A3B-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, lima 27,1987 THE FARMERS’ VIEW RED MEATS: Meeting the Body’s Needs Millions of dollars have been spent on cholesterol research Thousands of pages have been written and printed, and literally hundreds of individuals, ranging from medical experts to dieti cians have expressed an opinion on the link between serum cholesterol levels and heart disease Theory has it that eating saturated fats and cholesterol causes clogged arteries, atherosclerosis and results in cardiovascular disease Since the source of cholesterol is from products of animal origin, the public has been advised to decrease and in many in stances. avoid red meats, milk and eggs Now scientists are beginning to take a better look at the results of such recommendations For nearly ten vears studies have been going on in universitv labs the National Institute of Health the American Heart Association and bv privately funded groups and organizations to deter mine how to lower blood cholesterol levels and whether lower blood cholesterol levels can reduce or pre vent heart attacks Other factors such as smoking, poor dietarv habits heredity and hlestvles arc being scrutinized Lowering tat intake certainly should be taken seriously, but the complete elimination of red meats could pre sent serious dietary deficiencies Fitness enthusiasts have begun to recognize the importance of meat in the diet Bill Walton of the Boston Celtics almost saw his career ended because of his vegetarian diet A lack of trace elements such as manganese and copper, both found in meat had led to a calcium loss in his bones, causing severe foot injuries. The in clusion of meat back into his diet caused his bones to heal. Athletes may be at greater nsk of certain nutri tional imbalances because of an in creased need for trace elements dur ing intense exertion. According to a study published m the Annals of Internal Medicine, a lifetime reduction of cholesterol levels in persons at low risk of heart disease will increase life expectancy Young Cooperators (Continued from Page A 35) are runners-up for Maryland and Virginia. The family farm part nership -of which they are part includes 83 registered Holsteins with a 20,180 pound production average and cropland of 422 acres. They have one son. Also selected to represent Maryland and Virginia in Young Cooperator activities were Daniel and Rhoda Martin, Newville, Pa. and Ralph and Teresa Shank, Hagerstown. Winners and runners-up will represent their respective cooperatives at the National Milk Producers Federation, to be held during December in New Orleans, or at the National Institute of Cooperative Education in St. Lotds. Speaker for the awards luncheon o t the Young Cooperator Con vention was Wayne Boutwell, We Specialize In Aerial Work 1 i -«n v _ Usinf Our Twin Bucket Boom f Tuck ELECTRICAL \ Fitends / CONTRACTING \ 55Ft I Specialising In \ \ AGRICULTURAL > / WIRING / • Alsu Residential Industrial / r s And fommerrul Work / Free! itimite / C. M. HIGH CO. 320 Km| St We Have Poles in Myerstown PA 17067 stock 25 30 35 &45 Phone 717 866 7544 very little. In fact, there is a trend among heart surgeons and other researchers to recognize that certain individuals, because of their lifestyles, place themselves at high risks. This high risk group experience nutritional problems associated with faulty diets Fast foods, empty calories, high sugar consumption, vitamin supplements, sodium in near ly all prepared foods, and smoking all contribute to a lack of necessary nutrients associated with reducing the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease There are widespread misconcep tions about the nutritional value of meat because many persons have no clear understanding of the terms ‘‘cholesterol" and “saturated fat " Meats of all kinds, whether fat or lean, are relatively low in cholesterol Fhe confusion arises when doctors or applied nutritionists speak of a cholesterol-lowenng diet they are referring to any diet that lowers blood cholesterol, not specifically to a low cholesterol diet Blood cholesterol and other blood lipids (fats), can be affected by other nutrients, such as fructose, sucrose, a high ratio of zmc/copper in the diet, beer and wine Other substances are known to reduce cholesterol levels including vegetables, complex carbohydrates and hard drinking water Milk and milk products for some unknown reason, reduce serum cholesterol levels even though milk has high cholesterol and fat The National Institute of Health and the American Heart Association are calling for a 300 mg cholesterol maximum for the entire populations to reduce the risk of heart attack However, Dr Roslyn Alfm- Slater, professor of biological .chemistry in the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Public Health, asserts that, “Data available is NOT strong enough to recommend that the entire population, including children, go on a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet.” She says such a reduction is dangerous because the reduction must be made National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. Boutwell briefly reviewed the Council’s legislative activates in Washington, noting that he anticipates projected cuts in the nation’s 1908 budget will not greatly affect basic commodity support programs. According to Boutwell, the NCFC is spending some 90 percent of its time addressing issues related to the Farm Credit financial situation. He estimated that 98 billion is necessary to bolster the farm lending cooperative, with a few districts close to dire need of financial In fusion. “We need the system,’’ affirmed the NCFC’s head. “U not, then farmers will pay in the long ran.” Boutwell further added that, in view of the current state of the international monetary system, Farm Credit’s problems may be “just the tip of the iceberg.” World’s First ATV with PTO™ A full ten horsepower of PTO to run Yamaha’s new rough-cut and finish system. Terrapro System sprayer is perfect for applying a range of liqi turf, plants and trees. The Terrapro System from Yamaha is designed to provide economi yard care for farmers, commercial users, and large landowners. Heart of the Terrapro System is the four-wheeled Terrapro Moto-4,. with a hardy 348 cc four-stroke, fan-cooled engine. A dual-range transnx five gears in high range and five gears in superlow range plus reverse versatile and powerful performance. in eggs, milk, liver, shellfish and red meat and will do more to promote malnutrition, especially in children and in the elderly, than to decrease risk factors in heart disease Foods which contain cholesterol are also good sources ol high quality protein and excellent sources of vitamins and minerals Beef is about the best source of protein for most people A three-ounce serving of ground beef provides about halt the protein we need per day and provides the necessary B vitamins as well Beef, pork, and lamb are good sources of top quality protein, as well as thiamin pantothenic acid, niacin activity and vitamins B-6 and B-12 Red meats are also an excellent source of the trace elements, iron, copper zinc and manganese minerals not easily obtained in suffi cient amounts in diets without meat Lean meat is about 65 percent watci and contains about 4 to 9 percent fat when uncooked Bv comparison coconut oil is the most highly saturated of all natural tats with 88 percent of the fatty acids being saturated Vegetable oils used in deep frying and cooking, while having a lower degree of saturation than beef fats, arc changed during hydrogena lion in a manner which causes them to behave in the human body as it they were saturated It would make more sense to eliminate deep tried foods Progressive scientists agree that more research is needed to determine the validity of eliminating red meats The Farmers' View is a column that is compiled by the Public Relations Division of the Penn sylvania Farmers’ Association (PFA) It expresses the views of PFA 's policy positions on key issues as adopted by the organization's 23,443 family members DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? Take the same money that you would use for killing bugs use it for prevention which is proper fertilizer. You do 2 things with the same expense and you do not pollute your neighbors water who you need to love to be saved. And you do not poison your soil life. Dead soil makes crops subject to bugs and disease. The creator sends bugs to devour unhealthy plants. Bugs are scavengers. They don't like crops that are rich in minerals and sugar. They leave them for you and your livestock to eat. Wise plan! Wise Creator! OUR PROGRAM WORKS. AND THE CROPS ARE TOPS. GUESS WHY Over 4 feet alfalfa, and 29% protein in one field. 290 to 300 bushel corn per acre. 5 recent meetings were on 5 farms so farmers could see the crops. We are making many farmers happy. We want to make you happy too. We have an energized reasonable priced liquid plant food foliar spray. Farmers say the next day the bugs and aphids are dead. It is not from old age! Prevention is better yet. Make an appointment to come and we'll sit down and talk it over. My hours vary because I deliver. I could visit you. B & B SALES & SERVICE 791 Flory Mill Road • Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 569-5764 from our diets. Between 1968 and 1978, coronary-related heart attack deaths declined by 25 percent and deaths from all causes declined by 10 percent We need to know more about this, and most importantly, we need to use good judgement and com- Roots Of Constitution (Continued from Page A 37) Massachusetts, during which angry farmers and former soldiers prevented local courts from foreclosing on farmers and released debtors from prison. Thus many people, particularly mer chants and creditors, wanted a new national government that would restrict the right of states to issue money, establish a standard coinage, and better protect property rights. Farmers’ Responses to the Constitution The Constitution was written by Americans who held distinctly different visions of America’s future The remarkable group of men who produced it were able to negotiate among these different visions. The Constitution, and the government it created, provided a system to settle conflict for the past 200 years. In the Madisonian camp, rural delegates feared the growth of industry and wanted to preserve the agrarian character of American society. Delegates from cities, especially those who agreed with Hamilton, saw a nation with a strong central government and a diversified economy which balanced manufacturing, com merce and agriculture. Both sides saw advantages for themselves in the new Con stitution. Madisomans believed the Constitution would significantly aid agriculture by allowing the new government to open new markets overseas, secure western lands, improve internal tran sportation, and protect the rights of states and individuals. Hamilton believed the new government would be strong enough to preserve order and Ell Stoltzfus Organic Center 217 South Railroad Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-7064 Home Ph. 215-273-2683 6-7 am mon sense in diet and all facets of life Man does not live by bread or meat or eggs or fiber alone. A varied diet eaten in modera tion and attention to other aspects of our lifestyle are important in main taining good health and long life encourage industry through a tariff on imported goods, a central banking system, and sound credit policies. He argued that the growth of industry, far from hurting agriculture, would provide markets for farm products. Both sides agreed that the new Constitution was necessary to prevent the experimental republic from falling apart. Farmers as a whole were am bivalent about the Constitution and it was largely opposition from farmers that made it so difficult to get the Constitution ratified by the states There were close votes in several states, such as Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York, and the last state, Rhode Island, did not join until 1790 Antifederahsts, as they were called, had experienced strong control by their Colonial rulers and objected to the very idea of a strong government that might trample on individual rights They also believed the Constitution would mainly benefit cities and encourage speculation and corruption On the other hand, the arguments of men like Madison and the presence of so many rural delegates to the Constitutional Convention no doubt helped con vince many farmers to support the new government. The debate over the meaning of the Constitution did not die with its ratification, but dominated politics for the next two decades. By 1815, supporters of Jefferson and Madison had become the majority party and they came to accept much of Hamilton’s program without losing faith in agrarian values. Those values have been a part of American politics ever since. YAMAHA We make the difference •\d