816-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 15,1986 Dauphin County 4-H'ers Recognize leaders, Outstanding Members DAUPHIN - Dauphin County 4-H-ers were recognized and awarded their leaders, outstanding members, and friends recently as they held their annual 4-H Achievement Nigth at the Stoney Creek Auction Bam, Dauphin. Mistress of ceremonies was Lisa Romberger, Millersburg, president of the Dauphin County 4-H Council. The following 4-H leaders received bronze clovers and certificates for one year of ser vice: Deb Witmer, Lower Dauphin Dairy Club; Cindy Baker, Breeding Sheep Club; Helen Grau, Pet Club; Jeff Lebo, Beaver Creek Shooting Club; A 1 Laskowski, Rosemary Wolfe, and Mrs. Bill Snyder, Carsonville Cloverleaves; Peggy Berry, Hop-a-Lot Rabbit Club; Doris Paul, Busy Bee Workers; and Carol Witmer, Halifax Super Sewers. For five years of service: Paul Bowman, Upper Dauphin Dairy Goat and Sheep Club; Eloise Laskowski, Carsonville Cloverleaves; and Mona Reinhard, Busy Bee Workers. For ten, 15, and 20 years of service respectively: Jim Foreman, Lower Dauphin Baby Beef Club; Frances Lahr, Busy Bee Workers; and Betty Buf fington, Upper Dauphin Dairy Club and Wilkum Club. Lisa Romberger received recognition for her efforts as teen leader with several county 4-H clubs. County winners in the National 4-H Awards Program were also recognized: Mark Brubaker, dairy goat and foods; Alana Laskowski, photography; Jeffrey Wertz, foods I 9-qA/S Cadrndw i Saturday, November 15 Lancaster Society 3 meets for a Thanksgiving program by Rev. George Ebersole. Lancaster Society 18 meets at 1:30 p.m. for a program by Mrs. Harry Hershey, Jr. Monday, November 17 Lancaster Society 29 meets at 7:30 p.m. for a legislative meeting. Lancaster Society 31 meets at 7:30 p.m. for a Christmas craft program. Lancaster Society 34 meets for a handwriting program by Charles Achey Jr. Thursday, November 20 Lancaster Society 25 meets at Conestoga View for bingo from 2 to 3 p.m. Lancaster Society 26 meets to distribute love packages. Lancaster Society 15 meets at 1 p.m. for a program by Landis Valley Assoc. Lancaster Society 11 meets for a program by Aleta Wilbur. Saturday, November 22 Lancaster Society 28 meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn East for a program by Jeff Baxter on “Mountain Climbing Ex perience.” Lancaster Society 4 meets at Mountville Church of the Brethren to see slides of Laos. EXPERT REPAIRS _ • GENERATORS £3^ • STARTERS Mgm y. u . ALTERNATORS IBP PEQUEA BATTERIES Ronks, PA and clothing; Audrey Beamesderfer and Sue Harm, horse; and Lisa Romberger, clothing. The “I Dare You" leadership awards were presented to Mark Brubaker, Halifax, and Jason Homer, Oberlin. Clover Award and Book Cover Contest winners from the 4-H Fair _jrs recognize ,at achievement night were, from left, . ~ Betty Buffington, Millersburg, 20 years; Helen Grau, jrs rece ' v ' n 8 awdfds U\- junior blue Dauphin, one year; Paul Bowman, Elizabethville, five years; forms were, from left, Mark Brubaker, Halifax; Jeffrey Wertz, and Frances Lahr, Millersburg, 15 years. Dalmatia: and Alan Laskowski, Carsonville. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WEEK Low Prices - This Is Our Way Of Saying Thank You Nov. 15th - 22nd See Page A 35 Tj,l NELSON AUTOMATIC LIVESTOCK WATERERS ' pi For Dairy-Cattle-Hogs & Sheep I I J • Ice-Free Water In Winter • Cool Fresh Water In Summer |gP" * • Rugged 8” or 24” High Housings ■ Reg. I I Model 300-24 24” High $159.95 Model 300-B 8” High $139.95 [3OO-24 ModeTSOO-B 6 monoflo SAVE MONEY WITH MONOFLO Stainless Steel MEWCATOR w.rmA.The BROODERS ROTARY HOG FEEDERS Sun For Pigs, Poultry, Etc. 275 Lbs. vv 6,ooobtu ;; t HL Reg. 5219.95 [•.: 11* & W $49.95 $l7O qc 1 XT $99.95 Carols Available SALE yJ. < t/.t/D w/DoubleCord • Zi”x36” • 24"x48" eavy Duty HOG & CATTLE WATERERS >BO Head Cap. • Assures • Prevents Freez- Livestock Fresh mg to -30* with- Water Daily out Electricity POU^TRON / No Gas v No Electricity received 4-H jackets and sweat shirts. They were: Erik Brubaker, Mark Brubaker, Kristi Cooper, Lori Miller, Lisa Romberger and KimSchildt. 4-H Fashion Revue participants received awards and modeled their garments. They are Laura Cini, Kristi Cooper, Gretchen Hoffman, Renee Lapp, Renee Heavy Duty, Thick PIG HEAT PADS $56.95 $64.95 MODEL DIA. HEIGHT TONS SALE PRICE BFT6-160 6’ 10’8” 2.74 $432.00 BFT6-260 6’ 13’4” 4.23 $489.00 BFT6-360 6’ 15’11” 5.73 $559.00 BFT6-460 6’ 18’8” 7.22 $619.00 BFT7-267 T 16’3” 6.61 $679.00 BFT7-367 ' T 1811” 8.64 $749.00 BFT7-467 T 217” 10.67 $829.00 Basic Bin Includes: Flip Top Lid, Roof, Side wall Hopper Cone, Legs, Bracing, And Hardware. NIPPLE WATERERS Monoflo 3/8”.... $1.99 3/8”.... $3.99 1/2”.... $2.29 1/2”.... $4.59 3/4” ... $5.99 ROUND FEEDERS * —* J • 1800 Lb. Capacity \J Reg. 5369.95 5319.95 Lego, Lisa Romberger, and Laura Trent. Featured speakers for the evening were Sallie Gregory and Stacy Nestleroth, Lancaster County Outstanding 4-H’ers. Each presented her 4-H background and experiences. They both em phasized the importance of 4-H as it relates to personal development, FEED BIN SALE . Jill NIPPLE CUP WATERERS rJJUjrWito Heavy Cast Iron Cup Works on gravity or water >9s pressure system. ftPBBT ~ ’ P re-t h rea^e dfor easy to hook ft qq up to water line ■ • No special fittings needed. - Does Not Include Nipple SAI.F. $129.95 $109.95 - • » achievement, friendshu). The following 4-H’ers delivered brief presentations on several regional and state 4-H activities. Angie Schildt, Harry Leibfried, Lisa Bamberger, Audrey Beameis<>' r < anil Jason Horner. An ice -• am social followed the program. Options Available 2”-3”-4”-5” Flex Auger Boots; 4”-6”-8” Rigid Auger Boots; Holler Valves - Ladders - Fill Kits - Rigid Augers - Flex Augers - Larger Ton Capacity Up To 150 Tons. Sale Price On Blni Are Knocked Down FOB E.M. Herr STAINLESS STEEL FEEDERS leadership and 100% Welded Construction 8 Hole $199
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