On being , "f\ a farm -And otherA Joyce Bupp ® So, you want a husband who helps you out around your far mhouse, yousay? You want a farmer who recognizes that you lend not one, but two hands around the bam and field work, keep the books, tend the garden, raise the kids, maintain the house and all that other miscellaneous stuff that he takes for granted you as a farm wife will uncomplainingly do? And in return, you want a farmer who is willing to at least occasionally pitch in to help with household chores? (Has she gone totally berserk, you’re probably asking yourself by now?) Could be. But do I ever have a solution for you to get him to pay a SEE TAM AGRI CORPORATION AT THE FARM SHOW! GET A COMPUTER READ OUT ON DRYING COSTS OR CORRECT BIN SIZE ABSOLUTELY FREE! COST OF FUELS AVERAGE GRAIN MOISTURE 1. Can you save money using dry ration? 2. How much aeration (fan H.P.) do you need for your bin or bins? WE'LL HAVE A COMPUTER RIGHT IN OUR BOOTH TO ANSWER THESE AND OTHER QUESTIONS! A FARM fans □ PRESENT THIS COUPON AT THE FARM SHOW FOR A£REE COMPUTER READOUT. NAME DR ZIP • PHONE OR MAIL TO TAM AGRI AND A SPECIALIST WILL CALL. THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO BUY, sliver of attention to what needs done around a house on a daily basis. Plunk him between a large steel cattle gate and a 2,200-pound dairy bull who merely wants to get into his pen which just happens to lie on the other side of that gate. Do not panic when he calls home from the emergency room of a hospital more than one hundred miles away and says they haven’t admitted him yet because they are still taking X-rays. Consider yourself exceedingly blessed after several calls, a few uncertain and frightening hours in which he has little motor and muscle movement below his waist, but then grumbles that they won’t feed him and he’d like to order out YOU’LL NEED TO KNOW: lam A$KDO> STATE for*pi77,:.. Consider yourself further blessed when a caring and sup portive circle of friends, neighbors and relatives rally with prayers, shower you with food, offer to help pack bull hamburger if necessary and lend you a spacious van 'in which to haul home one very sore, stiff, bruised farmer. And count among your blessings very capable farm employees and children off on holiday vacation who uncomplainingly pitch in and help get the daily bam chores completed. Now to the housework part. As his battered body grows less painful each day, and he ventures less stiffly off the cattle show bed centered in your living room, you may begin considering this housework assistance part. A farmer, though black, blue and bruised, who manages to shuffle to the bam, and poke his crutch in the side of a heifer bent on stepping off the milkers, is certainly physically capable of unloading a dishwasher. But you might have to remind him of that once or twice until he gets the hang of it. Likewise, he can sort mail, begin to do book and records work (once he can sit up straight in a chair for more than two minutes) and hallelujah answer the telephone. Lest this sound cruel, bear in mind that physical therapists urge walking and exercise to help loosen up such stiffness and soreness. COST OF ELECTRICITY $ AVERAGE OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE SAVE NOW WITH BIG WINTER DISCOUNTS! R.D. #1 Mountain Road, Dillsburg, Pa. 17019 717-432-9738 Other possibilities include dusting, helping remove or naments from the Christmas tree, cook>»' 0 dim cleaning up after meals, and lending a hand to un stick clogged drains. Clipping coupons for you may be considered light therapy to be undertaken while you milk rnw« on' 1 *•" keeps Healthy Eating Habits: A lifelong Gift MEDIA - A taste for healthy eating is one of the most valuable and enduring gifts parents can give a child. According to Maryetta Dorncott, Delaware County Extension Home Economist, it’s never too late or too early to start. Here are some suggestions: • Always eat as a family. Turn off the TV during mealtime and, if possible, disconnect the phone. Encourage relaxation; don’t battle about food or anything else during mealtime. • Set a good example. Your child is more likely to give unfamiliar foods a try after watching you eat and enjoy a wide variety of foods. • Encourage your child to sample a new food, but don’t force foods on a youngster. Don’t make the new food the price of dessert. • Keep servings small so the children have the satisfaction of cleaning up their plates and asking fnr “More please.” y 1 All-Plant \ LIQUID PLANT FOOD | 9-18-9 PLUS OTHERS' \ IVtfr •rail track of the world on the six o’clock news. The boredom of such a lifestyle quickly takes its toll, lending him further encouragement toward hasty healing. Don’t plan on your household help for too long. Thankfully. • Encourage smart snacking, keep the kitchen stocked with a selection of healthy hunger stoppers; fresh fruit, vegetable sticks with a nutritious dip, raisins and cheese with whole grain crackers. • Give kids a healthy start each morning. Make sure they rise early enough for a nourishing breakfast. Help them to prepare it for themselves. The morning meal doesn’t have to be cereal. Don't be afraid to try an unconventional breakfast; a peanut butter and banana sand wich, cottage cheese with sliced fruit, and macaroni and cheese are all nutritious and appealing. Involve kids in menu planning and meal preparation. Children often enjoy helping prepare foods and enjoy eating them, too. Together, choose a main dish then let your child help shop for the frozen food and other ingredients. • Contains 100% white ortho phosphoric acid. Made in USA. • Non-corrosive. Won’t settle. • Top quality. Excellent service. • Newest equipment. • Financially sound... and growing! Big Demand Requires More Distributors! □ I sell to farmers. How do I become your distributor 7 □ I'm a farmer. What's the price? Where do I get it? CALL or SEND FOR FACTS Phone:Bl4-364-1349 ALL PLANT LIQUID PLANT FOOD, ING. 821 State Rd. 511 N., RFD 3, 1 Ashland, Ohio 44805 1 inuai