ENNFIELD COMPLETE FEEDS #513 } Dairy Pellets 16% Golden Dairy 18% Textured Blend 16% Golden Fat Added 20% Dairy Pellets 34.55 Net/Ton $138.45 Net/Ton $147.52 Net/Ton $155.42 $156.59 Net/Ton Includes 4 ton volume discount and cash discount of 214 % due 15th following month. Prices effective Sept. 7, 1987 and subject to change with grain markets. Deduct additional $3.00 per ton if paid in 10 days. * + “NO CHARGE” - CERTIFIED FORAGE TESTING LAB. Pennfield’s Forage Testing Lab is certified by the NAHTA (National Alfalfa Hay Testing Assoc.) + Forage results mailed directly to the farm + Professionally formulated dairy feeding programs + Precision formulated rations balanced to individual dairy farm’s forage program. + Order dept, open 24 hours per day Monday SAM through Saturday 5 AM. Answering service on weekends. Here is what it costs to make your own 16% grind and mix ration 250 lbs 265 lbs 1325 lbs 100 lbs 60 lbs 2000 Lbs. Here is what it costs to boy Pennf ield’s Dairy Feeds #5OB --.a* * V