A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Farm fepf Philosophy * Newton Bair i Bernes are berries, and if they can be stuffed into pies, jelled into jam, or squashed into juice, we pick’em. The Bluebemes, Straw berries, Blackbemes, and Rasp berries are over for the season, and what’s left? Elderberries. The thicket whcrq the elderber nes grew got more jungle-like every year. Lying in the hollow, between the hill behind the bam and the high woods, it thrived on the run-off from two slopes, and kept the deep topsoil tied down with cross-stitched roots. The trou ble was, the rich soil could be growing something better. Over the years, the thicket has been a haven for groundhogs, and a hiding place for other critters that don’t like to be seen when you’re carrying a gun. Heifers liked to hid their new-born calf in it, just to play hard-to-get. We once found a missing sow with her brood of nine pigs, comfortably holed up in the densest part of the thicket. She knew it was only temporary, and needed little coaxing to return with her brood to the source of feed and comfort of her pen. The hired man wasn’t above slipping into the shade of the thick et for an afternoon nap, while the plow team rested. There was no flowing water, but the ground was always moist and cool. Turtles IT’S HERE! THE ALL-NEW SCN2OOR ROOFING COIL NAILER. Special Introductory Prices While Supplies Last We’re offering special, too-good-to-miss deals on this all-new, state-of-the-art air-powered roofing cod nailer from Senco®. • Drives 5 full round-head galvanized roofing nails. 50% productivity increase over the hammer. Easy, one-hand use... hold shingles with free hand No special training...you’re productive the first day. Pays for itself in 250-300 squares, even less if you already have a compressor. Stop In Today! Take advantage of these special deals on the new Senco SCN2OOR Roofing Coil Nailer. A BLUE BALL MACHINE V CO., INC. iepteml seemed to love the place, and an occasional snapper was caught for use in turtle soup. We were person ally acquainted with some exoti cally colored box turtles, who lent their flat bellies for carving initials and dates with a pocket knife. One had the date Mar. 1927, and the ini tial N.B. The carver was ten years old. List $467.00 SALE PRICE $350.00 NCO FASTENING SYSTEMS But now that the elderberries are ripe, the thicket takes on new meaning. Kids love to pick the bunches, especially when they are ripe and full, and the birds haven’t found them yet. Mama was agreeable to making a pic or two, if someone else would pick them, shuck off the stems, and deliver the clean berries to the kitchen. They were not her favorite pie filling - they tpok too much sugar and they stained all the uten sils, including the pickers hands. But you can’t be choosy this time of year. If the Kids get too carried away and deliver more than enough for a couple of pics, there’s always elderberry jelly. The color can’t be matched by any other fruit, espe cially when it drips on the table cloth or on Pop’s Sunday shirt. It’s royal hue can still be spotted on the porch floor, where someone dropped a fresh jar and the lid popped off. A few quart jars of elderberries were canned each year, in spite of i , I 1 L_, 1 L . p j 4 -"*, i- . L L_ f & ■ J , k~~ LL L - L' k i X~*, |i ; , A \ i\ L 1 1 L . l lL 4T\ A A"" 1 A". J , r * l UL j L c: r: A - I i'A a i A- 3 , LL L ir" 3 , A'i A~fv ( 1 ) j L _ L - L-J i*- i p r r X ", I L- L 1 if” 1 , L L r r 1 nr. LJ L - t Cl'i p p, f* (fcj, L L 1 L. L j k ’ p\ p. p L . L - L L .p p p _-jL J L . L,_ L J l_J A~. p pi £?> L-L - t_ L„- I—i L-j I . p>-- J L_ L . 1 A-’ I J cr t'r- M *■ ' |* , - a- 1 I L . L L A-l i That’s how much more new Agway Milk Pak with IsOPlus® can help her produce. Numerous university and commercial farm trials have shown that dairy cows fed Eastman® IsoPlus® nutritional supplement increased their milk production by 1,000 pounds or more per lactation Now Agway Milk Pak takes this already remarkable energy source and makes it even better by for mulating it in easy to feed, protein-rich pellets For increased t milk production, feed efficiency and profits, ask for Agway. Milk Pak with IsoPlus Working for people who work the land Mamas’ protest that they take up more room than they’re worth. They never make it through the winter though, without ending up in a pie. The year of the Turtle also marked the end of the Elderberry patch. The harvest was good, but Mama would have no more of those purple beads that left their stain on everything. So, Papa decided to make wine. The old wooden barrel was hid den in the bam cellar and nearly forgotten, until Uncle George, on one of his regular Sunday visits, found it while we were at Church. r;r : c r-; n r- p L_' l— 1 i—. 1 1 mnc ir v ir H & —^ r; I 11 n ji Lj I i j i I pp p p L.-i L. Lj Lj p p p- p Lj L L lj GICCj L .. L j u j’r- L_j w. k\ A-% :, Ij A ■* A I ' A% . s HALF A TON MORE! (agway) Ag\va\ Fanil Enterprise Sen ice ROPE IN SOME EXTRA n Z* CASH! #Q Advertise With A , s£? Lancaster Farming ' F 1 CLASSIFIED AD J- 1 Phone 717-394-3047 ![ ’ or 717-626-1164 c g r: fj f: r rj nnrr n n n GGGCGf'h pp p pp p Gcdindari *4 (*4 44 p p f~\ L. LJ L I J UL u GGuGGGfj jdi jC3, fc~\ p_4 ~l GCGCGGn IGGEGGG a~=\ £~\ £ r \ i- =\ A r* a r -4 j 4 p't,f A s’* L_ L j Lj L u LI; '-5, £f\ ri -TA £ri i~\ 11 UJL't 1 "■ fl Gf 1 r He was a regular Sunday morning visitor for a while, until he got careless and left the siphon run and emptied the barrel on the bam floor. Finis. The End. No more elderberries. Papa decided that the thicket must go. The next week we began the backaching labor of grubbing out the bushes, exposing soil that was 100 rich for such an humble crop anyway. More valuable crops were raised there over the years, but none that ever sparked the imagi nation and memories like the old Elderberry patch. t : L c 0 n s ' n A-j, 0