New Holland Feeder Pigs Wednesday, Nov. 19,1986 Report Supplied by Auction Today Last Wednesday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs firm to 10.00 higher, extremes 20.00 higher. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 80 hd. 22-29 lbs. 150.00- 156.00; 211 hd. 30-39 lbs. 139.00- 155.00; 256 hd. 40-49 lbs. 132.00- 152.00; 162 hd. 5009 lbs. 121.00- 138.00; 37 hd. 6009 lbs. 96.00-108.00; 40 hd. 70-79 lbs. 92.00-97.00; 6 hd. 82 lbs. 88.00; 13 hd. 110-127 lbs. 63.00- 66.00. US 2-3: 51 hd. 22-29 lbs. 102.00- 124.00 ; 60 hd. 40-51 lbs. 102.00- 120.00. New Holland Hogs New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Monday, Nov. 17,1986 Report Supplied by Auction Today Last Monday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Monday barrows and gilts steady to .50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210-245 lb. 54.75-56.25; US 1 210-250 lb. 57.00-59.00; US 1-3 200-255 lb. 54.00-54.75; US 3-4 One lot 275 lb. 46.50. Vintage Hogs Paradise, PA Saturday, Nov. 15,1986 Report supplied by Auction I’s and 2’s, 210-265 lbs., 53.00- 56.00; Sows, 250420 lbs., 30.00- 47.75; Boars, 245-710 lbs., 38.00- 39.00. Indianapolis Hogs Thursday, Nov. 20,1986 650. Barrows & gilts active, .50 higher. US 1-3 230-255 lb. 54.25-54.75. SOWS: Moderately active, not well tested early. (4%) US 1-3 350-600 lb. 45.00-50.00, 625- 6751 b. 52.00-55.00. BOARS: Over 3251 b. 43.00-44.00. St. Louis Hogs Thursday, Nov. 20 2500 - Barrows & gilts active, .25- .50 higher. US 1-3 210-250 lb. 53.75-54.25 mostly 54.00; 200-210 lb. Scarce. SOWS: Under 500 lb. .50 lower; over 500 lb. 2.00-3.00 lower. (About 10%) US 1-2 300-500 lb. 46.50, few 47.00, few early 46.00. US 1-3 over 500 lb. 49.00-51.00, mostly 50.00-51.00. BOARS: Over 300 lb. 46.75; under 300 lb. 44.7545.00. Walter M. Dunlap and Sons offers all cattle feeders two marketing days Give us a call for advice and marketing conditions. MONDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS Consign With Us For the Marketing Edge We are buying feeder pigs ★ ★ ★ Direct off the farm ★ ★ ★ Give us a call whether you are buying or selling Walter M. Dunlap and Sons Lancaster Stockyards Tel. (717) 397-5136 An Old Line Commission Firm Keeping Abreast With The Times Peoria Hogs Thursday, Nov. 20 2500 - Barrows & gilts moderate, fully .50 instances 1.00 higher, early, few late sales mostly steady. US 1-2 200-240 lb. early 54.50- 55.00, few late 54.00. US 1-3 200-240 lb. early 54.00- 54.50, few late 53.50. SOWS: Under 500 lb. .50 higher; over 5001 b. 1.50-2.00 lower. (14%) 1080 1002 US 1-2 350-500 lb. 46.5047.00. US 1-3 500-650 lb. 48.5049.00, bulk 48.50. BOARS: Over 350 lb. 47.00; under 350 lb. 45.0046.00. Lancaster Hogs Monday, Nov. 17,1986 HOGS: Compared to last Wednesday barrows and gilts steady to 25 lower; sows uneven, weights under 500 lb. fully steady, 500-650 lb. steady instances 2.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 210-245 lb. 55.75-56.75; US 1 210-250 lb. 57.50-58.50; US 1-3 200-255 lb. 55.00-55.75; US 24 220-265 lb. 54.00- 55.00, few 53.50-54.00. SOWS: US 1-2 300-500 lb. 43.00- 47.00; Few 350400 lb. 47.00-50.00; US 1-3 500-650 lb. 47.0049.50. 1159 1050 Tuesday, November 18,1986 HOGS; Compared to Monday barrows and gilts steady; sows not tested. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 205-250 lb. 55.00-55.75; US 1 210-245 lb. 56.00-58.00; US 1-3 200-265 lb. 54.00-55.00; US 24 220-260 lb. 54.00- 54.50. Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auction every Thursday November 20,1986 Jersey Shore, Pa. Report supplied by Auction Return to Farm Calves 55.00- 96 00 Good Veal 52.00-78.00. Common Veal 38.00-54.00. Choice Steers 58.00-65.50 Good Steers 53.0060.00. Common Steers 41.00-52.00. Commercial Cows 36.0041.00. Canners-Cutters 32.00-37.25. Shells 22.00-35.25. Choice Heifers 57.0062.50. Good Heifers 38.7549.00 Common Heifers 36.0043.00. Good Feeders 51.0057.00. Comllion Feeders 19.0045.00. Bulls 42.75-52.50. Good Hogs 52.0055.50. Heavies 48.0052.00. Sows 43.0046.00. Roughs 40.00. Lambs 56.00. Eggs .55-.84 Doz. North Jersey Livestock Hackettstown, NJ Tuesday, Nov. 18 Report supplied by auction Calves-15.00-97.00. Cows 25.00-41.00. Easy Cows 5.00-34.50. Heifers 27.00-42.25. Bulls 32.00-46.25. Steers 41.25-55.25. Hogs 38.00-50.00. Roasting Pigs, each 10.00-42.00. Boars 32.00-43.00. Sows 29.00-41.00. Sheep .17-.47. Lambs, each 15.00-51.00. Lambs, per lb. .28-.86. Goats, each 15.00-62.00. Kids, each 8.(KM4.00. Hides, each 13.00-20.00. GRAIN, CATTLE AND HOG FUTURES MARKETS (Daily closing bids: Friday, Nov. 14 through Thursday, Nov. 20) CORN FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. 171% 168% 167% 168% 169 DEC. MAR. 87 180% 178% 178% 178% 178% 186% 185 184% 184% 184% MAY 188 186% 187 187% 186% JULY 189% 188% 188% 188 188 SEPT. 193% 192% 192% 191% 192 DEC. SOYBEANS FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. 504% 500 494 502 NOV. JAN. 87 503% 495% 497% 504% 500% JAN ~ B7 ffii 3 ?.. 14920 149 00 149 50 505% 498% 501% 506 503 MAR> MAR. MAY 507% 502% 504% 508% 506% 510% 505 507% 505% 508% JULY 150.60 149.50 149.30 149.20 149.00 JUL. 508 503 504% 495 505% AUG. 500% 494% 496 496 496 SEPT. CHICAGO CATTLE FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THURS. 60.75 60.62 61.00 61.42 61.72 DEC. DEC. FEB. 87 57.85 58.12 58.22 58.67 59.17 58.45 58.70 58.65 58.85 59.05 APR, 57.57 57.72 57.65 57.82 57.92 JUNE 46.65 46.37 46.62 47.20 47.62 JUN. AUG. 56.30 56.42 56.40 56.55 56.60 JULY 46.15 46.00 46.20 46.90 47.37 OCT. 55.10 55.32 55.30 55.42 55.40 AUG. 44.80 44.15 44.42 44.72 45.05 Columns Now is the Time The Milk Check The Dairy Business On Being a Farm Wife The Micro Way Have You Heard 7 Ida's Notebook Pork Prose Brockett's Ag Advice Departments Editorial Farm Calendar Classified Ads Livestock Latest Business News Mailbox Markets Sale Reports Public Auction Register Hame and Youth Homestead Notes Home on the Range Cook's Question Corner Kid’s Korner Thanksgiving Blessings FFA National Convention Farm Women News Berks Homemaker's Program 820 CATTLE Thursday 11/20/86 Week To Date (Est.) 529,000 Same Pd. Lt. Wk. (Est.) 513,000 Same Pd. Lt. Yr. (Act) In this AID 825 Cl 6 D 2 D 6 Dll Dl6 Dl7 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 22,1986-A3 U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock CALVES HOGS 48,000 1,202,000 86,000 47,000 1,173,000 85,000 510,000 51,000 WHEAT DEC. MAR. 87 269 273 274 272% 271% MAY JULY 243% 247 246% 247 246% SEPT. SOYBEAN MEAL DEC. MAY AUG. lEPT, OCT. CHICAGO HOGS ‘B7 FEB. 50.15 49.95 50.90 51.40 51.40 issue Five Sections features Southeast District 4 H Beef Show Lancaster Co 4-H Beef Roundup A3O PFA Young Farm Couples A 37 NJ Ag Students Cl 2 Brubakers Cl 3 Cumberland Roundup Champs Cl 4 E Pa Beef and Lamb Show D 2 AlO Berks County Holstein Club A 22 Members View Merger A 23 Guernsey Barn A 24 Cumberland County DHIA Awards A 27 Holiday Sale A 29 Pen-Col Sale A 32 Wolff Liver Transplant Benefit A 33 Columbia County DHIA C 7 Juniata County DHIA DIO Clearfield County DHIA DIO B 2 B 6 B 8 810 814 816 819 1,261,000 87,000 FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. 282 286% 286% 285% 282% 255% 258% 259% 258% 258 245 247% 246% 247 247% FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. 150.90 150.10 149.50 149.20 150.40 150.40 149.30 149.20 148.90 149.40 150.80 149.40 149.40 149.20 149.10 151.00 149.80 149.60 149.40 149.30 150.30 149.30 148.50 148.40 149.20 150.30 150.10 149.00 148.30 148.20 FBI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS 53.75 53.65 54.52 54.70 54.62 44.47 44.12 44.55 45.17 45.67 Dairy SHEEP A3O
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