Al6-UncMt«r Farming, Saturday, Novambar 29,1986 Walkup Holsteins (Continued from Page A 27) would let anybody have her. In dexing between 13 to 15,000 is not that important if you’re not going to be able to work with that cow. “I wouldn’t want the buyer to go out and say this is the cow I bought fromWalkup,” Dan explains. “We enjoy something of a reputation on the quality of cattle and because of that reputation we cannot sell this cow and we will not sell those cows that we know for a fact won’t be able to make a customer happy. That’s good business sense whether you’re a retail store or whether you’re a car dealer or whether you’re' breeding registered Holsteins,” he says. When it comes to selling his Holsteins, Myers maintains a contract with the Holstein World and advertises through the publication several times a year as well as in Southeast Holstein News. “From there our marketing efforts are done largely with the cattle in consignment sales and hoping they O WirrEY fc Hin?QT 133 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 JjJlPl iv*'" A *V|jl J Located Mile North of Rothsville BEOS. INC. (717)626-4705 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-5 PM; Sat. 7AM -11:30 AM i SALKS ..ARTS sktivick ! ' " Sun, Closed - lord’s Day - I will build a reputation for repeat business.” The breeder also ex ports some cattle and has shipped cows and heifers from Japan to Hungary to, most recently, Morrocco. According to Dan, milk sales are still greater than breeding animal sales at Walkup, but both are an important part of the operation as a whole. “We believe the milk should be able to pay the bills and living expenses and that the sale of surplus breeding stock is basically profit. That’s just one more reason to register cattle,” he grins from his soapbox briefly. “We invest in registered cat tle,”’ he continues, “And it’s like all investments you hope it turns out. If they have the pedigree and they’re good individuals that perform after they grow up, hopefully we’ll be able to cash in on the investment. “As Ron Buffington has said, “Dan adds, ‘“Those that fail to plan, plan to fail.’” coining to an end. ■e’s no Investment Tax, it this year. •« m’t you worry about that, Luke... E Y & HURST BROS, are burning the tit oil getting ready for their ANNUAL KJNT CASH & CARRY DAYS SALE. i thru Dec. 31st. And CASE IH replaced Credit with up to $lO,OOO in CASH-BACK ■—\j:hecksit* ■ ** v ; get ahead of them fellas customers the best buys! it to see that special •t in the December 6thl ancaster Farming, j GIGANTIC SELECTION IN Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIEDS ACRES Isn’t The Size Of Your Farm (Continued from Page Al) compete with major growers in the nation for markets for vegetables. And weather plays a major role in market movements at any one particular time. The ACRES program paid for itself just in the 45 days I was harvesting tomatoes,” Eckel said. In talking to one of my fellow state presidents, this president in dicated that a hog producer made $9,000 from the program last year. To use the new service you need a computer, a telephone modem, a private telephone line and an agreement with PFA’s Farm Management Services to receive your computer “password” for access to all information. Richard Denison, manager said, “We started to sell hardware, but my interest was in programs, those things that work in the hardware to perform the reports that allow the farmer to make better management decisions. However, you can’t support a man on the road just selling software. So we have combined the hard ware and software into a package. Keith Eckel (right), Pennsylvania Farmers Association president and farm user of the new acres program, works with Nevin Dourte, marketing representative for farm computers. One of the things farmers kept telling us was that we need market information. So now with the ACRES program in place to help with the educational part of our program to farmers, we have a total package available from the PFA Farm Management Services. Denison listed the services of his division as: 1. a farm business managed service that includes a records program 2. a legal service WHAT ARE FRIENDS FOR? Your nice warm friends at Osburn have done it again designed a new wood stove that is one of the most efficient, clean burning stoves in the world The OSBURN IMPERIAL 2000 meets the rigid standards being set by environmental protection agencies and promises a clean burn - every time 1 N M‘uC& faendf BOWMAN'S STOVE SHOP RD3 Ephrata, PA 17522 One Mile East of Ephrata on Rt. 322 Just Off Rt. 222 plan that refers members to a law firm 3. a money market fund 4. trust management service and 5. the computer hardware and soft ware division that involves the ACRES program. At present a 13-month sub scription is offered for the price of 12 months. Both members and nonmembers may call the PFA office for more information about this new ACRES service. The OSBURN IMPERIAL 2000, a revolution in woodstove technology, from a world leader in non-catalytic combustion Ihe wood stove for now - and for the future - from your nice warm friends at Osburn After all. what are friends for 7 OSBURN IMPERIAL 2000 Meet Osburns nice warm friends at Tues. & Wed. 10-0; Thurs. &Fri. 10-8; Sat. 104; Closed Mondays (717) 733-4973