New Pro:Lean Swine Feeds from Agway can add more lean meat faster. And with today’s emphasis on lean meats, that can mean healthier profits for you. Using regular swine feeds, you can expect a pig to reach 40 pounds by the end of two months. With Pro:Lean, you can expect 45. And during the crucial 4 months of grow ing and finishing, Pro:Lean adds lean meat fast. Lean, meap, pork chop machine. Finish leaner & faster with new Pro dean. With an additional .1 pound per day weight gained, your pigs reach finishing weight and go to market faster. Up to 10 days earlier than with most swine feeds. And leaner hogs can really help fatten your wallet. Contact your local Agway store or farm enterprise salesperson for ex pert advice on your pork production operation, nutritional needs and technical service. Working for people who work the land