Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 29, 1987, Image 50

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    bit must not enjoy having her picture taken because
she hid her ears.
day the twins help their parents milk 85 cows. The girls wash the cows
& change the milkers In their Lebanon Valley barn.
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Here are the twins.wlth 2 of their Brittany Springer Spaniels. Twice a year the
dogs have puppies. When the puppies are 8 weeks old, the girls sell them.
th Country Twins
Do you ever wish you were a
Melanie and Michele Bushong
are twins who believe they have
double fun living on the Lebanon
Valley farm.
These blue-eyed girls with sun
streaked brown hair not only look
alike but also share the same
Often their friends can’t tell
them apart. So, when they ask,
“Which twin are you?” Melanie
grins and says, “I’m Michelle.”
The twins think it is great fun to
trick their friends.
Melanie says, “I like being a
twin so we can share our clothes.”
But Michele admits that some
times they fight over clothing if
they both want to wear the same
These twelve-year-old twins are
4-H members who are already
planning for their future. They
save the money they make raising
rabbits, dogs and calves for
Presently, they have 55 Dutch
Angora and French Angora rab
bits . Melanie prefers taking care of
the rabbits because she likes brush
ing their long hair.
Michelle likes taking care of her
calf better than doing any other
farm chore. She does a good job
because her calf won the senior
champion award at the Lebanon
4-H show. Melanie’s calf won the
junior reserve champion award;
then both showed their calves at
the district 4-H show. There, both
received blue ribbons, master
showman and master fitter awards
in their separate classes. This qual
ifies them to compete in the PA All
American Dairy Show.
55 beautiful Angora rabbits they raise to sell or give to
another 4-H’er.
Do you know which twin is holding onto this award
winning calf?
The girls have five Brittany
Springer Spaniels which they
breed and sell. This spring, one of
the dogs had 7 puppies. After the
puppies are eight weeks-old the
girls sell them.
Michele said sadly, “Sometimes
it’s hard to sell our animals.” But
the girls don’t have time to waste
being sad. They get busy taking
care of all their other animals.
These busy twins live with their
parents Dale and Fran Bushong
and a brother Matt.
If you go to any 4-H roundups,
keep your eyes open—you might
think you are seeing double if you
bump into the twins, Melanie and