A2O-Lancast»r Famine, Saturday, December 6,1986 Halteman , Delp Share Top Montgomery County DHIA Honors . CREAMERY - Harold Halteman of Telford received the high herd award for fat and protein in Montgomery County at the county’s annual Dairy Herd Im provement Meeting. Halteman averaged 20,552 pounds of milk, 741 PFA President Urges RCMA Sign-ups CAMP HILL - The president of the Pennsylvania Farmers’ Association called on independent dairymen to join the effort to improve milk prices through the Regional Cooperative Marketing Agency Inc. PFA President Keith Eckel of Lackawanna County said, “For the past few years dairymen have been saying we need less govern ment in the dairy industry and more money in our milk checks. RCMA is the answer. “It’s not a government program, but a farmer-controlled program which already represents 85 percent of all dairymen in nine Northeastern states. But before it can bargain effectively with milk handlers for higher fluid milk prices it needs 95 percent of total dairymen’s support. That means we need the help of independent producers.” Eckel noted that the PF A Board of Directors has voted wholehearted support for the RCMA program. PFA has also joined with other farm organizations in a campaign to enlist members in the RCMA. Eckel said, “RCMA is a proven' marketing agency that has been upheld in the Supreme Court. It is supported by all the major dairy cooperatives in the Northeast, all the farm organizations in the Northeast, and all the agriculture departments in the nine-state area.” Maryland Researcher ‘Scientist Of The Year’ WASHINGTON, D.C. - A researcher who uses ultraviolet light and bacteria to detour farm chemicals from polluting ground water in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 1986 “Distinguished Scientist of the Year.” Philip C. Kearney, a biochemist who heads the Pesticide Degradation Laboratory in Beltsville, Md., will receive the highest award given for scientific achievement and leadership by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. Kearney designed a mobile unit that combines high-energy ultraviolet light with oxygen to break down a pesticide before it enters the soil. “We moved the unit to a research farm and tested it on 11 major pesticides and were able to break down every one of them,” says Kearney. Kearney also leads a group of researchers using biotechnology to engineer bacteria that destroys pesticides. The group has isolated and cloned a gene that produces the enzyme parathion hydrolase from a type of bacteria called a Flavobacterium, increasing its ability to destroy pesticides. “Ultimately,” says Kearney, “we hope to develop a simple kit that would contain a preserved organism. A farmer would add the organism to a drum that has pesticide waste in it, and simply let the organism work on the pesticide right in the drum itself.” As distinguished scientist, Kearney will receive $5,000 and up to $40,000 in equipment and other support for his research. A graduate of Cornell University, he has been with USDA’s research agency in Beltsville since 1962. At the ceremony, Kinney also will cite three “Outstanding Scientists of the Year” and seven “Area Scientists of the Year.” pounds of fat and 641 pounds of protein on 71 cows. His herd ranked second in the county for milk production. Durrell and Dawn Delp, Souderton, edged Halteman by 133 pounds to claim the high herd He added, “Now it’s up to the in dependent dairymen. With their support, RCMA can go to all milk handlers and seek a premium over the minimum prices established under Federal Market Orders. Under RCMA all handlers will be treated equally and any over-order premium collected wUI be shared equally by participating dairymen.” Select 30 Units From These 12 Bulls ... 8H584 Cil-Clirk Board CHAIRMAN. V6|BBj TPI +570 USDA7/86 RIP 62% aAa 341526 8,566 dtrs, 3,452 herds 19,433 m 36% 6911 Frail. DIN. (’B2) +*ll4 +l.oBBm -.05% +3Ol Rply. 09% Protein +lll5 +.01% +3BP Rply. 90% HFA Typa Summary, 7/86 POT +IIC Rply. 99% Sire MILU BETTY IVANHOE CHIEF 9H643 HAGER -+sllo +1,129m -.08% +261 Rpty.B3% POT +0.55, Rpty. 81% 9H787 ELVATE +5120 +966m +.02% +3Bl Rpty. 98% POT +0.20, Rpty. 95% 9H771 PEBBLE +slso +974(11 +.11% +561 Rpty. 69% POT -0.63. Rpty. 74% 9H719 Whlttler-Firms NED BOY. VG|BB| TPI +717 9H758 Brooki-Twiln Viliint SAMMY-ET. V6|B7) TPI +OO6 1H406 Thonym* SECRET. VG|BS| TPI+S9B USDA7/86 RIP 2% aAa 516423 USDA7/86 RIP 18% aAa 123465 USDA 7/86 RIP 32% aAa 354126 63 dtrs 53 herds 18,402 m 38% 6941 109 dtrs 91 herds 18,639 m 36% 6691 41 dtrs 31 herds 19671 m 36% 7151 Pnd Dili |’B2| +*lB2 +1.145m +.09% +577 Rpty 78% Pred 0111. fB2| +SI4O +l.l9Zm +.00% +427 Rpty. 84% Pred. 01(1. |'BZ| +*l6o +1.340m +.00% +497 Rply. 65% Protein +SIB6 +.04% +43P Rpty 78% Protein +sl4l +.01% +39P Rpty 84% Protein +*lB9 +.08% +SIP Rply 64% UFA Type Summery. 7/86 POT +1 77. Rpty 78% HFA Type Summery. 7/86 POT +0.77. Rpty. 85% HFA Type Summery. 7/86 POT +O.OB. Rply. 70% Sire CA-LILL STANDOUT CAVALIER Sire S-W-D VALIANT Sire LOCUST-GLEN IVANHOE ELEVATION 1H385 Knolllop Reckere ACE. EX|92| TPI +535 USDA 7/86 RIP 41% aAa 564123 4492 dtrs 1313 herds 17952 m 37% 6591 Pred OKI |'B2| +SII6 +B4Sm + 05% +4Ol Rpty 99% Protein +*los - 05% +I7P Rpty 99% HFA Type Summary. 7/86 POT +OB5. Rpty 98% Sire ROUND OAK RAG APPLE ELEVATION award for milk. Their 46 Holsteins averaged 20,685 pounds of milk, 727 pounds of fat and 635 pounds of protein. This production qualified the herd for the third high herd ranking in fat and protein. Second high herd honors for fat and protein went to Merrill Mest, Schwenksville. His 31 cows averaged 18,133 pounds of milk, 730 pounds of fat and 592 pounds of protein. The association honored the top 10 herds in the county based on fat production. Rounding out the top 10 are; Arlin Halteman, Harleysville; Patty-Run Dairy Farm, Spring City; Fred Seipt Family, Lansdale; Richard Bechtel, Harleysville; Gehringer Brothers, Bally; Du Mar Farm, 8H778 Vigo Vlllsnl ELVAN. V6|Bs| TPI +585 USDA7/86 RIP 32% aAa 246135 53 dtrs, 42 herds 18,192 m 35% 6401 Prad. OKI. fB2| +Bl2B +1.179m -.04% +351 Rpty. 70% Protein +8123 -.02% +34P Rpty. 70% HFA Typo Summary, 7/88 POT +O.BO Rpty. 75% Sire S-W-D VALIANT 9H754 MAGIC +5123 +1,161m -.05% +331 Rpty. 74% P0T+0.45. Rpty. 74%. IH3I3NITE TRAIN +s9B +29Bm +.22% +491 Rpty. 74% P0T+1.57. Rpty. 67% 9H626 SAUL +s73 +sB4m +.01% +231 Rpty. 86% P0T+1.45. Rpty. 77% y Special Offers These Bonuses ... Sire Power’s HOLIDAY SPECIAL features exceptional sires that have the ability to pro duce outstanding daughters. If you are looking for high P.D. Dollar Value, high PD Test combined with outstanding production and type, then the HOLIDAY SPECIAL is for you. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to pur chase the outstanding genetics available on the HOLIDAY SPECIAL! Contact your Sire Power representative for more information, and they’ll be glad to visit with you about your fall breeding program. PENNSYLVANIA: MARYLAND; Northcentral PA - Leighton Khngler - Phone (717) 523-3090 Ted Ridgely - Phone (301) 898-9101 Western PA - Roger Peril - Phone (412) 794-5423 WEST VIRGINIA: Southcentral PA - Ed Gulnac - Phone (814) 847-2520 Washington, Green and Southeastern PA A NJ- Willard Odenwelder-Phone (717) 866-6158 Fayette Co. In PA Northeastern PA - Doh Hibbard - Phone (717) 836-3168 Jim Piter - Phone (304) 686-2100 Harleysville; and Edward Wisser, Palm. Spring Meadow Holsteins, Collegeville, owned the high cow for fat production. Their 2 year old produced 1,041 pounds of fat in 305 days. A 4-year-old cow owned by Du Mar Farm claimed second place with a production of 997 pounds of fat. This cow produced the top protein record in the county with 828 pounds. David Longacre, Hereford, owned the second high cow for protein production. His 5 year old complete a 305 day lactation with 821 pounds of protein.' Harold Halteman owned the high cow for milk production. His 6- year-old Holstein produced 29,179 pounds of milk. For Service Contact ; The next high cow for milk production produced 28,317 pounds and is owned by Arlin Halteman. Patty Run Dairy Farm claimed the most improved herd for milk, fat and protein production. The Spring City dairy increased its average by 3,218 pounds of milk, 95 pounds of fat and 99 pounds of protein. Merrill Mest produced' the second best increase in fat and protein herd average with 92 pounds of fat and 99 pounds of protein. Gehringer Brothers registered the second highest increase in milk production with 2,913 pounds. Montgomery County posted a high average for the 3,407 cows in the county of 16,067 pounds of milk and 582 pounds of fat. 9M802 POTTS Southirn Mm-Twln. GP(B2| TPI +5BO USDA7/B6 RIP 0% aAa 354126 55 dtrs, 43 herds 17,808 m 36% 6401 PrtB.DIH.rBZ) +llO5 +l.o7#m -.07% +251 Rply. 75% Protiln +SIOI -.01% +3IP Rpty 74% HFA Typi Summiry, 7/88 POT +1.34, Rpty. 71% Sire ARLINDA JET STEAM-TWIN 1H331 REDCAP +1129 +1,182m -.04% +3Ol Rpty. 72% POT+O.IS. Rpty. 08% ■ 16HI12DAN +*lo9 +S3Om +.10% +471 Rpty. 89% POT +0.38, Rpty. 78% 9H822 STEWART +SSS +so7m -.02% *l5l Rpty. 89% POT +1.84. Rpty. 85% (a 41 "* (rfunf RD 2, Tunkhannock, PA 18657 (717) 836-3168 :d gi
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