Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 22, 1987, Image 49

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(Continued from Pag* B 8)
1 package instant chocolate pudding mix (3 ounces)
2 cups milk
1 cup evaporated milk
A cup sugar
Add milk to pudding mix and stir thoroughly. Add"
sugar and evaporated milk. Pour into containers and
ANSWER-Sharon Sensening of Smyrna, DE sug
gested the following recipe for sweetened condensed
Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk
cup powdered milk
cup boiling water
cup sugar
teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons melted butter.
Blend until smooth.
ANSWER-Mrs. Willis Shenk, Lititz, consoles Mrs.
Ginny B. Atlkinson, Bridgeton, NJ, by saying that peach
seed kernels are not poisonous because when she was
growing up, her father carved little baskets from peach
seeds and the family ate the kernels and no one ever got
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Delaware Extension Seeks Master Gardener Candidates
NEWARK. Del. The Dela
ware Cooperative Extension Sys
tem is recruiting candidates for a
second Master Gardener training
course in Kent and Sussex Coun
ties. The class will begin in Octo
ber. Applications will be accepted
ANSWER-Betty Loump, Bernville, requested a
recipe for Vanilla Woopie Pies that appeared in this col
umn several months ago. Thanks Mabel Moyer, Man
heim, for sending the following recipe.
Vanilla Whoopies
1 cup oil
2 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
VA teaspoons vanilla
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
'A teaspoon salt
1 cup sour milk
Cream oil, brown sugar and eggs. Add remaining
ingredients. Let stand 'A hour before dropping on coo
kie sheet.
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons cornstarch
Cook until thick, cool, add
'A cup shortening
VA cup margarine
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
Beat until smooth and
until Sept. 15 from anyone who has
a strong interest in gardening.
The purpose of the Master Gar
dener volunteer program is to help
extension professionals provide
Delaware residents with accurate,
practical horticultural information.
lut between cookies
For the upcoming class, approx
imately 30 individuals from Kent
and Sussex Counties will be
selected to receive 43 hours of
technical and hands-on training.
Professors and extension agents
from the University of Delaware
and Delaware State College will
teach such topics as ornamental
horticulture, vegetable and fruit
production, insect and disease con
trol, turf management, plant prop
agation and herb culture.
Applicants will be selected on
the basis of their horticultural
interest and desire to do volunteer
work. In exchange for the training
received, each person who takes
the course agrees to donate 45
hours in support of Delaware
extension home gardening
The training course will be held
at Abbott’s Mill Nature Center
near Milford on Mondays and 1
Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 12:15
p.m. Classes will be held weekly
from mid-October to mid-'
To receive an application and
information on the training pro
gram, in Kent County call
736-4900 or 697-4000. In Sussex
County, call 856-7303.