AIS-iancaster Farming, Saturday, Dacambar 6,1986 STATE COLLEGE - The Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Association’s Seventh Annual Calf Raffle is in high gear. Juniors are selling tickets to help fund the programs and activities sponsored by the Penn sylvania Junior Association. This year’s calf is Bran sdale Raffle Calf. She comes from Bransdale Holsteins, Tyrone. She is a Thonyma Electra born June 9, 1966. Cornell To Hold Agribusiness Conference ITHACA, N.Y. - Cornell University agricultural economists will discuss the health of the nation’s agriculture and how it will shape up in 1967 at a con ference scheduled for Dec. 16 in Room 45 of Warren Hall on cam pus. The Agribusiness Situation and Outlook Conference will feature a series of talks ranging from the general economic situation and outlook to new developments and a STRIKE IT RICH! sat IT WIN A LANCASTER FARMING CLASSIFIED LAPP ENERGY FREE WATERER for all LIVESTOCK 2$ • Requires No Electric jjjp **' • Will Not Rust Or Corrode The 13x19x16 inch high unit slips over the top of an insulated nine-inch silo PVC pipe It i operates with a hydrant valve, below frostlme ’<r?. Made of a durable poly product, the cup can be _ ,* 4 mounted at any height for all types of livestock, HHHakJL I ' and the water line and hydrant valve can be ”s serviced and installed from above ground , ( The unit has rounded comers and a water line c coming over the top of the bowl for dairy cattle HS and other livestock H Manufactured By Lapp Printing Cup SOUDERSBURG MFG. 116 N. Soudersburg Rd. Gordonville, PA 17529 Leave Message At: (717 ) 768-3218 PA Junior Holstein Calf Raffle Her dam is a VG-86 Con tender with 27,080 milk, 3.8 percent and 1018 fat. The second dam is the Columbia Cow scored EX-90 with 28,460 milk 3.9 percent 1123 fat. The winning tickets will be drawn at the 1987 Penn sylvania Convention Sale on Feb. 25 in Wilkes Barre. The first prize winner has the option of taking the calf or a cash prize of $l,OOO. Second trends in agricultural economics. Discussions will cover the dairy, livestock, fruit and vegetable industries; the outlook for farm expenses for feed, fertilizer, fuel and pesticides; the financial health of farm businesses, agribusiness firms and agricultural lenders in New York State; research and outlook for food distribution; and a study aimed at developing farming alternatives. The day-long conference, which prize is $250 and third prize is $lOO. Trips, judging schools, DJM contest, production contests, and many other Junior Programs are funded from the Calf Raffle sales. To receive your six Calf Raffle tickets, simply fill out the ticket order form and return it with $5.00 to the PA Holstein Association, 839 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801. is sponsored by the Department of Agricultural Economics in the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell, will start at 10 a.m. For more information about the program and registration, contact Robert A. Milligan, Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853 or telephone Milligan’s office at (607) 255-4579. Let’s face it. Almost everyone in the farming business at some point requires financial assist ance. And when you do, you need a bank that knows the farming in dustry. You need Lebanon Valley National Bank. At LVNB, we proudly call our selves “The Agri-Bank.” Our agri cultural loan officers can help you with finances for construction, operating loans, mortgages and refinancing, money for new machinery and equipment, and estate planning. ThevVe even been known to help with the milk ing from time-to-time. Our agricultural loan officers are farming experts. LVNB's agricultural loan officers are true specialists in agricultural Gets Underway Name Address. Phone( ) I would like Raffle tickets at 6 for $5.00. Please make check payable to; Pennsylvania Holstein Association Return to: Pennsylvania Holstein Association, 839 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801 Rural Budget Crunch (Continued from Page Al 7) protection. According to Stinson, agricultural communities will also be hard pressed to keep up with an increased demand for social services caused by the weak farm sector. Moreover, when farm incomes fall, Main Street businesses suffer too. Local unemployment in creases, and that hurts commerce. Until the overall farm economy improves, he notes, small-town officials will have to pinch pennies and search for alternative forms of revenue, wherever possible. Stinson says that communities in grain-producing states like lowa, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Arkansas will face P JHA Calf Raffle Ticket Order Form the biggest challenge to keep municipal services intact. Local governments dependent on farm generated property taxes in other states may have less of a problem because of their more diversified economies. “Still, for many communities where agriculture is the mam source of income, even modest percentage reductions in agricultural property values can have major impacts on local governments,” Stinson says. “If left unchecked, the downturn in agricultural property values and the accompanying decrease in local tax bases have the potential to permanently change the quality of life in many parts of rural America.” lending. They come to you with years of farming experience and involvement in the farming com munity. And, at LVNB you’ll work di rectly with our agricultural depart ment. Give Mike Firestine, Larry Groff or Bob Donaldson a call. They’ll be glad to come to your farm to discuss your special needs. LVNB—we’re making life easier. gEj Lebanon Valley National Bank Member FD I C Equal Opportunity Lender A subsidiary of Keystone Heritage Group Inc Corporate headquarters 555 Willow Street Lebanon PA 17042 (717)274 6906
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