Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 15, 1986, Image 148
V i D2B-Lancaster farming Saturday, November 15,1986 6” and 8" used concrete blocks; few hndels Lane. Co. 717-354-4271. Dry broiler manure, good fertilizer, $8.50 ton. Franklin Co. 717-532- 9234 Three Ritchie CDSO automatic heated cattle & hog waterers, $l5O ea. James Hoover. Perry Co. 717-567-6000. Male beagle pup, tricolor, 7 weeks old, AkC papers available, wormed. $35. Mercersburg, PA. Franklin Co. 717-328-5561. Standardbred Morgan mare, 7 yrs. old, safe and sound. 717-726-6894 7- BAM. Levi Esh, ROl, Mill Hall, PA 17751. Golden comet pullets. 21 weeks old Nov. 11th, $3.50/piece. GE stove, works, $4O; hot plate, $lO. Lane. Co. 717-733- 7424. 90 plastic interlocking crates, holds one bushel, $2.50 a piece. Lane. 215- 267-3501. JD 235 corn head for 45 or 55 combine, new JD 60 tractor, WF, $500: « chains, good condition, IN 154 Cub Lobov *5OO. Bucks. After 6PM, w/Woods belly mower, 215-346-8409 exc., $3,500. West moreland Co. 412-423- 2652 12.5 Kilowatt Onan generator 120/240V gas/LB; workbench B’x3' w/4” thick maple top; 2 submersible pumps. Northampton Co. 215- 258-9922. Small veg. farm for roadside market along Main road Dau. Co. Buildings, excellent condition. 717-362-8935. Three York Ouroc boars, service, ready, very nice; AC WD for parts. Lebanon Co. 717-865-5110. 1950 Dodge 4 door sedan, no rust, garage kept, runs; Lowrey Lincolnwood deluxe organ Model TSO -25, good condition. Carbon Co. 215-377- 3054. JO LA, needs carborator, $550; 1973 Double-J horse trailer, dressing room, $1,650; Amish spring wagon, restored Monmouth Co. After 5, 201-462-7962. Fox Ternor pups, toy, 7 wks., very cute A.B. King, 1975 Horseshoe Rd , Lancaster, PA 17602 Antique Communion rail 2 sections. 12’4"x29‘/ir"x6 3 /4", 2 ends, 3 gates. 34 spindles, 3 3 /«" thick; Triple seat folding choir chair units Best Offer. Sch. Co. 717- 467-3685 (2) 35' flat trailers w/4' sides and tarps, used for grain, $1,200. or Best iffer. Burl. Co. 609-261- 8184 anytime. Corn pickers. IH 234 mounted, 12 roll husking bed, $700.; Nl 07 pull type, $5OO. Both field ready, very good. Carroll Co. 301-848-0711 Registered Belgian mares. 1 yr , also 2 yr old, half sisters, Farceur bloodline. Indiana Co. 412-254-2406 3 American Holly trees, s'- 10' tall; Cast iron wood chunk stove, can convert to coal. Lane. Co 717- 665-5848 50 lb. Conde milker pails. Also Conde shells. Jonas Beiler, R.D.B, Box 15, Danville, Pa. 17821. Tractor tiro chains, 2 sets. 18-19" crosslinks, 9-13' long, fits approx, tire size 13.6x28, $125.00/set. 0.8.0. Lane. Co. 717-733- 7124 20 4'xlO' heavy plastic coated mats, nearly new. Reasonable. Price Negotiable. Can Deliver. Lebanon Co. 717-865- 4329 Two pair 18" steel Names with brass knobs, $5O. RFD 2, Box 646, Rideeley, WV 26753. Mineral Co. 304-726-4708. Woodstove: Small Jotul built Ulifus woodstove. 100% cast iron. Excellent condition. Hardly used. $l7O. Lancaster Co., 717- 626-0491. Malsbury steam cleaner Model 100; Farmall Cub pulley. Both in good condition. Howard Co. After 7PM, 301-596-5550. Radiator (or C6O Chevy truck, 9x7 garage door, 10x10,3 section Bx 7 hand meat sheer. Berks Co 215-488-1541. Two 3 compartment tob. bale boxes. Along King- Pen Rd. near Groundhog Lodge. Lane. Co. J.B. Stoltzfus, RRI. Box 250, Kirkwood, PA 17536 JD 1250 corn planter parts, $400; plateless units, $6O ea. Berks Co. 215-944-0352. Ontario grain drill 14 disk, $350, nice; Case *B5 manure spreader for parts, $6O, same as Nl. Berks Co. 717-933-4721. 1-3 door Kalan feeder for up to 100 cows. Balto. Co. 301-357-8375. Corn out of field. Bernville area, Berks Co. 215-488- 6455. 1985 Eager Beaver 9 ton tri-axle equipment trailer, new tires, VGC, $3,850. Salem Co. 609-358-7468. Black Majestic cook stove w/warming closet. Lane. Co. 717-665-2513 eves. Eskimo Spitz puppies. Lane. Co. 717-653-5709. JO 9' lever harrow, all new shovels, 4 new runners, field ready, $290. Can truck. York Co. 717-235-2032. Timothy mix hay, truck 12" stake body, r 5O Ford pickup, 3 pt. rear mount saw, buck ground drive manure spreader, corale cattle rack. 215-346- 7410. jE? PUBLIC SALE~! I OF VALUABLE 67 | I “ ACRE FARM i J FARM EQUIPMENT-ANTIQUE ! | AUTOMOBILES | SATURDAY, DEC. 13,1986 i at 9:30 A.M. | Located 396 Trail Rd., Elizabethtown, x Pa., Mt. Joy Twp. Lane. Co., at I Elizabethtown Square take E. High St. c (Elizabethtown/Manheim Rd.) approx. 4 I mile to Trail Rd. (Drumhellers Garage) go f north to sale. jj Farm consists of 50 tillable acres, balance in | pasture with spring fed stream & woodland. | Thereon erected a 2M> story sandstone house I built in 1802. House consists of large remodeled « kitchen, dining room with working fireplace, 2 I large living rooms and a powder room on first f floor. Second floor has 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths | and laundry room. Also attached is a heated I 14’x30’ greenhouse. House has 2 heating * systems. Oil hot water and wood fired. Also I daylight walkout basement. f Large stone bank barn. Large tobacco i shed/com barn. 3 car garage. I Persons wishing to inspect property may do x so by calling 367-1907 for an appointment. I Terms: 10% down balance on or before March * I, 1987. Real Estate will be offered at 10 o’clock, i Real Estate will be offered several ways. J Entire farm or 7 acres & all the buildings or 60 Z acres ground. I Antique Automobile: 1929 Model A Ford ? 1937 La-Salle Duo Side Mounts. I Farm Equipment: Tractors- J.D. 70 diesel, | J. 60- 3 pt., Case VAC, J.D. 3 bot. plow, J.D. I 13 disc van brunt drill, IH 550 spreader, 3 pt. I post hole digger, 3 pt. Case mower, 2 tractor 5 mount sawbucks, disc, 24’ hay elevator, David I Bradley spreader, 2 way horse plow, sub tiller, * platform scales, 40’ alum. ext. ladder air i compressor, wagon wheels, iron troughs, calf ( hutches, Springfield 30-06 rifle (w) scope, misc. 1 tools, other articles. I One Horse Market Wagon- Excellent Condition J Not Responsible For Accidents I Sale by I AUFTEN SEWARD | 367-1907 " id Miller- 653-8762 wets. Raymom I 5 AU6I7L J I Rufus Geib i | Jim Hershey I Hohendale Service age Yorkshire boar. Lane. Co 215-445- 5718. FARM: 90 ac, 11 room stone house, dual heat, barn other bldgs, spring, close to town, schools Som Co. 814-267-4479. 1946 JO A, runs well, good rubber, $950. York Co 717-246-1741. NH 456 trailor mower, $975; IH 420 baler. $475; Nl *7 picker, $295; Nl 752 hay crimper, $395 717-354-0266 25 Leghorn pullets, laying, one or all. Aaron N Hoover, 363 Glenbrook Rd., Leola, PA 17540. Along 772 at Talmage. 1972 Ford flatbed pickup, very good motor, flatbed body, 4 mag wheels, two tires, truck, $3OO, wheels, tires, $lOO. Hunterdon Co.. NJ. 201-995-7230. Killbros 230 bu. gravity box on 10 ton Wetmore gear, 11L15-8P ad justable tongue, $1,150; 50' Mayrath 4" auger, $4OO. Newcastle Co. 302- 378-9477. Case 10’ transport disk w/cylinder; Case S' clodbuster, 8’ cultipacker. All for $6OO. Hunterdon Co.. NJ. After 6PM, 201- 832-7101. One set of bob sleds, one high-wheeled, two-horse wagon w/beds. Fulton Co. 717-485-4179. Chickens 12-16 weeks old, roosters, heavy breeds, mostly reds, excellent fryers, $1.25 and up. Perry Co.. PA. 717-734-3397. Mounted 2B disk plow, fits Farmall C and 200 s, fair condition, $5O or offer. Lane. Co. 215-445-4824. Two yearling registered Jersey heifers. Sire Maple Lawn Silver Aaron. Monroe Co. 215-681- 4062. 1976 Dodge pickup truck in good condition, automatic shift w/heavy rear hitch. Lane Co 717- 3672732. JD B, Cyclone recon ditioned new rear tires, $995. Adams Co 717- 624-4262. Owatonna stacker w/mower, three new 3 phase motors, S&2HP, $5O ea.; Vicon (ert. spreader; Ontario 7x16 SP drill; Oliver 3x16 trail plow. Adams Co 717-528- 4914. 1976 Vega w/broken piston, Agstar hog castle, 24 xso’, $18,000: heavy barn beams. RDI, Box 119, Marietta, PA 17547. Lane. Co. 717-426-1539. 1986 special contructed trailer, 32', sth whe'el ball hitch, tri-axle. Asking $4,500. Lane Co. 717- 687-6179. McCurdy grain bin w/auger; 1977 4x4 Dodge truck: IHC IPR corn picker; IHC 4R corn planter. Lane. Co. 717- 548-2392. Three bleachers, steel frame, IS’ long, one 5 seat, two 3 seat. Lane. Co. 717-626-5505. Matched team 51" black ponies, shod, road broke, 5 yrs., beautiful team, 1450 pounds. $650. Ly Co. 717-433-3667. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD GOODS, COINS New Holland SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1986 At 9 A.M Real Estate At 2 P.M. - Coins 3 P.M Located at 426 W. Cedar St., New Holland, Pa. (Directions: Rt. 23, Main St., turn north onto Hoover Ave., turn right onto Cedar St.) Brick Rancher with 1 Car Attached Garage Terms by HETTIEG. HORST TRUST New Holland Farmers Bank, Trustees Antiques & Household Goods Grained Jelly Cupboard (Sideboard); Grained Blanket Chests; Tapered Leg Table; Child’s Rocker; Oak Chest of Drawers; Limed Oak Bedroom Suite; Desk; Pfaff Sewing Machine; Rainbow Vacuum with Power Nozzle; 16 CU. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZER (like new); MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHER; DRYER; Refrigerator; Dishwasher; 30” Stove; Dehumidifier: Gooseneck Rocker; Swivel Rocker; Modem Comer Cupboard; Quilt Frame. Wheelchair; Bench; Gingerbread Mantel Clock; 45’s& 78 Records; Shelving. LINENS - Spreads, Blankets, Afghans; Fancy work; Hooked Rug; Tablecloths; Quilts; Horse Blankets; Sewing Items; Quilt Patterns; Baskets; Advertising Boxes; Kerosene Heater; Books and Cookbooks; Dolls and Cradle; Metal Trunks; Slate; Express Wagon (Wood Sides). China 4 Glaatwara Pressed & Pattern Glass; Opalescent Glass; Gyde Scenery; Ironstone Depression; China & Glassware; Iron Fry Pans; Elgin Pocket Watches; Pocket Knives; Agate. SNAPPER LAWN MOWER (Rear Bagger); Lawn Sweepers; Carpenter Tools; Saws; Circular Saw; %” Drills; Sabre Saw; Socket Set; Wood Extension Ladder; Stepladder; Digging Iron; .22 Ranger Rifle. B'xB' Wood Storogo Shod Cor 1977 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 Dr. Sedan, 52,000 miles (excellent condition). COINS: 1881-1906 Ten Dollar Gold Pieces; 1880-1881-1887 S Five Dollar Gold Pieces; 1856- 1891 Two 8c Half Dollar Gold Pieces; 7 Silver Dollars (2-1923 - 5-1924); Silver 8c Part Silver Half Dollars; Columbian Half Dollar; 825 Silver Dimes; 400 Wheat Pennies; Large Cents. Terms By: TILLMAN G. HORST ESTATE T. Glenn Horst, Auct 859-1331-AUOOO43BL Timothy G. Horst, Auct. 738-1245 -AU001767L Wentz, Weaver & Kling, Atty 3 yr. old grade Belgian Stallion, broke the best, rides, works single or double. Perry Co. Jack McGarvey. 717-582-4635 Black standardbred carriage horse, family broke, ready to go. Also more standardbreds and saddlebred. 215-267- 3695 1976 Honda 550 motorcycle w/Farrier plus accessories, $6OO. House For Rent, $7OO. plus utilities, on farm estate. Montg. Co. 215-234-4917 JD 2B 16” rollover plow. $5OO Leb. Co. 717-949- 6823. Cider apples, reasonable; Reddy heater for parts & service. Lane. Co. 717- 354-0018. HD6G loader, $4,000; Super M tractor, WF, $2,500; Anderson rock picker, $2,500; 58 Dodge tk. 4&2, $6OO. Perry Co. 717-582-4420. ADGA dairy goat, Nubians, does and bucks all ages. Outstanding pedigrees. $175 up. 1986 Reg. Hereford bull $390. Gettysburg. 717-334- 7993. 'Bl Chev. Impala station wagon, PS, PB. AC, 2 sealer, white, in good condition. York Co. 717- 225-3032. Tools Surge pipeline for 42 stall barn w/energy saver: 100 plus Surge pump; Sunset 565 bulk tank. Wayne Co 717-226-3474 after 4 30 p.m. 319 Ml corn picker, 12 roll bed, mounted; IHC 560 gas, used this season, ready, $2,800. Berks Co 215-286-5434 Peach Bottom slate. David K. Stoltzfus. 39 S. Soudersburg Rd., Ronks, Pa. 17572. Lane. Co. Horse drawn manure scraper w/fork attach, on back, runs w/hyd. Also small electric compressor for Sputmck Christ S. Fisher. R.D.I, Box 192 A, May Post Office Rd, Strasburg, Pa. 17579. NTPA Legal tractor, 383- 4881, MH 44 rear. 18.4x34'5. Best Offer Around $l,OOO. Must Sell. 201-383-3429 Black standardised mare, food trotter, VA yr. old, 600. Andy Beiler, R.D.2, Delta, Pa. 17314. Will be at telephone no. 717-862- 3397. Mon 8:00 to 8;15 p.m. 7 yr. old saddlebred horse, needs work. Also 12 ga shotgun. Aaron F. Stoltzfus, 517 Lees Bridge Rd., Nottingham, Pa. 19362. PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Commercial Real Estate Office Equipment - Tractors Meat Processing Equipment 2 Miles North of Gettysburg, PA Along Rt. 34 • Biglerville Road SATURDAY. NOV. 29.1986 9:30 A.M.- Personal Property 11:00 A.M.- Real Estate VALUABLE REAL ESTATE - COM MERCIAL This Real Estate Consists of 2.8+ Acres of Land w/500 Ft. Road Frontage on Rt. 34 2 Miles North of Gettysburg, PA. Large Block Building w/435 Sq. Ft. of Sales Area, 1,938 Sq. Ft. of Office, 548 Sq. Ft. Sub-Zero Freezing, 6,421 Sq. Ft. Cold Storage, Shipping Room, 3 Bay Loading Dock and 3 Bay Block Truck Garage. Natural Gas, Sewage and City Water Available - At Present Property Has 2 Wells. This property was previously used for Meat/Poultry Sales/ Processing/ Distribution of Wholesale Meats. There are many possible uses for this real estate. For information, Phone 717-764- 6412 from 8 to 5. Shown By Appointment. TERMS: 10% DOWN, BALANCE IN 60 DAYS OFFICE EQUIP. & RENTAL STORE ITEMS Metal Office Desk and Wood Office Desk, Office Chairs, File Cabinets, Cow Hide Chairs, Formica Top Table, Dining Room Table, Lathem Time Clock, 2 Toledo Scales, 8 Ft. Mohaw Ice Cream Case, 24 Ft. Hussmann Meat Case with Compressor, Fat Percentage In dicator, Steak Tenderizer Machine. MEAT PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Metal Racking - All Sizes, Metal Carts, Metal Trays and Pans, 2 Toledo Platform Scales w/Large Dial Head, Hollymatic 400 Hamburg Patty Machine, Lard Steam Kettle, Large Drain Tables, Large Drain Sink, Portable Washer, Plastic Trays, Carton Stapler, Roller Track, All Size Meat Hooks w/Rollers for Hanging Track System, Cutting Tables, 2 Hand Pilot Movers, Raymond Electric Fork Lift w/Charger, Barrel Truck, Knipco Portable Heater, Dock Plate, Wheel Barrow w/Rubber Tire, 4 Steel Tubs on Wheels, Portable Gas Driven Water Pump, Electric Winch, JD B Tractor w/Hydraulic 1946? JD S FT. Pull-Type Rotary Mower JD #5 Semi-Mounted Sickle Mower w/Hydraulic Cylinder 69 Ford Econoline Van - Refrigerated (as is) NOTE: Building has many refrigeration doors, hanging tracks and compressors for cooling and freezing rooms. If real estate is not sold, these items plus other items will be sold and buyer must remove. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK SALE CONDUCTED FOR: REISINGER FOOD PRODUCTS, INC. 1030 Mt. Rose Avenue York, PA AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Emigsville, PA (717)764-6412 PA Lie. #761 500 gal. Majonnier milk tank. Chester Co 215- 932-3352 2 driving bridles horse, 2 round' blind bridles, 5 pair line holders, 6 English belly bands, most new. 717-272-6819 #5O JO loader, self leveling, manual trip bucket, forks & bucket; JO 66 silage blower, works good; F-12 Farmall, runs, on spokes. Franklin Co. 717-328-3970 eves. Dry walnut lumber, 10 yrs. old. $1.50 per ft. Also 4 h.p. NH gas engine & others. Raymond Landis, R D.l, Box 3977, Newville, Pa. 17241. 2 Registered Holstein Heifers, vaccinated, dehorned, DHIA records, due Dec. 12th. Paul S Wallace. R.D.5, Lake Ariel, Pa. 18436. Wayne Co. 717-698-5843 T Tog dump truck, $1,600.; 40’ storage trailer side door, $l,OOO. You Haul. 2 h.p. air compressor, 180 amp welder, work bench, tools. 717-345-4514 Shopsmith Mark V w/extra attach., very good con dition. Asking $l,BOO. or Best Offer. Omar Peachey, 30 E. Strack Dr., Myerstown, Pa. 17067. Leb. Co.