Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 15, 1986, Image 57
Jividual honors were carried off by this . A team from Pine Valley Central School in South Dayton at the recent Stockman’s Judging contest at Alfred State College. From left are Tom Smallback, who posted the highest score among 380 par ticipants; Beth Cullen; adviser Dennis Carnahan; Christine Pagett; and Aron Crowell, second highest individual scorer. Overall, Pine Valley bested 20 other schools in the competition. Contestants judged livestock, dairy cows, grain crops, and forage, and took written exams to test general knowledge. ' BUY NOW Waive Fteance Charges& Payments Until March 1967 Farm Tractors 3910-42 PTO HP Diesel 6610-72 PTO HP Diesel 8210 - 95 PTO HP Diesel 4WD TW2S -140 PTO HP Diesel w/Cab Finance Up To 60 Mo. 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Find out more See us soon for all the details on this incredible Offer Manufacturtr > 09l>mata 655 A 2 WD Tractor, Loader Back hoe w/Cab 655 A 4 WD Tractor Loader Back hoe w/Cab CL4S 40 HP Diesel Skid Loader Finance at 6%% Interest or Waiver Until July, 1987 or Cash Rebates Up To $4,450 ISMUHPSWDGtotfSMfI mo 16 HP 4WDQySoltam. mOHHP4WDOe«r®4ft moUHPiWpftrachroTrua. IfeMj^lnWiiOs «T Waiver Of Ftaaace Charge Until July, IW7 Industrial Tractors Lancaster Farming' Saturday, November 15,1916-117 Pine Valley Team Stockman's Judging ALFRED, N.Y. - Pine Valley Central School in South Dayton came away with team and in dividual honors as Alfred State College hosted a Stockman’s Judging Contest recently for 380 students from 21 schools. The Pine Valley team, whose advisor is Dennis Carnahan, was comprised of Tom Smallback, Aron Crowell, Cristine Pagett, and Beth Cullen. They earned the team trophy with 1,929 points, while Letchworth Central School was second with 1,821 points. Smallback was the individual champion with 496 points, one more than teammate Crowell, while Cuba Central’s Beth Kramer was third with 488. The contest was the first of its kind in New York State, according to Alfred State College faculty members Thomas Cannon and Lee Laßoclielle who were general co chairmen. Contestants judged livestock and dairy cows as well as grain crops and forage. Besides the judging, students took written exams in crops, dairy, and livestock to test their general knowledge. The contest was administered by student members of the Collegiate Agricultural Leaders Club at Alfred State. Judges and officials were faculty members from the school of agriculture and allied health technologies and student members of the college’s agriculture judging teams. The 380 entries were from 21 schools in New York and Penn sylvania, and in many cases, the schools had more than one team entered. Team winners of the various contests are: Crop - Pine Valley; Livestock - Pine Valley; Forage Evaluation • Pine Valley; Gpdn Evaluation - Letchworth; Crop Quiz - Randolph Central; Livestock Quiz - Pine Valley; Dairy - Fort Leßoeuf, Waterford, Pa.; Swine - Cuba Central; Sheep - Cuba Central; Beef - Randolph Central. Individual winners in various categories are: Forage Evaluation - Joe Knox, Wellsville Central; Grain Iden tification - Willy Herrick, Ran dolph; Crops Quiz - Aron Crowell, Pine Valley; Livestock Quiz - Jeff Dobson, Alfred - Almond; Dairy • Eric Weaver, Alfred-Almond; Swine - Brad Kratts, Cuba Central; Sheep - Mike Zielkowski, Sherman Central; Beef - Harold Peterson, Wellsville. The top ten team entries are, in order of overall score: Pine Valley, Letchworth, Cuba No. 7, Fort Leßoeuf, Cuba No. 6, Allegany No. 29, Randolph, Cony (PA) Area Vo-Tech, Midlakes Central of Clifton Springs, and Allegany No. 30. The top ten individuals in overall score are, in order: Tom Smallback, Pine Valley; Aron Crowell, Pine Valley; Beth Kramer, Cuba; Pat Albro, Let chworth; Chuck Lamp, Fort Leßoeuf; Cathy Conhiser, Allegany Central; Bridget Hamilton, Cuba; Willy Herrick, Randolph; Mark Finch, Allegany; Greg Derick, Southern Tier Livestock Club of Wayland. KEROSENE HEATERS and FANS aniHiriTmmm IWICKLESS : HEATER : IHMHintHHIIIrt «*• PUSH A BUTTON - GET INSTANT H€AT 20,000 ml MU COMFORT MOW Reg. $159.00 • Owns 14 Homs • Hods 100 sq. ft. mumiiiinnuimmmMMMie E LARGE VARIETY OF WICKS IN STOCK B»»uuu>uM>i«iuinmiiluif LEOLA FIREPLACE t) W. Mai* Si., Utli, M • lit. no 772 • * Ml. I. tfUMtstm W « F. It*. TOT Iti M. M (717) MO-MOO Mm Topi Contest s Si