D22-LtPCMter Fanning Saturday, Dacamber 6,1986 Sausage stutter, 1001 b. capacity, foot or hand operated. Lane. Co. 215- 445-6142. Female, none reg. 3 mo. old border collie $l5. On Frogtown Rd., S. In tercourse along Pequea Creek. A.G. Esh, 366-A Osceola Mill Rd., Gor donvitle, PA 17529. 1978 Volkswagen dasher hatchback, dark blue, good on gas. $5OO 080. Lane. Co. 11AM-11PM, 717-548-3154. 1985 Olathe Brush chipper, 25 hrs., twin cylinder Briggs, new condition. New $3BOO. Sale $3200. Berks Co. 215-683-6260 eves. 215- 683-8935. HAY: Timothy, 700 bales. M/L. You haul. $1 per bale. Must take all. Western Berks Co., PA. 215-593-5624. 80 Quakermade chicken nests (roll-a-way) w/winch, IS holes per nest. Best Offer. After 6PM, 717- 933-8518. Berks Co. Morgan stallion rides, drives, quiet; Vt Arab Morgan mare bred for 87 to Morgan. Berks. 215- 689-4124. Two Minnich tobacco bale boxes, new two years ago, $l3O a piece. John K. King, 3363 A Scenic Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529. Lane. Co. 2 Stewart clippers, almost new, $5O. each; Bray breeding calendar w/150 new numbers, $lOO. Lane. Co. 717-464-3585 Generator portable 2400 watts, 110 volts, 8 h.p. Briggs engine, good condition, $225. Cash. Lane. Co. 215-267-7049 1972 GMC 1500 Van, was Weiner Van at Fairs, has elect, outlet. 4 spd. trans., 53,000 original miles. York. 717-244-2649 Silkies, approx. 500 to 800, Best Offer Over $5.00 each. Will Deliver. Fayette Co. 412-736-4063 JD 8' lever harrow, new runners, shovels turned, good condition, $175. York Co. 717-235-2032 Wilform Jog Cart, $150.; 16' hay conveyor, $100.; Industrial scrub bucket. $lO., Beautiful female Pygmy Goat, $5O. Berks Co. 215-777-1594 JO 45 combine square back, pickup reel. 12' gram head, 1967 model, excellent. Also 2 row stalk shredder Berks 215- 682-6713 Hesston 5600 S'x6' round baler, field ready, $2,600.; Also JD 3010 pedal tractor w/trailer, $l6O. Western Berks Co. 215- 589-4308 20x36 2 story shed to be disassembled, excellent condition, hand hewn beams, wide weather board siding. Nor thampton Co. 215-258- 0904. Leave Message. Toys: Farmall M; JO M collector; AC G w/plow. 717-872-5144 540 Int. manure spreader w/endgate, hauled about 20 loads, like new. Best Offer. 215-273-3993 7Vi h.p. 24" surfacer self feeding, good condition. Lane. Co., Pa. 717-859- 2221 or 215-267-4091 Reg. Jersey Heifer, due Dec. 24th, Top Brass Daughter, out of a Favorite Saint Dam, $650. Lane. Co. 717-768-8378 78 Ford Mustang for parts, good 4 cyl. engine, trans., and rear, $lOO. Firm. Lane. Co. 717-872- 5263 I Beam 4"xlo”xl6', $50.; Argon cylinder for TIG welder, $75.; Walnut lumber, Oak firewood. Lane. Co. 717-872-7619 JD BO Lmdeman crawler, $2,975.; AO on rubber. $1,150.; AR on steel, $1,550. Lane Co. 717- 392-0311 Gas & diesel engines w/clutch & 540 reduction available. Shirk Repair Shop, R.D.2, Ephrata, Pa 17522.717-859-2797 Old Maytag washing machine, with no engine, $10.; Fairbanks platform scale, 1,000 lb. cap., $80.; Pile roofing tin, for siding, about 150 piece, $5O. 717-354-0616 Steel wheels 48” high, 12” wide, no centers, good condition, $lOO. Lane. Co. 717-656-2615 84" 3 cushion sofa, tan, fair condition. Lane. 717- 733-4890 Used milk tank, 3 h.p. Tecumseh compressor, good working condition, $200.215-445-7925 T Meyers snow plow, $195. Lane. Co., Pa. 717- 285-4770 Reg. Quarter Horse Gelding, chestnut, 11 yr. old, very attractive and well broke, quiet, English & Western, $650. Susquehanna. 717-756- 2968 Worthington tractor, dual wheels, 6 cyl. engine. Make Offer. Must Sell. Montgomery. 215-489- 3527 Troy tiller, furrow out plow w/tractor tires, wrap around guard, like new, $9OO. Franklin Co. 717- 597-2431 Reg. Paint Horses, super disposition, show quality, priced to sell. Blair Co. 814-832-2592 after 5 p.m. ONION & POTATO EQUIPMENT AUCTION FBI., DEC. 12,1986 At 11:00 A.M. At 7620 Ivison Road, Byron, NY. Located 6 miles northeast of Batavia, just north of Route 33. CRAWLERS, TRACTORS, & TRUCKS: Case 350 diesel crawler w/ROPS cabs & 6-way blade; Case 350 diesel crawler w/3-pt. PTO and field lift; 6-way blade for Case 350; Cat D-2 w/hydraulics; Oliver OC-4 w/hydraulics; HG crawler; OC 3 w/sprayer w/stainless steel tanks; Ford 4000 gas industrial tractor w/loader & backhoe; Ford Country Super 6 #1124; Ford 4000 gas row crop (WFE); AC G w/pullers; two AC G’s (one for parts; AC G w/hydraulic pullers; AC G w/stainless sprayer; Farmall Super C w/3-pt and wide front; Farmall M w/mtd sprayer; IH C 340 gas field lift; Utica Bend 6x6 truck w/21’ Diamond plate deck; front mtd. winch; Curtiss Wright 6 x 6 w/18’ steel deck; 1971 Dodge D6OO w/14V rack & hoist; 19601HC Rl9O cab & chassis twin screw (for parts; Ford F6OO w/new rubber (for parts); 1976 GMC Suburban (for parts); two tow motors for parts; Clark forklift w. rotator (for parts). TILLAGE & PLANTING EQUIPMENT: Shuknecht-Stanley 8-row precision planter; Planet Jr. 8-row planter; JD 410 4-row potato planter; Iron age 2-row potato planter; Oliver 574 4-btm auto-reset plow w/Teflon bottoms; Graham 11-shank plow; 7’ offset disc; Hardie Hi-Whcel sprayer w/45’ boom; 3-pt. fertilizer spreader; Gandy 10’ fertilizer spreader; 1460 feet of 3” irrigation pipe; 1200 feet of 4’’ and 1055 feet of 5” irrigation pipe; Packard irrigation pump. HARVESTING EQUIPMENT: Three 2-row airflow onion harvester; one 1-row airflow onion harvester; AC 2-row potato harvester; JD 2-row potato digger; 18’ McConnell bulk body; two 14’ McConnell bulk body. PALLET BOXES, SIZING & GRADING EQUIP.: Approx. 2000 20-bushel pallet boxes; two dumper boxes; 12 pieces of Boggs onion and potato grading and packing equipment from several lines w/motors, reducing gears, and chain 18”, 26”, 36” and 48”. Haines brusher 8’ x 26”; two onion toppers 7’ and 4’; 18’ x 16” chain elevator; assortment of scales; assort ment of heaters; Macheta Airfoil 48” fan w/7M> HP; Dayton 46” fan; plus other assorted items. MISCELLANEOUS: 6’ Bushog; 2 welders; oxypropane torch; container; stapler; and other misc. items. TERMS: Cash or good check day of sale with ID, out-of-state buyers checks accepted with a bank letter of credit. WILLIAM KENT, INC. Sale Manager & Auctioneers Stafford, NY Ph. 716-343-5449 or 548-7738 Int. 190 truck, tandem, cab & chassis, 549 gas, 5 & 3, long wheel base, power steering. $l,BOO. No Checks. Bucks Co. 215-536-5175 after 5 p.m. IH 175 bu.. 3 beater manure spreader, in good condition; 9 yr. old Standardbred carriage horse, traffic safe, sound, ■»ood ild hor fi oil. man's .jrse anc. Co. 717-859-2374 Shoe rei iment. Ivenings. Hyd pump, 5000 PSI, 50 h.p. elect, motor, 1 phase, 7'/2 h.p. water pump, 8" 40 h.p., 225 amp, panel w/18 breakers. 215-286- 0084 JD 1020, $3,300 . Cyclone B, $800.; Ford 6000 w/5 bottom plow, $3,500.; Farmall H, $800.; 4 horse trailer, $1,600. Dauphin Co. 717- 566-6145. Late or Early. JD 3 bottom 16", 3 pt. plow. Chester Co. 215- 593-6958 Netherland Dwarfs: REW’s 2 Does. 2 Bucks Make Offer For All 4. Berks Co. 215-582-2587 after 5:30 p.m. Set of 1010 JD crawler tracks; Frick 2 saw edger. Carroll Co., MD. 301-239 8055 Water bowl (poly), needs no heating element. Lane. Co. 717-768-3218 D . ni . „ , NH 679 tandem axle hlnMr« spreader, like new, only B^^on^»ion r USetl ,0r S3W duSt ' S, 00 ? V. o° r $2,850.; JD 3020, IScmmlileA« 1 e A«f P * May C ° *5,500. Wash. Co., MD. ww-bowjw 301-733-3393 POLYETHYLENE TANKS Early Order Sale 6500 gal. tank w/3 HP 2" pump, 100; 2" PVC hose w/2” valve and 10,2" assorted cuplings. Total Sale Price $2,700 1600 gal. tank w/2" valve, 30', 2" PVC hose and 2,2” couplings, $535 1100 gal. tank w/2" valve, 15’, 2" PVC hose and 2,2" couplings $415 Other Size Tanks Available Limited Quantities Sale prices only to Dec. 16,1986 IVz", 2” and 3” PVC hose, rubber hose and couplings at wholesale prices. Thomas Bachman & Son 2501 Fallston Road Fallston, MD 21047 301-557-7529 301-836-6877 PUBLIC AUCTION 28 M/L ACRE FARM FARM MACHINERY, HOUSEHOLD GOODS A SEPARATE 1 ACRE BUILDING LOT SATURDAY, DEC. 20,1986 SALE TIME 10 A.M. REAL ESTATE 1 P.M. Located; Take Rt. 272 So. of Lancaster, Pa. approx. 11 miles, turn East on Schoolhouse Rd., to Cinder Rd., turn left continuing back on Schoolhouse Rd. Or Take Rt. 222 So. of Lancaster through New Providence, turn right on Cinder Rd., turn left on Fairview Church Rd., turn right on Schoolhouse Rd., Prov. Twp. Lane. Co. 1 ACRE BUILDING LOT ALONG FAIRVIEW RD. REAL ESTATE: Consists of a 2Vz story, 6 room frame house w/3 rooms and bath on the 2nd floor and 3 rooms on the Ist floor. Attic, basement, partial storm windows & doors. Adjacent pump house, hot water oil heat, matured shade trees. THE BARN; A 2 story frame structure w/adjacent implement shed, silo, pig pens, com crib & wire crib. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Your opportunity to purchase a small farm w/25 acres of good tillable soil. This property has road frontage along Schoolhouse Rd. and Fainiew Church Rd. Zoned Agriculture. INSPECTION DATES: Nov. 29 & Dec. 6, from 1 to 4 P.M. TERMS; 10% down, balance upon settlement. Massey Ferguson 35 tractor, cultivators, front end manure loader; G Allis Chalmers, new tires, good cond., cultivators, wheel weights; JD disc grain drill; 7 ft., #5 JD mower; New Idea 1 row com picker; New Idea manure spreader; Allis Chalmers combine; Allis Chalmers 2 row com planter; 30 ft. Little Giant elevator; 28 section disc; 3 section spring harrow; 8 ft. cultipacker; 3 point weeder; rubber tired wagon; JD bin wagon; Hershey 2 row tobacco planter; tobacco hoer’s; double set of tobacco ladders; Minnich balen box; 2000 tobacco lathe; 32 ft. alum. ext. ladder; milk cans; XL 30 weedeater; Allis Chalmers riding mower. 2 wastelands; chest of drawers; dresser; vanity; pine comer cupboard; sm. table w/drawer; library table; rocker; 3 iron beds; metal wardrobe; bookcase; desk chair; kit chen table w/5 chairs; Whirlpool refrig.; Sears chest freezer; Caloric gas stove; Kelvi. wringer washer; pudding crocks; picture frames; 12 ga. pump J.C. Higgins shotgun. Not responsible for accidents. Items to numerous to mention. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS. Refreshments TERMS BY ELWOOD & BERTHA E. EVANS AUCTIONEERS CONDUCTING SALE: LLOYD KREIDER AUOOOSI3L, RANDAL KLINE, ROY GOOD, GARY SHIRK 717-786-3394 It's Not Too Utol TQPDRESS ALFALFA; Apply now and reduce winter kill. ALFALFA FAI L WEED CONTROL; lowest cost and most effective time to treat for chickweed and winter annuals. i.fMF.i Eliminate the spring rush and compaction by liming now. We offer prompt truck spreading of Martin’s Ag Limestone. SOIL TEST; Now so you can do your planning this winter. DON'T WAIT, CALL US TODAY At 397-5152 FtfAHYmNttJt MASTER FARMER FERTILIZER Organic Plant Food Co. SO Ystrs Stivklf r | f AG PRODUCTS 1 Unasfr Ajrieultvn V [ AG SERVICES j v / Qf jt f 2313 Norman Rd., Lancaster, PA (717) 397-5152 Mon.-Fn. 7 AM-4PM; Saturdays t AM-12 Noon PUBLIC AUCTION 16TH FARM MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SAT., DEC. 13,1986 AT 9:30 A.M. LOCATION: Jim Trout's Farm, 10104 Dublin Rd., Walkersviile, MD. From Frederick, MD take Rt. 15 North approx. 5Vt miles to Biggs Ford Rd., turn right go approx. l‘/2 miles to Dublin Rd., turn left, approx. IVi miles on left. Follow Sale Signs. 18 TRACTORS 18 1981 INT 3888 2+2 diesel w/cab St air, 1490 actual hrs., 18.4x38 rubber, exc. cond.; 1981 CASE 2290 diesel w/cab St air, 950 actual hrs., VG cond.; INT 1466 diesel w/all weather cab, wide front, 3 pt. hitch; FORD 9700 diesel w/roll guard, wide front, 3 pt. hitch; INT 1086 w/all weather cab, wide front, 3 pt. hitch; INT 966 diesel w/all weather cab, wide front 3 pt. hitch; INT 856 diesel w/cab, wide front, 3 pt. hitch; JD 4020 w/power shift, 3 pt. hitch; (2) INT 656 diesels, (1) w/hydro trans, wide front 3 pt. hitch, (1) w/narrow front, 3 pt. hitch; INT 560 diesel w/narrow front, fast hitch; INT 450 gas tractor; OLIVER 550 w/1610 loader, wide front, 3 pt. hitch; OLIVER 1950 diesel tractor w/wide front, 3 pt. hitch; MUSTANG 545 skid loader, Perkins 4 cyl. diesel eng., new rubber, VG cond.; JD 212 lawn tractor, VG cond.; (2) JD 110 lawn tractors. OTHER EQUIPMENT INT 550 forage harvester w/direct cut head, 2 row corn head St pick up head; JD 112 forage wagon w/roof; GEHL T/A forage wagon w/roof; INT 370 transport disc harrow; LANDAU pull type 7’ chisel plow; WHITE 543 4 row com planter; JD 290 2 row pull type com planter; JD 7’ transport disc; MILLER 10’ transport disc; NH 77 hay baler w/gas eng., shed kept VG cond.; JD hayrake; NI 218 manure spreader w/top beater St hyd. gate; JD pull type haybine; INT 2000 loader; 12’ springtooth harrow; ONAN PTO generator on cart; 6’ box scraper; 3 pt. EZZE flow spreader; 8V MYERS snow plow; WHITE 253 fold up transport disc; INT fast hitch 4x16 bottom plow; 10’ wooden horse or cattle body for 1 ton truck. 1985 CHEROKEE 16’ LIVESTOCK TRAILER AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Most of this equip ment will be selling absolute to the highest bidder. TERMS: CASH/GOOD CHECK on day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. No items to be removed until settled for. STILL ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS since isso CONTACT ftlrout f Auctioneers. Inc. Randy Ruby: 15 North Court Street; Frederick, Mar>lttnd OttiCC. 301/6&1135S Home: 301-898-3673 '’Hrperieoct Doma’t Coat It fays" LUNCH AVAILABLE QR
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