A2-Uncasttr Farming, Saturday, October 18,1986 Livestock market and auction news Lancaster Market Monday, Oct. 13 Report Supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Goats Monday’s Receipts 972 127 413 671 243 Monday's Auction 425 674 285 1069 Last Monday’s Auction 385 679 545 1443 Last Year’s Auction 1073 119 617 316 383 CATTLE: Compared to Thur sday slaughter steers firm to 1.00 higher, with most advance on high Good and low Choice, high Choice and Prime scarce; slaughter heifers fully steady; cows firm to 1.00 higher; small supply bullocks firm to 1.00 higher; bulls 50-1.00 higher. Supply included 59% slaughter steers, 14% slaughter heifers, 17% cows, and 10% bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Few high Choice and Prime 2-3 1175- 1350 lb. 63.50-64.25; Choice 2-3 few 4 1075-1350 lb. 60.7563.00, few lots 63.00-63.60; high Good and low Choice 2-3 1000-1375 lb. 58.75-61.00; few Good 2-3 57.00-59.00; Choice 1150-1565 lb. Holsteins 52.75-56.75, few Good 1150-1350 lb. 48.0060.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 950-1150 lb. 55.5060.00, few mainly Choice 2 60.2562.00; Good 2-3 925-1150 lb. 52.00-55.50. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 37.00-40.00, few 40.00-41.50; Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 35.50-38.00, few 38.50- 40.00; Canner and low Cutter 33.50- 35.50. BULLOCKS: Good 1-2 1050-1350 lb. 48.00-51.00; few Choice 2-3 1050- 13001 b. 51.00-53.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1400-2075 lb. 48.50-52.50, few ' 52.50-54.25; yield grade- 2 1000-1500 lb. 45.50- 49.00, few 950-1050 lb. 44.00-45.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers steady to 5.00 lower; slaughter calves 5.00- 10.00 lower. Demand good for Holstein bulls to return to farm. VEALERS: Choice 160-320 lb. 75.00-90.00; high Good and low Choice 140-320 lb. 58.00-75.00, HO MO lb. 54.00-62.00, 80-110 lb. 45.00- 55 00, few 60-85 lb. 40.00-45.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 250-525 lb. 40.00-55.00. RETURNED TO FARM; Bulk 95-120 lb. Holstein bulls 85.00- 100.00. SHEEP; Wooled lambs weak to 2.00 lower; slaughter ewes firm to 2.00 higher. WOOLED LAMBS: Few Choice and Prime 75-110 lb. 65.00-70.00; bulk of supply Good to low Choice 55-100 lb. 57.00-65.00, including around 250 head sold as feeders. SLAUGHTER EWES; Utility and Good 22.00-32.00. GOATS: All goats sold by the head; Large mature 50.00-65.00; Medium 32.00-50.00; Small 20.00- 32.00. r LEBANON^ I VALLEY I | LIVESTOCK | i MARKET, UK. j * 1 mile East of J I Fredericksburg I * along Rt. 22 1 I PHONE | 5 JONESTOWN | I 717-865-2881 I £ Flea Market Auction* ■ every Tuesday at 12:30,1 I Tools, Eggs, Produce, I zetc. 5 I Buyers & Sellers i I Welcome J Vintage Cattle Tuesday, Oct. 14 Report Supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today 1428 1015 8 3 Last lues. 915 944 11 7 Last Year 998 918 23 2 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers uneven, Choice and small supply high Choice and Prime firm to .50 higher, high Good and low Choice weak to 1.00 lower; slaughter heifers not fully tested; cows .50-1.00 lower; small supply bulls about steady. Supply included 54 percent slaughter steers and 43 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Small supply high Choice and Prime 2-4 1150-1400 lb. 64.25-65.50, 15 head 66.00-67.75, with five head 68.25- 70.00; Good and Choice 1-2 1100- 1450 lb. 64.00-66.00, five head 66.50- 67.25; Choice 2-3 few 4 1050-1370 lb. 60.50- few 64.00-64.35; high Good and low Choice 2-3 1000-1485 lb. 57.00-61.00; Good 2-3 55.00-58.00; Choice 1250-1600 lb. Holsteins 52.G0-54.50, 54.50, Standard and Good 1100-1425 lb. 45.00-50.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Couple Choice 2-3 1100-1295 lb. 57.50- couple Good 2-3 1000- 1125 lb. 52.00-55.50. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 35.50-39.50, few head 39.50-42.25; few Commercial 3-4 34.00-36.00; Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 33.75-39.00, few 39.00- 40.00; Canner and low Cutter 31.00- 34.50. BULLS; Few yield grade 2 1000- 1725 lb. 44.75-47.25; individual yield grade 11775 lb. 50.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly steady, although Choice not fully tested, with about 95 percent of the supply calves weighing 75-120 lb. Supply included 606 in graded sale of which 64 percent sold to return to farm. VEALERS. Couple low Choice 225-240 lb. 68.00-78.00; high Good and low Choice 140-215 lb. 48.00- 63 00, 80-110 lb. 45.00-50.00; Stan dard 60-85 lb. 30.00-42.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES; Few Choice 285-400 lb. 48.00-52.00 and few Good 250-420 lb. 37 00-46 00. RETURNED TO FARM; 225 head 90-115 lb. Holstein bulls 116.00- 30 head 120-135 lb. 110.00- and 25 head 85 lb. 67.00; 25 head small frame 110-115 lb. 87.00-89.00, 50 head 100-105 lb. 81.00- and 50 head 90-95 lb. 58.00- 35 head 100-120 lb. Holstein heifers 54.00-72.00. SHEEP: Insufficient volume for a market test; few Good 85-130 lb. wooled lambs 45.00-52.00. GOATS: No market test VINTAGE SALES l>j STABLES, INC. Sale Every Tuesday 10:30 A.M. Slaughter Cattle Auction - Steers, Bulls, Heifers, Cows, Feeder Cattle. Get calves in early We start to grade and weigh at 2 00 Sale Every Saturday 9 A.M. Hog Sale Business Phone 717-768-8204 Home Phone 215-458-8518 L. Robert Frame, Manager Box 100 Paradise, PA 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Lancaster Auction Wednesday, Oct. 15 Report Supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Goats Wednesday’s Receipts 518 18 609 17 23 Wednesday’s Auction 165 20 454 0 2 Last Wed.’s Auction 94 16 361 1 0 Last Year’s Auction 178 19 519 0 0 CATTLE: Insufficient volume to fully test trends; few sales slaughter steers mostly steady. Supply included 72% slaughter steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 1100-1350 lb. 60.75-62.85; high Good and low Choice 2-3 1000-1350 lb. 58.00-60.50; couple Good 2-3 55.00-57.00. COWS: Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 35.00-38.00; Canner and low Cutter 31.00-34.50. BULLS: Couple yield grade 1 1400-2025 lb. 49.75-50.75; few yield grade 2 1450-1800 lb. 45.25-47.75. Couple Good and Choice 1-2 1150- 1190 lb. Bullocks 48.4)0-51.00. VEAL CALVES: Market not fully tested; few high Good and low Choice 80-110 lb. 45.00-55.00, couple 60.004)5.00. SHEEP: No market test. GOATS: No market test. New Holland Livestock WOOLED LAMBS: Choice 60-105 lb. 60.00-70.00; good to low choice 55-85 lb. 52.00-60.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and good 16.00-35.00, mainly 22.00- 28.00. GOATS: All goats sold by the head, medium 31.00-38.00, couple 41.00-46.00; bulk of supply small selling at 16.00-24.00. B&R CATTLE CO. RDI, Marietta, PA 17547 Office Phone: (717 ) 653-8164 Specializing In Stockers & Feeders JOHN BOWMAN Ph (717)653-5728 RON RANCK Ph (717)656-9849 @~-)en 24 hours a day 365 days a year (717)394-2611 MONDAY 9 00 A M —Slaughter Bulls, Heifers, Steers, Cows 10 00 A M, —Goats, Veal Calves, Lambs 12 Noon —Slaughter Hogs WEDNESDAY 8 00 A M —Slaughter Hogs 1000 AM —Slaughter Bulls, Heifers, Steers, Cows 11:00 AM —Veal Calves, Lambs FRIDAY 11:00 A M —Stocker and Feeder Cattle SATURDAY 8 00 A M —Slaughter Hogs SPECIAL GRADED FEEDER CATTLE SALE THURSDAY, OCT.j23rd H AM _ LANCASTER "STOCKYARDS, INC.” 1147 Lititz Pike Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601 Serving The Community For 90 Yeors New Holland Livestock New Holland, Pa. Thursday, Oct. 16 Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today 1238 738 72 124 Last Thursday 970 756 89 119 Last Year 1041 664 97 61 CATTLE: Compared to Tuesday slaughter steers mostly steady, although instances 50 lower on choice; slaughter heifers not tested; cows 50-1.00 higher; bullocks fully steady; bulls steady, although yield grade 1 not fully tested. Supply included 56 percent slaughter steers and 35 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High choice and prime 2-4 1100-1350 lb. 63.75-66.60, five head 67.00-70.00; choice 2-3, few 4 1020-1375 lb. 60.50- 63.00, few 63.00-63.50; high good and low choice 2-3 1000-1375 lb. 57.00-60.50; few good 2-3 54.50- 57.50; good 1200-1510 lb. 48.00-50.00, standard 1000-1300 lb. 43.00-46.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Small supply choice 2-3 985-1200 lb. 54.60- 59.75. COWS: Breaking utility and 36.00-40.50, several 40.50-42.00; cutter and boning utility 1-3 35.75-38.50, few 39.50- 41.00; canner and low cutter 32.00- 35.50, few 30.50-32.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 1-31100-1380 lb. 51.00-54.00, couple 54.75-56.25; good 1-21000-1300 lb. 46.00-50.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1450-2065 lb. 48.50-50.50, couple 52.00-57.50; yield grade 2 1000-1450 lb. 45.50- 49.00. VEAL CALVES; Vealers weak to 5.00 lower; slaughter calves steady to weak; demand good for holstein bulls to return to farm. VEALERS; High choice and prime 380-410 lb. 95.00-99.00, couple 370-450 lb. 112.00-116.00; choice 160- 350 lb. 72.00-85.00, few 85.00-92.00; high good and low choice 140-350 lb. 55.00-75.00 j 110-140 lb. 50.0032.00, 80-110 lb. 40.00-48.00, few 48.00 52.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and choice 270-480 lb. 44.00-52.00, few choice 52.00-58.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 95-125 lb. holstein bulls 95.00-119.00, several 100-110 lb. 120.00-125.00; several small frame 90-115 lb. m nA.7I; nn SHEEP! Wooled lambs and slaughter ewes steady. Lancaster County Weekly Friday, Oct. 17 Report Supplied by PDA This Week Last Week Last Year CATTLE: Slaughter steers uneven, high Choice & Prime firm to .SO higher, instances 1.00 higher, Choice mostly steady, high Good & low Choice .50 to 1.00 lower; si. heifers fully steady; cows .50 to mostly 1.00 higher, instances 2.00 higher; bullocks 1.00 higher; bulls .50 to 1.00 higher. Supply included 48 per cent si. steers, 6 per cent si. heifers, 27 per cent cows, 4 per cent bulls, with the balance feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice it Prime 2-4 1100-1400 lbs. 63.75-66.60, about IS head 67.50- 70.00; Good it Choice 1-2 1100-1450 lbs. 64.00-66.50; Choice 2-3 few 4 1020-1375 lbs. *60.50-63.50, few mainly early part of week 63.50- 64.35; high Good & low Choice 2-3 1000-1485 lbs. 57.00-61.00; Good 2-3 54.50-57.50; Choice 1150-1600 lb. holsteins 52.00-56.75; Good 1100- 1510 lbs. 48.00-50.00; Standard 1000- 1300 lbs. 43.0047.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 950-1300 lbs. 55.50-60.00; few mainly Choice 2 60.00-62.00; Good 2-3 925-1150 lbs. 52.00-55.50. COWS: Breaking Utility & Commercial 2-4 35.50-40.00, several 40.00-42.00; Cutter & Boning Utility 1-3 35.50-39.00 few 39.50-41.00; Canner & low Cutter 30.50-35.50, mainly 32.00-35.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 1-31100-1380 lbs. 51.00-54.00, couple 54.75-56.25; Good 1-21000-1300 lbs. 46.00-50.50. BULLS: YG 1, 1400-2075 lbs. 48.50-52.50, few 52.50-57.50; YG 2, 1000-1500 lbs. 45.50-49.00, few 950- 1050 lbs. 44.00-49.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers weak to 5.00 lower instances 10.00 lower; si. calves 5.00 to 10.00 lower. Demand good for holstem bulls to return to farm. VEALERS: High Choice & Prune 380-410 lbs. 95.00-99.00, couple 370450 lbs. 112.00-116.00; Choice 160-350 lbs. 72.00-85.00 few 85.00- high Good & low Choice 140-350 lbs. 55.00-75.00, 110-140 lbs. 50.00- 80-110 lbs. 40.00-48.00 few early 48.00-55.00; Standard 60- 85 lbs. 30.0042.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Choice 285485 lbs. 48.00-58.00; Good to low Choice 250-525 lbs. 37.0048.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 95-125 lb. holstem bulls 95.00-125.00, several small frame 95-115 lbs. 52.00- HAY, STRAW & CORN SALE 891 Every Friday at 12 Noon _ GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION RDNo. 4 Ephrata, Pa. 717-738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyers - Cash or Certified Check Only Cattle Calves 4600 1930 4875 1834 4406 1721
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