> Leon Ressler takes a sample of manure at a local pig farm. HARVEST THE SAVINGS AT E.M. HERR >► TERRAMYCIN CRUMBLES Pfizer Active Ingredients: Terramycin (oxytetracycline) 2 gm/lb Vitamin A Vitamin 03 m * mMnt MILK REPLACER 24/10 $14.99 so ib. 20/20 $22.99 so ib 20/20 $29.99 so >b ALL MILK h REPLACER 1 SilJm NclWl J ; - * inn Mtm mm mh wiwintii W IMMHNIIHMIM laiuuj %<£>* «e e \ . y New FROSTEXII Heating Cable FUSE PLUG KIT $2.99 * v «%k. We Will Not Be Under Sold! SPEEDY CORN CRIBS • Easy to Erect • Rods Instead of Bolts On Wire Mesh SAVE NOW’ $949 250 000 U S P units 25,000 I C units $9.99/50 lb. EHTL FARM TOYS CHECK OUR COMPLETE LINE AT DISCOUNT PRICES **'' t y*'*' * ~ * " 'i . ** ?* k/: • "wry* 1 m I Hi) wi3Sa- I .iisszr tCALF STARTER 18% $5.19/50 n». ■■ r\ safer won t overheat even when overlapped use on any pipe, even plastic more reliable new design for long life regulates its own heat output without a thermostat cut it to any length 89 /it. Ressler Heads Up (Continued from Pago A 1) Water Program and offers free soil and manure testing. The test results are plugged into a computer along with the farmer’s manage ment practices to devise a plan that tells the fanner how much manure to apply and when to spread it in order to increase crop yields. Ressler considers his work to be part of a voluntary educational program for farmers. “The chal lenge for us is to find ways to address the water-quality problem through education. The problem can be improved if farmers have the'information they need.” The problem with the water is its level of nitrates: water samples taken in the Eastern Lancaster County area exceed the maximum amount considered safe for human consumption. This excess can be attributed to the improper use of manure and commercial fertilizer. Ressler and Stoltzfus are working to alleviate this problem. In some cases, farmers need only to stop buying additional fer tilizer, their livestock’s manure being high enough in nutrients for their crops. But for those with more live stock than their land can support, the answer lies in part in applying less manure, either less often or in smaller quantities. “Farmers buy ing lots of feed probably have the most serious problem with excess o JUST ONE BITE 35 $/pk. Your Choice ( \ $1.29e«. Plow the back forty on the kitchen table Whether you are a real life farmer or an apartment dweller you II find THE FARMING GAMF to be a very accurate description of the busl ness risks and gamble of farming In an easy to play formal that can make' ~>u laugh even in (he midst of financial disasters nutrients,” said Ressler. “Most of the nutrients in feed stays on the farm it’s not converted to ani mal product In these cases, we encourage the farmer to take the extra manure to rent, sell it, or even give it away.” A big issue in nutrient manage ment is what to do with the addi tional manure. It is, according to Ressler, a problem yet to be solved. “One option for farmers with a facility problem is to investigate Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service contracts where the government shares the cost for building a storage contain er,” Ressler commented. “If the problem is an excess of manure SOUTHAMPTON, Pa.— Michael H. Philipp, Kennedyville, Md., was elected president of the Kennedyville Local of Atlantic Dairy Cooperative District 10 at the local’s annual meeting Sept. 17. W. Kent Dulin Jr., also of Ken- ANTI-FREEZE $3. 19 /Gal. IN CASE LOTS $2.99/g.l 25 Gal. Or More HEAT LAMPS 125 W & 250 W Clear D-CON READY MIX 1 lb $2.99 4 lb $7.99 6 lb $10.99 Pellets 1 1b..., $2.99 Lim.NS 10/1.5 oz. pks. • $3.89 Till? ARMING GAME $17.99 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1987-A3l Atlantic Local Elects Philipp President R6DDY Heaieß • R 35 ..35,000 BTU Kerosene • R50...50.000 BTU Kerosene $169.99 • R70...70.000 BTU Kerosene $209.99 • R100...100.000 BTU Kerosene $249.99 • R150...150.000 BTU Kerosene $319.99 We Sell Kerosene - Only 894 Per GaL and no where to put it, then there is no certain solution.” Part of the problem in dealing with extra manure is that should a buyer be found for it, the cost of transportation is usually more than the manure’s nutrients are worth. “There was a pilot study this summer involving incinerating poultry manure,” Ressler com mented. “But they found that this method wasn’t feasible. “What we need to do,” he con tinued, “is find a way to increase manure’s value to be able to effec tively eliminate excesses.” In the mean time, Ressler and Stoltzfus will do their part to clean drinking water by testing soil and manure and educating farmers. Ressler’s goal is to provide nutri ent management plans to 100 farms during the next 12 months. nedyville, was named both vice president and secretary/treasurer. Robert P. Payne, Still Pond, Md., was appointed delegate to attend the cooperative’s annual meeting in November. Named alternate delegate was Roy W. Crow, Kennedyville, Md. $135.99 5 Gal. Pail $17.99 I Gal $3.89