FARM MACHINERY ft HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS PUBLIC AUCTION I FRIDAY, DEC. 12,1986 10:30 A.M. Location: From West Chester follow Rt. i 52 South 2 miles to Birmingham Rd. Turn ; North at Strode's Mill into Birmingham I Rd. to farm ‘/z mile on left. 302 Bir mingham Rd., East Bradford Township, Chester Co., Pa. FARM MACHINERY Int. model 240 fast hitch tractor (gas); Int. 2 btm. plow; (2) Int. fast hitch mowers; 3 pt. or fast hitch back blade; Int. model 110 manure spreader; Int. 2 row pull type com planter; Int. C post hole digger; (2) Int. steel wheel rakes; Fast hitch weeder; (2) Int. disc-harrow (8’); Int. 300 cultivator; NH Super 66 PTO baler; Shop Tools; Shop Grinder; Milk Cans; 3 bicycles; antique water ram; 3 saddles; Bam tools; 3 wheelbarrows; 2 mows of hay. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Oval library table w/claw feet; 3 trunks; book shelves; Drop leaf table; magazine racks; books; 30 old pictures; gas stove; freezer; refrigerator; antique hanging cupboard; steel bed w/brass caps; additional misc. lots. Terms: CASH or Approved check Inspection Day Of Sale Auction by order of; DALE H. TETER 215-696-0167 WEHTTORIft SALEi COMPANY L ROBERT FRAME. SR 8> SONS. AUCTIONEERS AU-000292-L Eastern Pennsylvania s FOREMOST Auction Company Box 100 Uwchland, PA 19480 215-458-5060 B PUBLIC SALE"! OF VALUABLE 67 | “ ACRE FARM i FARM EQUIPMENT- ANTIQUE ! AUTOMOBILES | SATURDAY, DEC. 13,1986 x at 9:30 A.M. I Located 396 Trail Rd., Elizabethtown, x Pa., Mt. Joy Twp. Lane. Co., at I Elizabethtown Square take E. High St. * (Elizabethtown/Manheim Rd.) approx. 4 I mile to Trait Rd. (Drumhellers Garage) go * north to sale. jj Farm consists of 50 tillable acres, balance in f pasture with spring fed stream & woodland. | Thereon erected a 2 1/ z story sandstone house I built in 1802. House consists of large remodeled I kitchen, dining room with working fireplace, 2 I large living rooms and a powder room on first I floor. Second floor has 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths | and laundry room. Also attached is a heated I 14’x30’ greenhouse. House has 2 heating » systems. Oil hot water and wood fired. Also I daylight walkout basement. I Large stone bank barn. Large tobacco | shed/corn barn. 3 car garage. | Persons wishing to inspect property may do x so by calling 367-1907 for an appointment. I Terms: 10% down balance on or before March * 1,1987. Real Estate will be offered at 10 o’clock, i Real Estate will be offered several ways. | Entire farm or 7 acres & all the buildings or 60 1 acres ground. I Antique Automobile: 1929 Model A Ford 1 1937 La-Salle Duo Side Mounts. I Farm Equipment: Tractors- J.D. 70 diesel, ( J.D. 60- 3 pt., Case VAC, J.D. 3 bot. plow, J.D. | 13 disc van brunt drill, IH 550 spreader, 3 pt. I post hole digger, 3 pt. Case mower, 2 tractor j mount sawbucks, disc, 24’ hay elevator, David I Bradley spreader, 2 way horse plow, sub tiller, * platform scales, 40’ alum. ext. ladder air i compressor, wagon wheels, iron troughs, calf f hutches, Springfield3o-06 rifle (w) scope, misc. 2 tools, other articles. I One Horse Market Wagon- Excellent Condition i Not Responsible For Accidents A Sale by I AUFTEN SEWARD i 367-1907 ! Aucts. Raymond Miller- 653-8762 I AU6I7L * Rufus Geib Jim Hershey Atty. Hohendale • I CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Farm Eq. and Related Items MONDAY, DECEMBER 15,1986 10 A.M. * Located at the Auction Barn in American * Corner, Maryland, on Hwy. 621 between * Federalsburg, MD, and Denton, MD. Tractors, Combines, Trucks, Tillage Eq., Lumber, Tools and Other Farm Related Items tLY LISTINGS: AC WD; JD 2510 ; w/WF; IH 416 plow; JD 414 plow; JD 216 plow; : JD 4R cultivator; Super M Farmall; NI #I2A • spreader; wagon; hydraulic road scraper; • 3PTH disk; loader for HorM; D 2 Cat dozer. • Call today to list your equipment for ad ; vertising. : Forklift and loading ramp available. • Receiving equipment on Friday, December 12, • Saturday, December 13 and up until sale time ; Monday. • TERMS: Cash or approved check with letter • from bank guaranteeing funds. : A. Curtis Andrew Auction, Inc. • 301-479-0756 or : 754-8826 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PUBLIC AUCTION 2 FARMS- LOG HOUSE PRIME LAND- POULTRY HOUSE COMPLEX SATURDAY, DEC. 13,1986 1:00 P.M. 184 ACRES - CONOY TWP., LANC. CO. (To Be Sold in 6 Separate Tracts) DIRECTIONS: Take Rt. 30 West of Lancaster to Rt. 441 (before river) turn Right on 441 North approx. 10 miles to Keener Rd. turn Right approx. 1 mile to property. •11.8 Acre Farm Zoned agnc. w/renovated 2*j sty log and plank house 3 bdrms., 2 baths, Krown Kitchen, smoke and spring house, 3 car garage, bank barn w/covered feed lot, Har vestor silo, 695’ frontage. Lovely Gentleman Farm w/beautiful setting. ♦14.1 Acre Farm Zoned agnc. w/2V 2 sty. double farm house w/3 bedrms. on each side, oil heat, frame and block barn, 40’x60’ 3 bay garage and storage bldg., 2 large lots - 1.4 and 2.6 Acres included in farm. ♦94.8 Acres of land approx. 40% of which is woodland. Tremendous potential w/this tract of land as investment of future sub-division 1480’ road frontage, 1 acre pond included. ♦4 yr. old log house w/3 bdrms., full bath, eat-in kitchen, living rm., basement, 1 car garage all on large country lot 1.1 Acres. ♦41.5 Acres of land w/some woodland ideally situated w/approx. 1730’ road frontage along Bair Road; included in this tract are 9 ap proved individual lots pending sewer module approval. ♦20.8 Acres Zoned Agnc. with 3 large poultry houses erected thereon along Keener Road. House #1 is 50’x534’ built 79, House #2 is 46’x424’ built 77, House #3 is 45’x324’ built 77. Capacity of all houses approx. 108,000. Auto feeders and waterers and large feed bins in cluded. All bldgs, in very good condition and ready to go. NOTE: All tracts have recent survey by Gohn & Associates of Mt. Joy. Ideal opportunity to purchase prime parcels of Real Estate at Auction. Some tracts include approved lots subject to sewer module approval, which makes this a tremendous opportunity for the purchaser. Call Auctioneers for complete illustrated pictured brochure and plot plan: 717-733-1006 or 717-786-3394 INSPECTION: Open House - Sat., November 29 and December 6, between 2-5 P.M. or by appointment any time. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance day of settlement. Terms By: CHARLES W. & JOANNE M. BROOKS 717-367-1861 Auction Conducted By; Lloyd Kreider, Randal Kline Roy Good, Jr., Auctioneers Lie. AU-000499-L Dairy and Livestock Sales LONE SYCAMORE COMPLETE DISPERSAL THURSDAY, DEC. 18th, 1986 11:00 AM Oxford, Pa. ■B7 HEAD SELLING- Registered Holsteins 40 Cows, 47 Heifers and Calves 5 Head Are Red & White 1986 RHA 35 Hd. 19,881 Milk 659 Fat. The sale will feature 10 dtr’s and 16 Gr. Dtr’s of the famous Ideal Home Eleva tion Jolly 2E- 93 GMD with two records over 1100 lbs. fat. Call or Write for a Catalog Today BACKUS ASSOCIATES, INC. Sale Managers A Auctioneers AU-000034-L p o 80. 424 Menco NY Elizabethtown PA 170 22 315-953 7231 717 367 9236 PUBLIC SALE 96 ACRE LEBANON COUNTY FARM REAL ESTATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11,1986 2:00 P.M Situated in South Annville Twp. Lebanon Co., Pa. Along Route 322. V* mile East of Route 934. Turn North into farm lane. FARM REAL ESTATE Consists of 96 acres 7 perch. Being of limestone soil. Approx. 84 acres cropland in high state of cultivation. Balance pasture. Improvements thereon. 2 Vi story 12 room stone and frame dwelling. Ist floor 6 rooms, 2 baths, 2 kitchens. 2nd floor 6 rooms and bath. Attic. 2 cellars. 2 oil fired hot water heating systems. Baseboard heat. Full length enclosed rear porch. Full length front porch. Outbuildings consist of 1% story stone summer house. Stone smokehouse. 90 ft. x 43 ft. bank bam with pen stables. 18 ft. xl4 ft. masonry milk room attached. 40 ft. x 50 ft. frame com and equipment storage shed. 3 bay frame garage and poultry house. Drilled well with pressure water system. Water piped to necessary buildings. Sale to commence at 2:00 P.M. Inspection by appointment call 717-867-2265. { Owner j Auct. Earl S. Buffenmyer j AUII2L ) Attorney L.H. Meyer |XH> I —i *~~~l ***• oooooocoaoooooooooooooooooooo PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19,1986 10:00 A.M. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Located one mile east of Bartville, one mile south of Nine Points, first farm east of Route 896 along Bartville Road, Bart Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. 80 ACRE FARM MORE OR LESS Approximately 62% acres tillable,, balance permanent pasture and woodland. Bank bam with 32 stanchions, box stalls, horse stable. 13’x60’ concrete stave silo, milk house with 600 gallon bulk tank. 32’x75’ tobacco shed, com bam, carriage shed. Room to hang several acres of tobacco. Double stone and frame house with thirteen rooms, enclosed porches. Inspection any day except Sunday. 10% Down balance and possession on or before Feb. 14th, 1987 AARON K. AND LIZZIE LAPP, Owners Wenger, Byler, Thomas Atty. Sale At 10:OOA.M. Diffenbach's Auct. 225 L Lancaster Farming Saturday, Dacambar 6,1900-029 ISAAC L LENTZ Public Auction Register SAT. DEC. 13 -10 AM Agricultural & Masonry Eq. & Supplies, Classroom Furnishings, 1972 BMW, 32' Trailer, Livestock & Chicken Outbuildings. Western Montgomery Vo- Tech School, 77 Graterford Road, Limerick, PA. Approx. */» mi. off Rt. 422. Ken Reed. Auct. SAT. DEC. 13 - 10:30AM 76 Herefords--31 Registered. Located Dr. Sanford's farm at Storm ville, NY. From the N. take Rt. 55 out of Poughkeepsie to Pougnquag then W. on Rt. 216 to the auction. From the W. take Rt. 84 to Exit 12 (Rt. 52) E. to Rt. 216. Ordered by: Farm Credit Services of Central NY. Garrison Auct. & Realty Assoc. SAT. DEC. 13 -11 AM Farm Eq Between Fleetwood & Lyond, Berks Co., PA From Rt 662 in Fleetwood take the Fleetwood Lyons Rd., E. approx. 2‘/i mis Terms by: Joe & Joanne Ruth. Horning Farm Agency, Inc., Aucts. SAT. DEC. 13 ■ 11:30AM Antiques & HH Goods. 3 mis NW of Oxford, PA, on Park Rd from Rt. 272 to W. on Lees Bridge Rd. to Park Rd. left Elba H. Smyth, Owner. Steve Petersheim and Steve Jr , Aucts. SAT DEC. 13 - 12 Noon Farm Machinery and Harvestore Silos. Take Rt. 307 W. from Clarks Summit, approx. 2 mis turn left to Newton Ransom and turn left just past Newton Ransom Fire Hall Charles & Diane Miller, Owners. Bill Mead, Auct SAT DEC 13 ■ IPM 2 Farms-Log House-Prime Land-Poultry House Complex. Take Rt 30 W of Lancaster to Rt. 441 (before river) turn right on 441 N approx. 10 mis to Keener Rd. turn right approx 1 mi to property. Conoy Twp., Lane. Co. Terms by. Charles W & Joanne M. Brooks. Kreider, Kline & Good. Jr , Aucts WED. DEC. 17 - 9AM Holstein Herd, Farm & Milk Eq. Lane. Co . 9 mis , E. of Lancaster City, 2 mis S of Rt. 23 along Rt 772, Newport Rd Owner, John K. Stoltzfus Steve Petersheim & Steve Jr, Aucts THURS DEC. 18 -11 AM Lone Sycamore Dispersal of 87 Head Registered Holstems Oxford, PA Backus Associates, Inc, Aucts.
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