AIS-Lancastor Farming, Saturday, January 31,1987 U.S. Carlotßeef Thursday, January 29,1987 Report Supplied by USDA CENTRAL U. S. CARLO! BEEF REPORT (includes the major production areas in the Midwest, Texas and Oklahoma) as of 3:00 P.M. Compared to Wednesday’s 3:00 P.M. report, Choice 3 steer and heifer carcasses steady except 400- 550 lb heifer 1.00 higher. Good heifer 1.00 higher, steer steady. Holstein-type steer carcasses 2.00 higher; Choice 4 not established. Demand light to moderate, movement slow to moderate on light offerings. 19 loads of steer carcasses and 5 loads of heifer carcasses traded to packer processors. Sales reported on 42 loads of steer and heifer carcasses. STEER CARCASSES FOB OMAHA BASIS ( 21 loads repor ted). CHOICE 3 Lds Range Latest Estb. Mkt. 600-900# 6 Lds. range 92.00, latest estb. mkt. 92.00; CHOICE 2 600-700# latest estb. mkt. 89.50-91.00 A. CHOICE 4 600-900# unq. GOOD 1-3 600-900# 3 Lds. range 89.00, latest estb. mkt. 89.00; 600- 700# latest estb. mkt. 87.0048.00 A. HOLSTEIN TYPE CHOICE 1-3 600-900# 7 Lds. range 86.50, latest IfIUVJD Jr JHLW MMMmStIIM RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Speakers Dr. John Whittaker, DVM, President Whittaker •Associates, International consultant for the livestock feed industry, contributing writer of Herd Health Column, in Acres, U.S.A. Jerry Brunetti, President of Agri-Dynamics, Inc., manufacturers and distributors of herd health products and services associated with wholistic programs. Mycotoxins, Water Purity, Blood Ammonia, Immuno therapy, Bio-Nutrition, Breeding, Mastitis, Somatic Cell Count, Calf Problems, Etc. FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT Gerald Heisey - St. Thomas Fisher & Thompson - Leola 369-3317 656-3307 Butch Harbaugh - Waynesboro Daniels Farm Store - Leola 762-1093 656-6982 Gary Besecker - Howard Weaver - Lebanon Chambersburg-263-4781 273-2408 Albert Ocker - Shippensburg May-Co Supply - Lancaster 532-7167 569-1011 J.G. Agri Service - Manheim 665-6727 affi-dvnamics .aaaa— estb. mkt. 86.50; GOOD 1-3 600-900# 5 Lds. range 81.50, latest estb. mkt. 81.50. HEIFER CARCASSES FOB OMAHA BASIS (21 loads repor ted). CHOICE 3 550-800# 4 Lds range 90.00, latest estb. mkt. 90.00; 500-550# 5 Lds. range 85.0087.00, latest estb. mkt. 87.00; 400-500# 4 Lds. range 84.00-86.00, latest estb. mkt. 86.00. CHOICE 2 600-700# latest estb. mkt. 88.50-90.00. A CHOICE 4 500800# unq. GOOD 1-3 550-700# 8 Lds. range 88.00, latest estb. mkt. 88.00; 600-700# latest estb. mkt. 86.00 A; 400850# latest estb. mkt. 72.00 B. STEER CARCASSES FOB AMARILLO BASIS (loads reported) CHOICE 4 600-900# unq. HEIFER CARCASSES FOB AMARILLO (loads reported) CHOICE 4 500800# unq. STEER AND HEIFER PRIMAL CUTS (loads reported). CHOICE 3 FOB OMAHA BASIS. HEIFER HINDS 119-167# latest estb. mkt. 102.00 A; FRONT QUARTERS 131- 183# latest estb. mkt. 80.00 A. COW AND BULL CARCASSES (22 loads reported) MIDWEST: Prices firm. Demand light to moderate on generally light supplies. EASTERN TEXAS AND OKLAHOMA: Market not established, offerings limited. SALES IN THE MIDWEST TOPICS PRODUCTION AREA. LDS FOB 500/up# 3 Lds. FOB plant 79.00. OMAHA BASIS. . Cutter bng. 1-2 350/up# FOB Util, brkg 2-4 450/up# 2 Lds. plant 84.00-84.50 A, delivered plant latest estb. mkt. 67.00. 85.00-86.00 A. Util, bng 1-3 400/up# range latest Bid! 1-2 600/up# 2 FOB plant estb. mkt. 73.00 A; 500/up# 12 Lds. 88.50 latest estb. mkt. 76.00 Cutter 1-2 350/up# latest estb. mkt. 82.00-82.50 A; 400/up# 3 Lds. latest estb. mkt. 85.00. SALES IN EASTERN TEXAS AND OKLAHOMA PRODUCTION AREAS. Util, bug 1-3 400/up* unq; / SSTTSSTSTS N (Granular Fertilizer Also Available) ’ OVER 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE »##########*#»###»##» USING MODERN APPLICATING EQUIPMENT FOR EVERY SIZE JOB AVAILABLE FERTILIZERS AND SERVICES * Liquid Pop Up Corn Starter 9-18-9 3 s * Granular Corn Starter In Bags * Suspension Fertilizer-weed and feed with flotation equipment. * Side dressing corn with Liquid N Solution i in CALL 717-397-0035 ■ Awr ■ u tin iji rm i [v. Xp*castm/Rbl LIQUID SKS-'- 2020Hori« Shoe Rd., Unmtw, PA ' FERmiZER pii .7i7*m