FARMERSVILLE AUCTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 3:00 P.M. In Farmersville, 3 mi. east of Brownstown, Lane. Co., Pa. Local Houselot plus additions. See Lancaster Newspaper Sat., Nov. 1, for full listing. WE SELL ON COMMISSION Call JOHN J. Run (717)354-5095 Auctioneer: Lester Weaver AU-982-L GERALD A. DANOFF, ESQ. ATTORNEY AT LAW 606 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 305 Towson, Maryland 21204 TRUSTEE'S SALE IN BANKRUPTCY FARM MACHINERY, DAIRY EQUIPMENT, 85 HEAD HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE The undersigned Trustee wilt sell the following, farm machinery, dairy equip ment and' dairy cattle on the farm of Clay and Rosetta Workman, located on Belvedere Rd., Cecil Co., Port Deposit, Md. on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1986 10 A. M. Sharp DIRECTIONS: From U.S. Rt 1, take Md. Rt. 276 south 4 8/10 mi. Turn left on Camp Meeting Ground Rd.; proceed to Theodore Rd.; turn left on Theodore Rd. 1 2/10 mi. to Belvedere Rd. Drive east 4/10 mi. to farm. From U.S. Rt. 40, take Belvedere Rd. 4 2/10 mi. west to farm. Belvedere Rd. is located just south of the truck scales on Rt. 40. ORDER OF SALE FARM MACHINERY: JD 2630 tractor w/145 loader, JD 3020 narrow front diesel tractor, JD 3020 tractor, JD haybine, JD 13 boot grain drill, JD riding mower PTO 3* blade scraper, JD 16’ chuck wagon, JD trail disc transport, JD 18’ transport disc, JD wagon, JD 4 bottom plow, JD chuck wagon, JD flail chopper, JD chisel plow, JD 300 243 picker head, JD 7000 6 ton no till planter, JD 321 elevator, JD 400 feed grinder, JD 410 round baler, JD 50 sidemower, 4 JD hyd. cyl., 8 JD wts., JD pulley for 3020, John Blue 400 gal. sprayer, 7’ trail rotary mower, Killon Bros, gravity wagon 174 bu. w/10 t. gear, NI 220 bu. 3 beater spreader w/hyd. gate, 3 pt. hitch com worker, Wesko fert. auger hyd. driven 151, NH 271 baler/kicker, 3 pt. hitch seeder, Grain Chief elevator 42’ 3pt. 7’ Ford scraper, Farmec gravity wagon 125 bu., NI 5 bar rake, Lapp 20’ elevator, heat houser for 3020, Grove 16’ hay wagon, JD pressure washer, McCullough chain saw, air compressor, 2 275 gal. fuel tanks, pump, 1500 gal. tank, com shelter, camper top, 50,000 btu heater & mlsc. farm tools & equip ment. Surge vacuum pump, Mueller 965 gal. tank & washer, Mueller auto washer/wash vat, Ken Zade Model 1700 washer, 5 DeLaval milkers, 4 hp. vacuum 60+ Surge, compressor, etc. DAIRY CATTLE: Entire herd will be sold. 20 cows fresh in last 60 days; 10 more to freshen in next 30 days; balance in full flow of milk & rebred. We will also sell approx. 30 heifers of various ages & sizes & 2 bulls. Cattle are Blood & TB Tested within 30 days of sale for in terstate shipment. Milk wts., due dates, etc. available at sale time. These are good producing Holsteins ready to go to work for you. Plan to attend this sale for your replacements. TERMS: CASH Checks will be accepted with current bank letter of credit ONLY. No ex ceptions unless yon are known by Auctioneer or Trustee. FULL PAYMENT REQUIRED DAY OF SALE BY ORDER OF TRUSTEE. Trustee For information: Call Clay Workman at 301- 373-3589 Not responsible for accidents day of sale. Lunch will be served. ABERDEEN SALES CO., INC. P.O. Box C, Aberdeen, Md. 21001 Phone: 301-836-7590 or 734-7105 Nights PLEASE NOTE; See 2nd advertisement this issue for another sale to be held in conjunction with this one. GERALD A. DANOFF, AUCTIONS NOV. BTH -10:30 A.M.- TWO FARMS IN LUNENBURG COUNTY, VA.- 234 Acres, 4 Tracts of Really Productive Farmland and Excellent Standing Timber AND 58 Acres - 4 Tracts of Beautiful Open Land (Sale Site). Thomas Anderson, Owner. NOV. BTH - 1:30 P.M.- 132 ACRES - 11 TRACTS in Amelia County, Virginia, Six 5-acre lots which include both open land and beautiful planted pines. Two tracts of 15 and 25 acres with ponds surrounded by large hardwood forest. Two cropland tracts 20 and 35 acres and 10-acre wooded tract with pond site. NOV. 12TH - 265 HOLSTEIN COWS AND HEIFERS, Complete Line Farm Equip ment (International and New Holland)- White Farms, Broadway, Va. (just north of Harrisonburg) DHI Rolling Average 15,277 m 3.6% 573 f - 150 Cows (10% Registered) 115 Heifers - All Ages, 46 Bred (12 due Jan., 8 due April, 26 due July) Equipment includes: 7 Int. Trac tors, Skid Steer Loader, Fox Super 1000 Forage Harvester, Subsoiler, Plows, Discs, 1981 chev 4x4 Pickup, 1977 Ford F6OO Cattle Truck and many more items of farm equipment. FOR DETAILED BROCHURE CONTACT ijmkWSM BROOK HOAD \ RICHMOND VIRGINIA AUCTION WILLIAM GRAY COMPLETE DISPERSAL FARM MACHINERY, BEEF, CATTLE, PRODUCE GENESEO, NEW YORK SATURDAY, NOV. 8,1986 at 11:00 AM Sale will be held at the farm, Lakeville- Groveland Road, 5 miles S.E. of Geneseo, 2 miles North Cast of Groveland, 3 miles South ofltt. 20A. Discontinuing farming, will sell this good line of Machinery and fine beef Cattle. JD 4010 D. tractor w/duals; JD 3010 D. w/duals; JD 70 D. WFE JD B; 1966 060 Chev. Truck w/14’ -body & hoist; 1972 Chev. Vi T. P.U.; JD 40 Combine w/10’ grain head; NH 489 Haybine, like new; NH 56 rake w/extra teeth; NH 268 Baler w/thrower; Skelton 50’ elevator (like new); IH 510 grain drill 17x7 w/fertilizer & Grass seed; Midkee elevator w/motor; 3 basket wagons; 40’ mow elevator; 4 btm. JD semi-mtd. plow; IH 60 3 btm. trailer plow; IH 16’ 401 drag; JD 10’ cultimulcher; Pittsburgh 10’ disc, good shape; JD #5 mower; IH 3 beater manure spreader; 2 gravity wagons; NI 310 com picker; Cattle feed racks, gates, Hut chinson 32’6” grain auger; running gears. 20 Hereford cows; 14 Feeder Limousin X calves, Limousin X; new oiler; approximately 500 bu. Oats. NOTE: These cows have consistently weaned 100% calf crop. BUI is keeping 6 feeders for his freezer meat customers. That is the reason for only 14 feeders for sale here Auction day. HORSE ft ANTIQUE ITEMS: Horse collars; hay cars; slings & hay forks, walking plows & cultivators; harnesses; brass hams; fanning miU; small items for horses; com shelter; milk separator (incomplete); beet cutter; wagon wheel parts; a lot of whipple trees; odds & ends, something for everyone! TERMS: Cash or Good check Auction Day. OWNER: WILLIAM GRAY Roy Te its worth, Inc 716-243-1563 6502 Barber Hill Road Geneseo, New York 14454 LUNCH; AvaUable at Auction Lancaster Fanning Saturday, Novambar 1,1M6-D39 Dairy and Livestock Sales m 1 * M h y- AV CHAROLAIS BEEF CATTLE HERD DISPERSAL IsTAUFFER HOMESTEAD FARM “Wednesday, Nov. 5,1986 At 10:00 A.M. offered for sale at NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC, New Holland, Lancaster Co., Pa. Certified Charolais- Purebred. 15/16 and ’ 27 Bred cows all polled, due to calve Feb.-April 11 Bred heifers 6 Yearling purebred bulls 35 Open neifer calves and steer calves for 4-H and FFA prospects Our Purebred Herd Sirei >YAL COMMANDER 2998 RCC Ri Son of Sir Royal Sam Ist Polled HOMESTEAD STAUFFER SAM 270 Carrying foundation blood of Spring Waters Sampson RAINBOWMERIDIAN French blood background These Charolais offerings are from excellent blood lines and from a polled herd. This sale will be a buyer’s op portunity. All cows and bred heifers will be guaranteed safe in calf on day of sale. All cows and heifers are TB and brucellosis tested for interstate shipment. Transfer papers will be supplied on day of sale so that cattle can be registered and recorded with the American International Charolais Ass’n at the buyer’s expense. Terms by: The New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Abe Diffenbach, Mgr. 225 L COMPLETE DISPERSAL Whitney Point, New York FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1986 Farm is sold. Sale to be held on the farm on Corrigan Road. From Whitney Point, take Rt. 26 north 2 miles to Page Brook Road, then 2 miles to Corrigan Road. Arrows off Rt. 26. 38- GOOD CATTLE -38 A good young herd w/8 fresh; 2 bagging; quite a few due Dec., Jan., Feb. 36 Holstein, 1 R & W, & 1 Jersey. A real nice uddered dairy. Most coming w/2nd calves. They are producing right at a 50 lb. average per day. They have been pregnancy examined, shot for Shipping Fever, Blood & TB tested and are eligible for immediate interstate shipment day of sale. MACHINERY (It’s Clean & Nice) Int. 1486 diesel Tractor w/factory cab, 20.8x38 radials, very, very sharp; J.D. 4010 diesel Tractror, WF w/dual remotes, nice; J.D. 730 diesel, NT w/3 pt hitch 15.5x38 tires, sharp; A.C. WD 45 gas tractor WF w/ROPS, 14.9x28 rubber, nice; J.D. 158 Front End Loader w/Bucket, like new; Int. 1190 Mower-Conditioner, late model; N.H. 256 Rake w/Dolly Wheels; Fahr 4 Umbrella Tedder w/2 Shafts; J.D. 336 Baler w/Thrower, extra sharp; 3 Kicker Wagons on Gears; Int. 560 6 Btm Semi-Mount Trip Plows; J.D. 110 Transport Discs; Set of 12 ft. Drags, 1 yr. old; Old A.C. Transport Discs; Set of Drags; Ontario Grain Drill on Rubber; J.D. 1250 6 Row Corn Planter w/Liquid Fertilizer & almost New Demco Pump; Int. 56 4 row Com Planter; 2 Row McDeering pull type Corn Planter; Dunham Lehr Tran sport Cultimulcher; Yellow Devil Crop Sprayer; 3 pt Wood Splitter, like new; Kilbros Grain Box on Gear; 500 gal Fuel Tank w/Electric pump; Shop Type Air Compressor, 220 V, 3HP motor; and other misc items. Machinery for parts: J.D. 65 Blower; J.D. 38 Chopper; Dion Blower; Int. 56 4 row Planter; Grain Drill; etc Produce: Approx. 3,000 bales of this years hay; almost silo of 18x60 silo of Haylage; 24 acres of standing Com which will pick; BARN EQUIP MENT: Agn-Metal Bedding Chopper w/7 HP Honda engine; Royal Poly Turf fiberglass Feed Cart, less than 1 yr old; Big Barn Fan w/Motor; Patz 16’-20’ surface drive Silo Unloader, 2 Yrs. old. SPECIAL: N 1362 Manure Spreader w/Hydraulic End Gate, less than Iyr old. EXTRA SPECIAL: Bell Saw Mill w/3 head block set up for PTO; 19791 ton Chevy Pick-Up w/dual wheels & 454 engine P.S.- A real good dispersal. Farm is sold. Make plans to be with us! Order of sale: 11:00 Misc. Items; Older Machinery; 11:30- Machinery & Tractors; Saw Mill; Truck; Produce; Bam Equipment; Cattle at 12:30. Terms- Cash or Good checks w/Positive ID. Payment in full day of sale. Owner- EARL MILLER MEL MANASSE Sales Managers & Auctioneers Whitney Point. N.Y. 607-692-4540 or NYS 1-800-MANASSE EARL MILLER 11:00 A.M Lunch Available