Biotechnology Forces (Continued from Page Al) such as growth hormones for cattle and swine. Bentley said the USDA is comitted to supporting basic and applied biotechnology research and is an active participant in the development of coordinated research and regulatory guidelines. We need to be able to make the scientifically sound risk/benefit analysis required to establish reasonable criteria for evaluating the performance under natural conditions. “Fundamentally,” Bentley said, “we have to realize that we do in science and in the development of new technology has a great deal to do with the competitive position of U.S. industry, and especially our great American agricultural in dustry.” Marie Cantley, chairman of the Unit For Biotechnology in Europe under the commission of the European communities, used a quote from Gulliver’s Travels dated 1726. The quote by Jonathan Swift says, “And he gave it for his opinion that whoever could make two ears of com or two blades of grass to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before would deserve better of mankind and do more essential service to his country than the whole race of politicians put together.” However, Cantley said Jonathan Swift didn’t see the problem of producing 10 ears of com or 10 blades of grass. Now the politicians are engaged in selling them, storing them, or reducing the number of ears or blades of grass. The difficult things to communicate in biotechnology include four key characteristics. One, the inherent scope for further scientific discovery and hence vast but unpredictable technological potential, which have been opened up by the cummulative and recently accelerating progress in the life sciences. Two, the on remitting competitive economic challenge agricultural and in dustrial between the major blocks and between the major companies of which advanced technology is of growing importance. Three, the justified hopes of reducing or even eliminating hunger and disease. And four, widespread popular apprehension about nonunderstood science and socially or culturally unacceptable innovation. “I have no doubt that occasions like this forum are of high value in drawing attention both to the marvels of biotechnology and to the challenges of its political management,” Cantley concluded. “I think that the open societies of the western democracies have two strategic advantages in biotechnology. Firstly, our open flow of information stimulates our science in both cooperative and competitive activities. Secondly, our open processes of challenge and inquiry enable us to control the new technologies in the service of human needs. As individuals in society, we have much to learn from one another.” We Specialize In Aerial Work """ '"■s. Using Our Twin Bucket Boom f TCk ELECTRICAL \ Extends f CONTRACTING \ 55 Ft I Specializing In \ \ \ AGRICULTURAL Tft| > / WIRING / • -JOB! Also Residential Industrial j tAnd Commercial Work / Free Fstimates / 320 Kin( St We Have Poles In Myerstown PA 17067 Stock 25 30 35*45 Phone 717 866 7544 FOR EVERY CONFINEMENT OPERATION 8310-1 GAL CREEP FEEDER RN4-1 BU. NURSERY FEEDER RFI-7.5 BU. HOG FEEDER RNI-4.5 BU. NURSERY FEEDER RF2-4.5 BU. HOG FEEDER RN3-3 BU. NURSERY FEEDER OSBORNE I 2. ss # QUALITY INSTALLATION QUESTIONS ABOUT THE NEW PESTICIDE LAW? CHEMGRO'S ANNUAL MEETING Thursday, February 19, 1987 PRIVATE APPLICATOR TEST -1:30 P.M. Anyone Who Needs A New License May Stay After Dinner PAVE THOMPSON- PA. DEPT. AG. STEVE FISHER - F.M.C. WAYNE MARZ - STAUFFER CHEMCIAL JIM BO WERSOX - CHEMGRO WOODY FUNK-CHEMGRO BUFORDGUNKLE-GOAT&GUINEA FARMER IMPORTANT! MAKE RESERVATIONS BY FEB. 11,198 CHEMGRO FERTILIZER CO., IN CHEMGRO HOG FEEDERS y ill. * TEST PROVEN: THE BIG WHEEL - Most Efficient Feeder, No Feed Wo: From Farrowing Crate to Market! 608 E. Evergreen Rd. 717-274-3 CONFINEMENT SYSTEMS, INC. Lebanon, PA 17042 AT Good & Plenty Restaurant MEETING 10:00 A.M. Following Meeting Dinner Will Be Served CALL (717) 569-3296 THEN ATTEND Box 218 East Petersburg, Pa. 17520 Phone (717) 569-3296