. In a few areas, milk production is skyrocketing. In California for instance, September USDA fig ures show a 12 percent expansion.” In introducing the Dairy Farm Protection Act Leahy laid out the three goals of the legislation. * We have to hold down the cost of the dairy program. * We must protect dairy farm ing across this country. * We must have a fair program. “Here is the problem facing the dairy industry now. If the govern ment buys more than five billion pounds of milk product, the Sec retary of Agriculture must lower the price support level by 50 cents a year as a penalty for excessive production. (The government supports dairy prices by purchasing excess pro duction. In addition to its price support role, this purchase is a type nouMop Oiwasl LAWN & EQUIPMENT FORD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YEAR-END CLEARANCE SALE LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, INC. of “national milk security reserve” hj s & f o u ows; to meet the needs of our school “The basic structure and trigger lunch and other nutrition under the Farm Bill will remain programs.) intact The Government could con- “Many dairy farmers see this price cut coming but they rightly feel that they do not deserve it. In his remarks Leahy described why these farmers believe that these cuts are unfair: “For most of the country, including Vermont production is down. These farmers have-not increased their production. So why are they facing this cut? Because of a decision that a dairyman, in some other state, is making to expand his production. “That is not fair,” Leahy empha sized, “and I want to do something about it “We will be seeing a change in the whole structure of the dairy industry in the years to come in a way that the Congress never intended.” In his remarks, Leahy outlined • Pedal Tractors UfR. ** • Backhoes • Farm Sets •Implements • Radio Controlled Tractors yV" • Cars NEW HOLLAN SKID LOAI tREE FINANCE'TILL MAY 1, 1988 QE LOW A.P.R. FINANCING 0% FOR. 12 MONTHS OR FORD CASH SAVINGS sss tinue to buy up to five billion pounds of product with no impact on the price support level. But instead of using continuing price cuts to keep government costs in line, I want to move in a new direction.” “We need more local control over dairy policy, so I am propos ing that we divide the country, into basic dairy regions. Each region would have a board of local pro ducers and each region would have a CCC base. That is, each region would be assigned an amount of allowable CCC sales, based on the average of what that region sold to the government over the past two years.” “If the region does not increase its sales to the government, the price support would not be cut. TOY SALE -4 AU Die-Cast Metal Toys Are REDUCED 10% Including Collector’s Edition CASH SAVINGS k/Wv / /vAAAA^A/WVVVVvVVv' f LET US DEMONSTRATE SvvWWVVVVVva/MVVVVA^ QR 1655 Rohrerstown Road, Lancaster, PA Flory Mill Exit off Rt. 283 (717)569-7063 The Home Of The Reliables FORD WAIVER OF FINANCE TIL JUNE 1. 1988 However, if the region sold more to the government next year, then the producers would have to pay an assessment on the increase. “Under this plan, we would no longer use across-the-board price cuts to achieve control over pro duction. We would give more con trol to the local producers, and we would hold down the cost to the American taxpayer. “My bill would allow some experimentation within regions if the producers wanted to hold down government sales, and thus avoid paying an assessment. The Pro ducer Board could poll local dairy men on various program alterna tives, from product promotion to production control proposals. “Each region would be respon sible for itself. No longer would dairy farmers in one region be pen alized by overproduction in some other area of the country.. FORD NEW HOLLANC