Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 17, 1987, Image 44

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    84-lancasier Farming, Saturday, October 17, 1987
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If you are planning to paint your
home this fall, let color help you
conserve energy and feel warmer
during the coming winter months.
Interior ceiling and walls should
be painted in light colors for ener
gy' conservation. These colors
reflect light so thit less artificial
lighting is needed. The amount of
light reflected by various colors
varies considerably. White reflects
eighty percent of the light in a
given space, while dark green
reflects no more than nine percent
Some fashionable colors, listed in
order of their usefulness as light
reflectors, are white, pale ivory,
peachy beige, lemon yellow, buff,
peach, pale green, pale blue, rose
and dark green. Glossy paint
finishes reflect more light than flat
Psychological warmth can be
added to a home by certain colors.
Reds, oranges and yellows make a
room warmer looking. Rooms
dominated by blues, greens and
violets will seem cooler.
Another way to add warmth is
through the use of decorative
accessories. Use accent colors of
red, yellow and orange in fabrics,
pillows, artwork and other furnish
ings. Textured materials as
opposed to shiny ones also lend a
warmer touch.
Once paint colors have been
selected that coordinate with room
accessories, it is time to prepare for
the painting project Assemble all
the items necessary to complete
the job. They should include the
following; stepladder, paint, appli
cators (rollers, brushes, pads),
dropcloths, screwdriver (to
remove door knobs, switchplates
and wall hooks), masking tape to
edge areas you do not want to
paint, paint thinner or turpentine
(for cleaning up when using oil
based paint).
By Doris Thomas
Lancaster Extension
Home Economist
Before painting, walls should be
carefully cleaned. Paint does not
adhere well to a dirty surface.
Walls should be washed with an
all-purpose detergent starting from
the bottom up. While the natural
tendency is to start at the top and
work down, this sequence allows
water to run down over soil, creat
ing stubborn and difficult to
remove streaks. These streaks are
much easier to remove from areas
still damp from washing. Surfaces
should be completely rinsed and
allowed to dry before painting.
Any cracks and nail holes
should be patched with spackling
before walls are painted. Glossy
surfaces need to be dulled because
it is difficult to achieve good adhe
sion over old enamel coatings. A
surface can be dulled by sanding or
applying a deglosser otherwise
known as “liquid sandpaper.”
You may not think of those use
and care books that come with
home appliances as valuable refer
ence works, but they are. Use and
care books can save you time,
money and aggravation.
A clearly written, well
organized use and care book can
help you select the appliance in the
first place because it gives you
information about what the
appliance will and will not do.
They are essential for learning
how to operate the appliance prop
erly and efficiently and most of
them explain safety or energy sav
ing features in detail.
A good use and care book will
tell you how to maintain the
appliance, and it should contain a
checklist that you can use to diag
nose and possibly handle simple
problems before You call for
This is extremely important
since in-home repair service is
expensive. No one wants to have a
How To Win A Recipe Contest
HARRISBURG All it takes
is 15 minutes to win the Pennsyl
vania Dairy Promotion Program’s
low fat, low calorie dairy recipe
contest, according to Promotion
Coordinator Donna Verner.
October 31 is the deadline for the
statewide contest.
Co-sponsors are the Penn
State’s Family Living Extension
and the Pennsylvania Department
of Agriculture.
Food professionals and employ
ees of sponsoring groups can not
participate in the contest, but Ver
ner timed herself just to sec how
tough it might be.
serviceman come to their home
simply to throw a switch on the cir
cuit breaker or plug in an electric
cord that has come loose.
If you do need service, the book
should tell you where to get it In
some cases it will contain the
To gain the most satisfaction
from a new appliance, you should
carefully read the use and care
book and become familiar with its
contents. Store the information
where it will be easy to find and
use. Consider establishing a note
book or special file just for the use
and care information on all your
appliances. If there is a special
place for them, they will be there
when you need them.
• Above or Below Ground Use • With or Without A Top
• Low Maintenance Cost • Tighter Than A Poured-In-Place
• Installation & Maintenance of
Concrete Bunker Silos
• Stone Wall Repairs
• PreCast Gunite Lined Water or
Manure Storage Tanks
Gunite Construction • Precast Concrete Products
Bridge Repair • Tank Repair • Holding Tanks • Installation * Pre-Qualified by Penn Dot
“It was easier than I thought,”
Verner says. “Biggest job for me
was finding my favorite recipe.”
To keep it simple, she notes,
entries have been limited to main
dishes. At least one Real low-fat
dairy product must be featured.
. Grand prize is $l,OOO. Other
awards range from $lOO for sec
ond place, $5O for third to $25 for
four runner-ups.
Verner says contestants may
submit up to five recipes but
awards will be limited to one per
household. All entries become
property of the sponsors.
For added glamour a cookoff is
scheduled January 11 for the seven
finalists who will be announced
November 30.
Judging will be based on effec
tive use of lowfat dairy products.
- j
R.D. 2, Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 859-4921
Subsidiary of Seal-Crete Corp.
taste and visual appeal, originality
and creativity, in addition to ease
of preparation and nutritional
State exact amount of each
ingredient in the order that it is
used. No brand names or imitation
dairy products should be specified
Include approximate number of
servings, and preparation time.
Name the recipe. “This is
important. It helps sell the recipe,”
Vemer notes.
“Now take a minute to check
entry, making sure you include
your name, address and telephone
number,” she advises.
Mail entry to “Make It With
Milk,” Pennsylvania Dairy Prom
otion Program, 2301 North Came
ron Street, Harrisburg, PA
The Wood Heat Search
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