Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 06, 1986, Image 169
Sale Reports A Public Auction of November 29 by Roscoe trucks, tractors and Bishop, Elwood Taylor implements was held an< * Larry Sterling, on SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION 132 ACRE FARM MONDAY, DEC. 29,1986 Auction Time 2:00 P.M. Located along Harvest Rd., Elizabethtown, Pa. from E-Town Square take East High St, (E-Town- Manheim Rd), approx. 4 miles to Trail Rd. Turn left, go V 2 mile to Harvest, right on Harvest to Property. Mt. Joy Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Tract #1: Approx. 55 acres with improvements. Double sandstone and frame dwelling; barn for 150 steers and 150 hogs- 20x65 silo and bunk feeder. Tract #2: Approx. 44 acres, mostly tillable with a few acres of woodland. Tract #3: Approx. 33 acres, farmland with some woodland, pasture, stream. Note: Tracts to be offered. Separately or as an entirety. Auction by LLOYD H. AND KATHRYN H. WENGER Ph. 717-626-5397 Auction conducted by J & P Auctions Paul E. Martin Auct. AU-1601-L Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-3511 John D. Stauffer, Auct. AU-1509-L Lititz, Pa. 717-665-5099 4i p SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20,1986 Starting At 10 A.M. Location - Main Street, Orangeville (Former Hess Market) on Rt. 487 North of Bloomsburg. Gary & Karen have relocated their market to new location and are selling the following. R.C. Allen 3000 Register, oak candy display, oak mirror-back pastry display case, 80’ metal display shelving, chrome display racks, double 16’ Gondola island rack w/end caps, Howard double door medium temp, cooler, Howard double door freezer, utility shelving, 10’ produce display tables, 8’ meat display case, paper cutter, wire display racks, Globe meat sheer, 6’xB’ wood walk-in cooler w/rebuilt compressor, 110 A/C, 40” G.E. elec, range, Maple cabinets, 2-Coffeematic #2, portable typewriter, 3 section (early) wood shelving, GELBACK 6’x6’ walk in freezer (sng. phase) DICELER 10’zl2’ walk-in cooler sng. phase, cargo wagons, Dayton store scales, file cabinets, NCR Cash Register, school desks, 2- oak 22” store counters, Ig. assortment of display racks, oak clothing islands, what-not shelves, food carts, 3 pc. maple living room, 6 hp Simplicity riding mower w/42” cut (like new), storage lockers, BLAKLESEE COMM. POTATO PEELER, wheel barrow, power push mower, 79-318 Dodge Adventure pick-up (ex cellent), salad bar crocks, napkin holders, salt & pepper shakers, sugar containers, Lenox Furnace converted Oil, Gas hot water heater, dry produce cases, bag trunk, floor fan, tape gun, elec, boxes, wooden boxes, 2 new Adler- Smith Corona elec, typewriters, etc, etc. Terms - Cash. Sellers CARY t KAREN HESS Auctioneers- John Autotore 784-3506 AU-31-L John Jr. 784-0381 Kim Bishop Road, Pocomoke, Maryland. Some prices received were; J.D. 4430 tractor $15,500, Int. 786 tractor $6375, Int. 1066 tractor $5300, J.D. 4020 tractors $5BOO & $5975, Case 970 tractor $5OOO, Case 970 tractor with cab $5550, Ford 5000 tractor $3825, Int. 715 combine $3050, J.D. 6600 combine $12,700, 1975 Ford w/16’ dump body $12,700, ‘72 GMC truck w/14’ dump body $lO,BOO, ‘6B GMC tandem with 19’ dump body $10,075, Hardy offset bush hog $2lOO, Kinsey 11 row planter PUBLIC AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, DEC. 13,1986 at 11:00 A.M. Located between Fleetwood and Lyons, Berks Co., Pa. From Rt. 662 in Fleetwood take the Fleetwood Lyons Rd„ east approx. 2Vz miles. Follow signs to sale. TRACTORS Int. 186 Hydro w/turbo, 135 HP, 1700 hrs., 18.4x38 radial tires, cab, a/c, heater, AM/FM; Int. 666 Hydro diesel, wide front end, 300 hrs. on rebuilt eng.; Int. 574 diesel, 2300 hrs., new tires; Farmall 400, gas, new tires; Int. 3200 Series A skid loader; tire chains 18.4x38 & [15.5x38; Front tractor weights 22; rear wheel weights, 10; Snap on dual wheels 18.4x38; [PLANTERS & SEEDERS: Int. 400 Cyclo 6 row 'planter; MF #33 Grain drill w/fert. & grass seeder box; Lely fert. spreader; 10’ Brillion (grass seeder: 10’ Brillion packer; Weaverline #430 Hydostatic S.S. silage cart, 175 hrs., like ,new; TRUCKS: ‘72 Chev. 50 Series, 350 eng., 18’ (midwest bed w/twin cyl. 12 ton harsh hoist; ‘79 Chev. % ton pickup, auto., 350 eng., gas, 30,000 (miles on new eng.; 7x28 Gooseneck Horse & Livestock trailer, new floor, v.g. cond., Circle H; TILLAGE EQUIP.: Int. 710 5 bottom 16” (plow w/auto. reset; 13’ 3pt. Int. chisel plow; 16’ F9OB 'Athens Rhino folding flex disk; 12’ J.D. iCutlimulcher, new teeth; HAY EQUIPMENT: '1495 N.H. Haybine, Ford gas eng.; 320 N.H. Baler w/thrower; 256 N.H. Rake; 55 N.H. (Rake; Pequea 8’ Hay tedder; 4 steel rack hay wagons B’xlB’, 8 ton running gears, 10.00x15 I tires, telescoping tongues, side openings, front end gate, tailgate opening; Wooden rack wagon 7’xlB’; 2 wooden rack wagons 7’xl6’; 36’ IFarmec bale and corn elevator; 20’ bale elevator, Cardinal; FORAGE EQUIPMENT: 1 1880 N.H. Self-prop, chopper, hydrostatic drive, 1 700 hrs., cab, new knives, 3150 caterpillar V-8 diesel eng., v.g. cond; N.H. 890 forage har vester; N.H. 890 A auger base unit; 890 7’ wide hay pickup head; 3 row corn head, low profile I adj. from narrow to wide, row adj., heads fit 1 1880 & 890 chopper 1890 & 1895; 3 Badger forage wagons #1416 3 beaters, metal roofs, tandem (axles, 10.00x15 tires; 2 Int. #56 Silage blowers; OTHER EQUIPMENT: 1666 Martin Scavenger [Manure Spreader; 570 Int. Manure Spreader (w/hyd. gate, new Gratz floor chain; 16’ Alum. Grain Conveyor; Veil rock picker; V Blade (snow plow; 25 KW Generator pto; Int. 3 pt. Box scraper; Grove 3 pt. back blade w/tilt & swivel I adj.; 2 Wheel trailer type earth mover; Gandy (silage additive applicator; Dump trailer; pto operated dump; 200 bushel favorite gravity bin (wagon w/8 ton running gear, 10.00x15 tires & ’telescoping tongue; Int. 100 Balance mower; 1 10’ Grain auge on wheels; Twin cylinder hyd. loperated hoof trimming table; 2 grain aerators; Oxygen acetylene torch setup; Mig (welder, systematic; 250 amp Forney arc fwelder; Port, fuel tank for pickup body; iKemflo hay applicator; Hyd. cylinders; (Calcium pump tire changing equip.; Bead Breaker; Tractor tool boxes; Some small (items. NOTE: All equipment in good condition & irepair; stored inside when not in use. Not many 'small items; Equipment will be sold at 11:00 A.M. Sale will be held indoors in the event of linclement weather. No out of state checks. Terms By: JOE and JOANNE RUTH (215) 944-7571 HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Alvin Horning, HAU-000433-L Mein St., Morgantown, Pa. 19543 215-286-5183 $BOOO, Int. drill $4OOO, John Blue 500 gal. sprayer $2500 and J.D. 14’ 1600 chisel plow $9OO. Pete Richardson Auction Sales conducted the sale. A Public Auction of farm equipment was held November 29 by Owens Lane, between Ridgely and Bridgetown, Maryland on Route 312. The large crowd included people from several states. Some prices were: pine comer cupboard $l9OO, old hand gasoline pump $7OO, 1949 and Williamsburg. Plymouth $2050, 1953 There were 390 Bmck $3700, Int. M registered bidders at tractor. $B5O, J.D. 3020 the sale, tractor $5200, J.D. 148 Some prices were: loader $1550, horse summer pasture scene dump cart $lBO, open top $250, winter schoolhouse buggy $3BO, horse road i scene $135, portrait of cart $350 and 1 horse her dog “Ginger” $B5, wagon $l9O. still life of an owl $BO, A. Curtis Andrew Nevin paintings $l5O & Auction Inc. conducted $2lO, 4 Frederick the sale. Remington prints $220 A Public Sale of an tiques and fine prints was held November 29 by Laura Huyett, a 93 year old noted Lan caster area artist. She sold 4 of her own paintings and 2 pain tings by her teacher, Blanche Nevin at Hammertown Rd., Churchtown. Mrs. Huyett was exhibited in A Public Auction of galleries in Lancaster, modem butcher shop Reading, Chadds Ford equipment was held PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13,1586 Sale Time: 9:00 A.M Located at the FORMER White Horse Fire Hall, along Rt. 340, (the Old Phila. Pike), east of Rte. 897 in the Village of White Horse, Salisbury Township, Lancaster Co., PA. CHAIRS - Bentback Arrow Back; Cane Rockers & Chairs; Bamboo; Victorian; 3 Victorian Cane (Walnut); Spindle Back; 6 Single Arrow Highchair; 6 Decorated Salem Rocker; Boston Rocker; Hitchcock. FURNITURE - Pine Commode; Schoolmaster’s Desk; Marble Top Walnut Dresser; Dovetailed Blanket Chests; Gate Leg Table; Pa. Fiddle Back Settee Grained Washstand; Tilt Top 3 Leg Table; Drop Leaf Table; Walnut Drop Leaf Tables; Cradle; Bucket Bench; Miller’s Desk; Spool Cabinet; Candle Box; Saddler’s Benches; Butter Print Molds; Duck Decoy; Woven Basket; Seaman’s Chest; Pine Chests (signed); Chest, Heart shaped handle; Spinning Wheel; Yarn Winder; Butter Prints; Conestoga Wagon Jacks; Wooden Sausage Stuffer; Slicing Boards; Lard Press; Rum Pot. Webber Boxes; Sm. 3 Drawer Chest CHINA - Cup; Shaving Bowl, Mayer; Gaudy Welsh Cup & Saucer; Gaudy Magna Shaker, Parian Pitcher; 6 Handleless Cups with Saucers; Pea Fowl Spatter Pitcher; Bird of Paradise Plates; University J & R Co.; Limoges Plates; Pomona Platter; Camara Teapot; Wedgwood Plate. GLASS - Caster Set; Blue Milk Glass; Cake Stand and Covered Compote; Oil Lamps; Goblets; Pewter - Plate; Coffeepot; 13” Charger. ANTIQUE QUILTS - Coverlet (5 color); IRON VICTORIAN FENCING - 475 ft. and 3 gates; HAND TOOLS - Fireplace Trammels; Travelers; Scriber Brass Insert; Butress; Rules; Block & Mold Planes; Iron Dippers; Forks and Spatulas; Buck Saw; Gambrels; Wooden Vise (screw); Ice Axe; Goose Wing Axe; Hand Wrought Choppers; Hetchell; Axe; METAL PIECES - Burning Iron; Iron Pot; Ice Cream Dipper - Thumb Scales; Brass Bucket; Iron Peeler; Pudding Molds; Cherry Seeder; Tin Coffee Grinder; Sleigh Bells; Tole Spice Box; Lunch Kettle; Tin Wagon Lamps; Tin Caniser; Tin Pattern; Powder Flask; Copper Kettle; Copper Wash Boiler. PIC TURES - Large Frame; Currier & Ives; (Scotson Clark); (Oil, Gold Frame); “Sports” (”Thos. Work). TAUFSHEIN - Water Colors (original); Animal Cartoons Cards. OTHER ITEMS - Cap Pistol; Flintlock Rifle; Tiger Maple Stock; Cooler Pot; Magic Lan tern; 12 Glass Slides; Wooden Pulleys; “Shore Bird” Decoy, carver - Don Harkey, Va.; Waterbury Clock (Oak); Hand Bell; Early Deeds; Braided and Hooked Rugs; Hat (Mfr. Lancaster); many other items not listed. 6% Pa. Sales Tax to be chgd. 717-768-3187 T. Glenn Horst, Auct. AUOOO43BL 717-859-1331 - 717-738-1245 Timothy G. Horst. AU001767L Lancaster Farming Saturday, Daoambar 6, IMS-925 ea., cherry dropleaf table $325, oak slant top desk $325, jelly cup board $295, 2 blanket chests $l6O & $l4O, oak library table $195, 1820 snow towel $3OO, 3 hickory baskets $l3O, $l4O and $270. T. Glenn and Timothy G. Horst were the auctioneers. Terms by: RALPH V. H. WOOD EDITH T. WOOD November 29 by Neil G. Gilbert, 3 miles west- of Lehighton, Carbon Co., Pa. A nice sized crowd attended the sale with good weather con ditions. Some prices included; electric whetstone $l4O, hamburger machine $2OO, tenderizer $3OO, scale $4OO, Griffith smokehouse $6OO, meat mixer $B9O, stainless steel tables $l4O & $2OO, meat saw $BOO, sausage stuffer $570, Refrigerated market truck $600,1963 Chrysler New Yorker $lOO, grinders $BOO & $865, stainless steel trough $625, hoist $395, beef spliter saw $4OO, hog cleaner $2lO, sink $4OO and sheer $490. Robert A. Amer was the auctioneer. XXX A Public Auction of outstanding antiques and fine furnishings was held November 29 for the benefit of Christ Community Church at the Brandywine Hotel & Resort on Route 30 in Downingtown, Chester Co., Pa. Many out of state folks were among the 300 who attended the sale. Some items sold were: Lancaster County, Samuel Breneisen, Grand father’s clock $3900, Pa. walnut grandfather’s flock $1825, walnut tavern table $lOOO, collection of Hummels $25 to $490, ice chest $2OO, Stage Coach picture $2OO, schoolmaster’s desk $2BO, sampler in frame $145, 2 Chinese por celains $2OO each, gold mirror $llO, oak chair $175, bead half-spindle plank bottom side chair $lOOO, dining table $320, walnut cradle $340, Victorian bed $675, cherry coffee table $2OO, lithograph $BO, butterfly armchair $4OO, blanket chest $950, and sleigh bells on leather belt $7OO. Whitford Sales Company conducted the sale. A Public Auction of Holstein heifers and farm machinery was held November 29 by Mr. and Mrs. Carrollee H. Zecher, west of Middletown, Maryland on Route Alt. 40, south 5 miles on Marker Road. Three parcels of land were also sold. The 185 acres of land with farm buildings was sold for $380,000. The 16 acres second plot of land with a house brought $40,500 and the third lot was sold for $45,000 and it included a barn on 14 acres of land. The 18 Holstein heifers, including 7 bred, were sold for a total of $6,117. Other prices were: M.F. 510 diesel combine $6lOO, Ford 8N tractor $llOO, Farmall M tractor $750, J.D. 4020 tractor $3375, J.D. 4010 tractor $1675, J.D. 4320 tractor $5050, DeLaval liquid manure tank spreader $2700, DeLaval manure pump $2OOO and two 7000 bu. metal grain storage bins w/drying floor $3750. The auctioneer was Robert C. Mullendore.