■■ -xyster Farming, Saturday, Novambar 8,1986-821 I | Ja'jw Warn £ Lancaster Society 26 Lancaster Society 26 met at Donecker’s Restaurant for a luncheon and fashion show Oct. 23. Lucille Buckwalter conducted the business meeting. The group reviewed the Manheim Farm Show report. The November meeting will be held at the home of Catherine Garber following nursing home visitation. Lancaster Society 29 The October meeting of Lan caster Society 29 was held at the home of Mrs. Larry Garber. Speaker for the evening was Nancy Reed, who demonstrated how to use trees and shrubs around the outside of homes to make beautiful and fragrant decorations. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Philip Bizler on Nov. 17 at 7:30 p.m. All members are urged to bring legislative articles that would interest everyone. The group welcomed new member Rita Wert to the Society. Anyone interested in joining the group for its monthly meetings (every third Monday night of the month) should contact Mrs. Donald Drager at 426-3192. Berks Society 4 Members of Berks Society 4 elected new officers during their October meeting at the home of Esther Sheeler. The new officers are president, Ferae Kulp; vice president, Virginia Taylor; secretary, Verna Taylor; and treasurer, Evelyn Becker. Virginia Taylor was voted in as a new member. The group made plans to attend the 20th an niversary celebration of Group 7. Members recently celebrated Farm Women’s Day with a visit to Longacre’s Dairy. The Novemer meeting will be a craft night at the home of Mrs. Verna Taylor. Green Valley Society 26 Eighteen members and two guests enjoyed a brunch at the October meeting of Green Valley Society 26 at the home of Ruth Traver. Thirteen members will attend the York County Convention at Wisehaven Hall in November. The group sent donations to six fire companies. The November meeting will be held at the home of Betty Ber tolette. Cedar Crest FFA Cedar Crest FFA inducted six freshman and 18 others into the FFA during its Greenland Ac tivities Night Oct. 22. The freshmen were divided into two teams, which participated in balloon bursting, milk chugging, whistling, bale throwing, bale stacking, livesaver passing and spoonliner contests. The Pigs team, consisting of members Brian Boyd, Brian Knapp and Rich Reber, won the contest and received FFA t-shirts as prizes. State FFA chaplin Dale Balmer spoke to the new members on FFA involvement and setting goals for the future.