Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 15, 1986, Image 155
iB PUBLIC AUCTION iS&k FARM EQUIPMENT, IW| MILK EQUIPMENT, CATTLE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS NEW HOLLAND 1 /] H.P. ENGINE, CAR SATURDAY, NOV. 22,1986 10:00 A.M. (6 miles North of Boyertown) in Bally turn off Rt. 100 onto South 7th St., approx. 2 blocks turn onto Pine St., go past the church, then left approx. V 4 mile to farm. FARM EQUIPMENT AC 6060 diesel tractor w/3 pt., WF etc., 865 hrs.; MF 135 tractor, 3 pt. etc.; Farmall M tractor; Sauder front end loader; MF 3 pt. 4- 14” plow; 3 pt. 2-14” plow; MF 3 pt. 8’ harrow; Dunham 10’ roller harrow; 3 pt. 7’ disc; 3 pt. 2 row culti.; NH #450 7’ 3 pt. mower; NH 469 hay bine; NH 256 roller bar rake w/rubber mounted teeth; Smoker 24’ bale elevator; 4 wheel trailer w/bale sides; NH 268 baler w/thrower; NH 770 forage harvester w/1 row corn head; 717-E 1 row high moisture corn head, 717-W pickup attach. MILK EQUIPMENT Majonnier 325 gallon vacuum tank; Mueller Matic line washer & approx. 100’ of glass line. CATTLE 5 crossbred heifers, approx. 500 lbs. CAR 1979 Dodge St. Regis, 4 door w/air, power, 37,000 miles. ENGINE NH *2 h.p. Hit & Miss gas engine. Plus many items to numerous to mention! Terms: Cash or Acceptable Check For: MRS. MARGARET (RALPH) SCHOENLY Conducted by: Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co., Inc. 215-395-8084 PA Lie. #AU-001809-L Refreshments Available PO iox 2i6• FopaUvU)* PA I*osl • 215-396-0084• Ucenw »AUDQIIOfr I _J am ni'iLiMOTni auction nnca^_ PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, A FEW TOOLS & SPORTING EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1986 10:00 AM Located along Route 30, approximately X A mile East of Route 41 & 30 intersection, Gap, PA (Salisbury Township). REAL ESTATE 1:00 P.M. Approximately .459/1000 acre, 100 ft. road frontage, improvements thereon consist of red brick ranch type house, 3 bedrooms, kitchen & dining room, big living room with fireplace, full bath & shower; full finished basement with shower room & a cold storage; forced air with electric heat; walk in attic with stairway; 2 car garage one with opener; patio. 10% down on sale day final settlement 30 days “House is in mint condition." HOUSEHOLD GOODS Corning counter range with cleaning oven; Monarch electric stove; Kelvinator refrigerator; approximately 18 cubic ft. Hotpoint chest freezer; 4’ dining table with 1’ extension; 4 dining chairs; Juice 0 Matic; Automatic Roaster; 7 qt. water bath canner; pressure cooker; freezer boxes; crock pots; sherbet set; glassware; assortment of china; folding chairs; wood benches; sofa sleeper; living room rocker; easy chair; pole lamp; 2 - 9x12 rugs; dehumidifier; 5 drawer 2 door buffet; 3 piece bedroom suite; 2 piece bedroom suite; bed sheets; pillows; towels; hair dryer; bassinet; bathinet; stroller; fireplace equipment; song books etc.; planters; wringer & washer flower planter; lawn chair lounger; ping pong table; croquet game; carom board; Christmas tree & ornaments; Mandolin; Bmm spool load Bell & Howell movie camera & screen projector; typewriter; Eureka sweeper. #42 & #62 bow; 1 box deluxe field tested arrows; miscellaneous bow equipment; Ocean City big game fishing pole; 30-30 Winchester model 94; 12 Ga. pumpgun featherlight model 37; 12 Ga. single shotgun Winchester model 37 steelbilt. Allis Chalmer B-208 super tractor 3 speed & electrical start with chains, snow blower attachment & 32” cut mower; Lawnboy push mower; gas cans; 2” self primer water pump; cordless grass trim mers; bike rack for auto; step ladders; wheel barrow; plus assortment of tools & other items. Auctioneer; J. Omar Stoltzfus AU-001912-L (717) 529-6301 Leon Kurtz Inspection of property on November 15,10:00 AM -12:00 PM. or call for an appointment. Lunch available Not responsible for accidents SPORTING EQUIPMENT Sale Conducted For: MRS. LESTERS. SMOKER Terms By: Sheryl King, R.O.A-(21S) 593-2007 Velma Sensenig Reports A Dairy Herd Dispersal was held November 6 by Ezra and Dorothy Zook, between Manor Hill and Cottage in Huntingdon Co., Pa. The top grade Holstein cow was sold for $1550, the 2nd high brought $1425 and the 3rd high sold for $1350. Several others sold for over $lOOO. A heifer brought $925 and the average of the 36 milking cows was over $BOO. Bryan D. Imes was the auctioneer. Public Auction Register NOVEMBER SAT. NOV. 15 - 9AM Real Estate, Antiques, HH, Carpenter & Garden Tools. 69 S. Ronks Rd., E. Lampeter Twp., Lane. Co., PA. Terms by; Sallie K. Wenger. T. Glenn & Timothy G. Horst, Aucts. SAT. NOV. 15 - 9AM 65 Acre Lancaster Co. Farm, Veg. Farm Machinery. For Merry B. Farms. Rt. 441, 3 mis. N. ol Marietta, PA, Lane. Co. 20 mis. NW of Lancaster, PA. PA Turn pike use Exit 21 to Rt. 222-S. to Rt. 30-W. to Columbia exit to Rt. 441- N. to Farm. Mel Manasse Auct. Sale Managed by: Col. Fred R. Daniel Aucts., Inc. SAT. NOV. IS - 9AM Real Estate, HH, Antiques, Guns, Coins, Farm Eq., Truck. Cumberland Co., 5 mis. N. of Carlisle, PA. off Rt. 74 on N. Middleton Rd., approx. 2 mis. E. of Rt. 74 to Hoy Rd. Ethel M. Hoy Estate. Kling's Auct. Serv. SAT. NOV. 15 ■ The Keystone Show, Lane. Co., PA. PA Farm Eq. Dealers Toy Show, Sale & Auction. Located Americana Host Farm Resort Hotel, Rt. 30 E., Lancaster, PA. Toy Show & Sales Hours: 9AM 3PM; Auction; SPM. PA Farm ft Power Eq. Assoc. 9AM SAT. NOV. 15 - PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Located on premises of Parcel #l, West of Frederick, Md., & East of Hagerstown, Md & just West of Middletown, Md. on Route 40 Alt., South 5 Miles on Marker Road. Parcel #1 Being the same property which was conveyed unto Carrollee H Zecher and Cynthia A Zecher, his wife, by a deed, dated July 22, 1970, from Mabel F Marker, widow, and recorded at Liber 827 folio 680, one of the Land Records of Frederick County, Maryland and more particularly described as follows FIRST: All those two pieces or parcels of land described as “FIRST" in the deed from Edward E Storm and Mildred R Storm, his wife, to Doyra D Marker and Mabel F Marker, his wife dated February 23, 1940, and recorded in Liber No 423 folio 146, one of the Land Records of Frederick County Being those two parcels of land originally containing 101 ‘A acres, more or less, and 83 3 A acres, more or less a description for said 101‘A acres tract being found in Equity No 3353 recorded in Liber C M No 1, folio 130, one of the Equity Records in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Frederick County and the said 83 3 A acres tract being more particularly described in a deed from Peter Arnold and wife to Daniel Sigler dated April 1 1871, and recorded in Liber C M No 6, folio 638, one of the Land Records of Frederick County Being also the same real estate described as Parcels First and Second in a deed from Martin A Sigler, et al to Elizabeth Sigler, dated January 17, 1898, and recorded in Liber D H H No 1, folio 281, one of the Land Records of Frederick County, less that tract of land containing ‘A acre, more or less, conveyed by Daniel Sigler and wife to the trustees of Locust Valley Bethel Church and Cemetery by deed dated September 12 1882, and recorded in Liber A F No 5, folio 699 one of the Land Records of Frederick County Being also the first parcel of land described in a deed from Clarence M Sigler Executor to John H Marker dated April 4, 1911 and recorded in Liber No 296, folio 252, one of the Land Records of Frederick County less a tract of containing 19 square perches, more or less, conveyed by the said Clarence M Sigler Executor, to Lewis M Mcßride, et al , trustees by deed dated April 4, 1911 and recorded in Liber No 296, folio 279, one of the Land Records of Frederick County and less 46 square perches, more or less, conveyed in a deed of exchange by Elizabeth Sigler to John T Pearl et al , trustees dated May 30, 1908, and recorded in Liber No 282, folio 564 one of the Land Records of Frederick County but including 10 square perches conveyed in said deed of exchange by John T Pearl et al, trustees to the said Elizabeth Sigler Being also all and the same real estate conveyed unto Doyra D Marker and Mabel F Marker his wife, by John H Marker, Widower, by deed dated August 26,1937, and recorded in Liber No 409, foil 145, one of the Land Records of Frederick County, less those two parcels of land (not herein intended to be conveyed) which were conveyed by John H Marker and Bertha M Marker, his wife, to Doyra D Marker and M Fern Marker, his wife, by two deeds, one dated July 28, 1920 and recorded in Liber No 333, folio 445, for 127'A square porches, more or less, and the other dated February 22, 1926, and recorded in Liber No 372, folio 284, for 111 square perches, more or less Improvements; 2 story log covered by stucco dwelling containing 9 rooms, 2 baths, partial cellar, attic, heated by space heaters, well water, septic system, metal roof Frame bark barn, glazed tile 12 stall milking parlor w/vac operated doors, attached holding area, adjoining tile dairy barn w/24 stanchions, 160 free stall barn w/dnve through feeding system, adjoining manure pit, frame machine shed, tool shop w/adjoimng 4 stall horse barn, spring house, block meat house, 2 car block garage, other outbuildings, two 12x45 Manott concrete stave silos, 2 treneb silos w/concrete bottoms Terms; $25000.00 down day of sale by cash, certified or cashier's check. Parcel #2 SECOND All that parcel of mountain land containing 7 acres, 2 roods and 20 square perches, more or less, and being the "SECOND” tract of land conveyed by Edward D Storm and wife to Doyra D Marker and Mabel F Marker, his wife, by the hereinabove mentioned deed Being also all and the same real estate described in a deed from John C Mutter et al, trustees, to Daniel Sigler, by deed dated April 14, 1896, and recorded in Liber J L J No 14, folio 14, one of the Land Records of Frederick County for 9 acres, 2 roods and 14 square perches, more or less, less that portion thereof containing 2 acres, more or less, conveyed by Elizabeth Sigler to Daniel Rohrback by deed dated January 23, 1900 and recorded in Liber D H H No 7, folio 11 one of the Land Records of Frederick County Terms; $1500.00 down day of sale by cash, certified or cashier's check PARCEL *3 THIRD All those pieces or parcels of land containing in the aggregate 16 acres 1 rood and 35 square perches, more or less, and being all and the same real estate which was conveyed unto Doyra D Marker and Mabel F Marker his wife, by Frederick A Green and Hattie B Green his wife, by deed dated July 2 1942 and recorded in Liber No 434, folio 352 one of the Land Records of Frederick County Improvements' IV; story dwelling containing 5 rooms, bath cellar heated by space heaters covered by composition sidmgS metal roof, well water septic system Frame chicken house block stable Terms: $6500.00 down day of sale by cash, certified or cashier check Parcel f!4 FOURTH All those pieces or parcels of land containing in the aggregate 14 acres 3 roods and 15 square porches, more or less, and being all and the same real estate conveyed unto Doyra D Marker and Mabel F Marker, his wife, by John H Marker widower, by deed dated September 14 1944 and recorded in Liber No 444, folio 79, one of the Land Records of Frederick County Improvements: Small frame block barn spring water in property Terms: $3500.00 down day of sale by cash, certified or cashier’s check The aforesaid tracts of land being all and the same real estate which upon the death of Doyra D Marker on or about March 22, 1947, vested in Mabel F Marker his wife as surviving tenant by the entireties, less the following parcels of land 1 That tract of land conveyed by Doyra D Marker and wife, to the trustees of Locust Valley Bethel Church of God by deed dated May 7, 1940 and recorded to Liber No 423, folio 456, one of the Land Records of Frederick County, containing 0 4 acres, more or less, and being part of parcel First herein above described 2 That tract of land conveyed by Mabel F Marker, widow, to Herbert W Sheppard and wife, by deed dated August 24, 1949, and recorded in Liber No 481, folio 143, one of the Land Records of Frederick County containing 0 42 acres, more or less, and being part of parcel Fourth herein above described 3 That tract of land conveyed by Mabel F Markere, widow, to John H Sigler, et al, trustees by deed datfd February 12, 1953, and recorded in Liber No 516, folio 164 one of the Land Records of Frederick County containing W acre, more or less, and being part of parcel First herein above described 4 That tract of land conveyed by Mabel F Marker widow, to Edward F Mossetal trustees by deed dated August 22 1958 and recorded in Liber No 605, folio 226 one of the Land Records of Frederick County containing 8,740 square feet, more or less and being part of parcel First herein above described The aggregate amount of land herein is 220 acres, more or less Inspection- By appointment by calling (301) 371-6695 Terms: Down payments as stated day of sale, balance due within 30 days Taxes to be prorated as to date of sale All transfer tax, documentary stamps, closing costs & agriculture tax to be paid by purchaser Property is sold in "as is” condition. Possession upon final settlement Auctioneer: Robert C. Mullendore Boonsboro, Maryland (301) 582-0546 Personal Property Consisting Of Cattle Farm Machinery, Feed & Dairy Equipment Sold Same Date At 10 00 AM 'Tractors, Farm Mach., Tools, Butcher Eq., Generator, Misc. 2381 Yost Rd., Bath, PA. Off Rt. 512 approx. 2 mis. N. of Bath turn W. onto Yost Rd. Ordered by: Mr. ft Mrs. Allen Scholl. Wil Hahn Auct. Co. SAT. NOV. 15 - 9AM Real Estate, Personal Property. Located Port Trevorton, RDI, 11 mis. S. of Selinsgrove, PA, along Rt. 11 ft 15, Chapman Twp., Snyder Co. Mrs. Grant L. (Doris M.) Shaffer, Owner. Mark J. Jones Auctioneering Service. SAT. NOV. 15 - Lawn ft Garden Equip., Tractors, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 29,1986 at 12:00 Noon MR. & MRS. CARROLLEE H. ZECHER Phone (301) 371-6695 Lancaster Farming Saturday, November 15,19864)35 Mowers ft Tillers. Lawn Care Of PA., Martindale, Pa. Daniel Z. Martin. Auctioneers; Kline, Kreider ft Good. SAT. NOV. 15 - 9AM 21 Acre Farmette. Located Sunset Drive, 2Vi mis. NE of Middleburg, PA, off Middleburg-New Berlin Highway, on Twp. Rd. 445, leading to Globe Mills. Snyder Co. Mr. ft Mrs. Walter Fries, Owners. Wayne M. Hess, Auct. SAT. NOV. 15 ■ 9:3OAM Antiques, Collectibles, Hand Tools, Garden Tools, Butchering Tools, Guns, HH. Off Rt. 22 (Jonestown Rd.), at Maurice Cafe take Prince St. S. to red light, turn left one block. Mr. & Mrs. David Stouffer, Owners. Richard ft Rick McNeal, Aucts. SAT. NOV. 15 - 9:3OAM HH, Coins, Antiques. Midway between Leola and Brownstown turn E. off 772 on Center Square Rd., Lane. Co., PA. Terms by; Esther B. Martin Estate. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, Aucts. Frank L. Steller. SAT. NOV. 15 - 9:3OAM 100 Ton Crawler Crane, Bucket Trucks, Derricks, Mack Tractor, 4x4s, Car, Trailers. For; PA Power & Light Co., Allentown, PA. Vilsmeier Auct. Co., Inc.