AIS-iancaster Farming, Saturday, Dacambar 6,1986 STATE COLLEGE - The Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Association’s Seventh Annual Calf Raffle is in high gear. Juniors are selling tickets to help fund the programs and activities sponsored by the Penn sylvania Junior Association. This year’s calf is Bran sdale Raffle Calf. She comes from Bransdale Holsteins, Tyrone. She is a Thonyma Electra born June 9, 1966. Cornell To Hold Agribusiness Conference ITHACA, N.Y. - Cornell University agricultural economists will discuss the health of the nation’s agriculture and how it will shape up in 1967 at a con ference scheduled for Dec. 16 in Room 45 of Warren Hall on cam pus. The Agribusiness Situation and Outlook Conference will feature a series of talks ranging from the general economic situation and outlook to new developments and a STRIKE IT RICH! sat IT WIN A LANCASTER FARMING CLASSIFIED LAPP ENERGY FREE WATERER for all LIVESTOCK 2$ • Requires No Electric jjjp **' • Will Not Rust Or Corrode The 13x19x16 inch high unit slips over the top of an insulated nine-inch silo PVC pipe It i operates with a hydrant valve, below frostlme ’