Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1987, Image 25

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    Local Dairymen
The 1987 Purina dairy meeting
was held Wednesday at the Plain
and Fancy Restaurant with a
sizable group of farmers attending
when you consider the nice
weather for doing spring work.
Wendell Law, Keystone division
sales manager, called the meeting
to order and said that the purpose
of the meeting was to obtain
knowledge of the research
projects, show how to utilize
roughages and provide the
economics of feeding high per
formance products. He showed the
relationship between corn
production and milk production
based on 1940, 1960 and 1980
figures. Over the 40-year period,
both com and milk production
doubled and Law suggested what
factors caused this increase:
genetics, management and
nutrition. “But,” Law said, “an
acre is still an acre. And a cow is
still a cow. We have been able to
increase the output without in
creasing the size of the acre or the
cow. Some of the nutrients that are
required for com and cows in
clude: energy, nitrogen and
protein, potassium and calcium,
phosphorus, trace minerals,
vitamins and fiber. Our challenge
is to find out how you balance these
nutrients to get the best produc
Dr. David W. Weakley, senior
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pennfield feeds
* *
* %
nutritionist at the Purina Missouri
research center, gave some of the
research behind the high-energy
line of feeds. “In a typical lactation
curve,” Weakley said, “cows tend
to increase production rapidly. The
problem in early lactation is that
dry matter intake lags behind the
peak production. This generally
takes off body weight to get enough
energy to produce the large
amount of milk. Consequently, you
have a problem the first two or
three months where intake lags
behind production. This is where
high-energy feeds come into play.
Basically, concentrates with high
fat give a high energy value feed.”
Weakley showed how the dif
ferent ingredients such as protein,
carbohydrates, fats and fiber
effect production and fat test. “It’s
important to keep a balance of
ingredients," Weakley said.
“Because some ingredients
depress milk fat and others in
crease it. Vegetable oil tends to
depress milk fat tests,” Weakley
In addition, Weakley showed the
Purina research farm facilities
with slides that indicated some of
the methods and equipment used to
monitor feed intake in research
projects. Most of the projects are
fed by hand. However, Weakley
showed one trial out that uses
Farmtronix computerized feeding
Quality - Performance - Service
* *
Hear Purina Research Data
- the r. .ia Jiry meeting are (left to right): Dr. John Clark, dairy consultant; Larry
Wile, district dairy specialist; Rick Hyman, Keystone district sales manager; Wendell
Law, Keystone division sales manager; Dr. David Weakley, senior nutritionist, ruminant
research department.
system distributed through the
Purina dealerships. This feeding
system allows the operator to
punch in the feed data for each cow
and automatically feed the cow the
amount she needs when the trip
ping device hung on her neck chain
comes into range of the feed trough
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Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 21,1957-A25
Larry Wile, Purina dairy
specialist, discussed how to
maximize forage profits through
income from milk and fat where
cows need to balance energy and
Misty Hollow Jerseys
(Continued from Page A 24)
high percentage of milk, over 50
percent, which is used for
manufacturing. Jersey milk is
ideal for manufacturing, he con
tinued, because of its high fat and
protein content. He speculated that
end-product pricing will become a
“In the future protein pricing
has to be a must,” Ulrich said.
Presently, markets in Federal
Order 4 do not pay a protein
premium, he added.
For every 100 pounds of Jersey
milk, producers can manufacturer
12.35 pounds of Cheddar cheese
compared to 9.85 pounds from
Holstein milk. Jersey milk
averages 3.88 percent protein
compared to Holstein milk which
averages 3.1 percent protein, he
He hopes a decision in the Great
Basin marketing order concerning
protein-base pricing results in a
positive ruling and sets a
precedent for the Federal Orders
Until that time, he plans to
continue to improve in the
breeding and management
programs of the farm. He credits
his entire family with the progress
achieved at Misty Hollow Farm.
“Everyone works together.” Tim
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fiber. “The key to pure profits is
the forage on your farm,” Wile
said. “You grow forage on your
farm, and the feed person must
(Turn to Page A 33)
works in the evening and on
weekends. His daughters, Jen
nifer, 12, and Stephanie, 10, as well
as his wife, Linda, help on
weekends and when needed. His
father, retired since 1976, also fills
in where needed, Ulrich noted.
When Keller takes off every other
weekend, “It becomes family day
on the farm” with everyone pit
ching in, he said.
During the week in the daytime
the woridoad falls to Ulrich and
Keller. They raise almost all of the
feed for the herd on a total of 182
acres. As a time saving measure,
they started no-tilling corn into the
rye two years ago. In fields where
com follows com, they employ the
conventional moldboard plow to
prepare the field, Ulrich ex
Ulrich double-crops rye for
ryelage. He harvests hay and
stores it in random stacks.
Haylage and high moisture com
are stored in oxygen-free silos and
the com silage is stored in a stave
silo. Ulrich prefers to harvest
haylage at 50 percent moisture.
Grain com is custom harvested.
Visitors to the Pennsylvania
Jersey Cattle Club’s annual
meeting will be able to see the
facilities of Misty Hollow Farms,
home of a promoter of the “breed'
on the move.”