Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 08, 1986, Image 1
ll 't iU. [lll liliiii roi. 32 No. 1 Early SnowfaU DmtfrNtorthem Pa. Six-year-old Eric Hall of R 4 Muncy took full advantage of the season’s first snowfall Wednesday as he £ave his sled a test run. Nearly an inch of snow fell on Everbe Farm in Lycoming County, where Eric lives with his parents, Barney and Lisa Hall. Hog Contracting: Sell Out Or Smart Move? BY JACKHUBLEY Getting married and plunging into the hog business are a couple of big steps for any young farmer, but that’s exactly what Paul Felty did in 1984. And though he was starting from ground zero in both enterprises, he’s the first to admit that he was a lot more successful at marriage. Seated in the office of his new 330-sow building, Felty recalls how he -druggled, quite literally, to stay afloat two years ago. “Every tune it rained the old bank barn filled up with water. And the first Christ mas I spent the whole day down there thawing pipes.” By contrast, his new structure, located north of Lebanon on the farm owned by his father-in-law, Joe Morrissey, provides a pleasant work environment with good ventilation and lighting-a state-of- Annual Forage Conference Set At Penn State U. Ihe 1986 Annual Forage Confer ence sponsored by the Pennsyl vania Forage and Grassland Council in cooperation with the Pennsylvania State University will >e held November 25 at the Keller Budding Auditorium at the iniversity. The theme for this feur’s program is The Role of forages In Dairy Profitability. Here’s a complete schedule of he program; (Turn to Page A3B) Five Sections Phc'o By Barbara Miller the-art swine confinement building. How can an aspiring hog producer get from there to here in such a short time? In Felty’s opinion, a contract arrangement is the best answer. For Paul Felty his hog operation is a dream come true. A dream made possible by two people; Joe Morrissey, a broiler producer who put up the money for the building, and Brent Hershey, owner of Hershey Ag Services of Mount Joy, the company that offered Felty a PHA Bam Dedicated, Fills With Brazilian Shipment With the flourish of a sharp scissors, Pennsylvania Holstein president Art Baxter cut the ribbon to officially open PHA’s latest export-facility addition. On hand for the ceremony were, from left, Jay Landis, representing PHA's executive committee, treasurer Walter Wurster, builder Henry Lapp, president Baxter, federal veterinarian Dr. Chuck Rossow, state sales chairman Laszlo Moses, and PHA executive secretary Bill Nichol. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 8,1986 Speaker Thinks Problem Due To Weak Exports BY EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor PHILADELPHIA - “It is no secret that large and growing exports are absolutely crucial to the economic well-being of U.S. agriculture,” said James P. Houck, Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Min nesota. Professor Houck was one of the featured speakers here Thursday at a forum to discuss critical concerns of U.S. agriculture sponsored by the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. “The dismal price and income per formance of our farm economy in recent years is a direct con sequence of a weak export market,” Houck said. “Between fiscal 1981 and 1986, annual agricultural exports decreased 34.4%, from $43.3 billion to $27.5 billion. From 1985 to 1986 exports slid 12%. ” Agricultural shipments to the less-developed nations of the world fell slightly faster than the total over this 1981-to-1986 period. They dropped by 38 1%. This distinction contract. “Before I met Brent I knew I was going to breed hogs, but I didn’t know which way I was going to go,” says Felty. Hershey, who runs his hog contracting business in con junction with Esbenshade Mills of Mount Joy, makes it easy for young farmers like Felty to realize their dreams. According to Her shey, the two critical prerequisites for entering into a contract agreement are enthusiasm and Ag Society James P. Houck is worthy of concern since the lg*s developed nat, i about 43% of all U.S. ag! icullural exports in 1986, down from 45% in 1981. Furthermore, the less-developed countings, individually and as a group, exhibit more volatility in their farm imports than richer nations like Japan Canada, and that order. “The most important thing to this is that they like hogs,” says Hershey. “Then you worry about the money.” Like most contractors, Hershey owns the pigs, feed, medication and other inputs, and the farmer is responsible for the facilities and labor That’s not to say that the producer has to have a background in ag engineering or finance to get started In fact, Hershey Ag will see the project through from the (Turn to Page A 22) $8.50 Per Year the members of the European Community. The reasons for the stagnation and decline of U.S. farm exports are numerous and complex. They involve internatinoal recession, currency exchange rates, bumper crops around the globe, in ternational debt repayment problems, political maneuvering, and trade-strangling policy ad justments. Another candidate for blame is foreign assistance to the agricultural sectors of those less developed countries who have been important traditional customers for U S. farm products. Figures compiled by the OECD indicate that, even after accounting for inflation, agricultural assistance from rich to poor nations has more than doubled in the ten years since 1975-76. In particular, United States' funding for such work has increased more than 50 percent over this 10-vear period THE ISSUES Spending public money for foreign aid has long been un popular with lots of Americans (Turn to PageAl9) l|oP*ter| Panning We’re 31 Years Old "Here is a trade paper' devoted to the interests of the farmer . ’ said a greeting appearing on page one ot the first edition of Lancaster Farming back in November, Übs r l hurt wine years later, the East Coast's largest ag weekly con tinues in that tiaciition sen mg more than 43,000 subscribe! s in Hennsvlvama ind surrounding states r.V JOYCE RLPP \ ork ( «. t oi respondent MIDDLETOWN - With Ph slash of a scissois, Pennsy\ania Holstein president Art Baxter sliced through a wide, white rib bon, officially opening on Monda> afternoon the newest addition to PHA’s farm and cattle-expoi > facility The 220 by 60 foot pole barn, equipped witn 260 individual headgates, and divided into four separate holding lots, makes the state’s Holstein Association farm the largest such export facihh in the East Enlarged capaciU of the Middletown farm enables a full boatload of heifers, up to &00 head of 1,000-pound animals, to be assembled at a time 'We are ideally located geographically to do this," noted PHA president Art Baxter "This is just the beginning, it’s up to us to make it work for the future ” Baxter praised the efforts in tne (Turn to Page A23'