King’s Hay Kirkwood, Pa. Tuesday, Oct. 7,1986 Report supplied by Auction 16 loads. Alfalfa, 85.00-104.00; Alfalfa Mix, 90.00-101.00, 1 at 132.00; Stubble Hay, 72.00; Timothy & Timothy Mix, 71.00-101.00; Grass Hay, 91.00; Ear Com, 1 at 65.00. 5 loads Straw, 91.00-99.00. Chambersburg Hay Chambersburg, PA Thursday, Oct. 9 Report Supplied by Auction 3 load Alfalfa, 105.00-109.00,1 at 111.00; Brome Grass and Alfalfa, 120.00 and 130.00; 3 loads Timothy, 86.00-95.00. Dewart Hay Dewart, PA Monday, Oct. 6 Report Supplied by Auction 9 loads Hay, 51.00-87.00; Straw, 1 at 58.00; Wood, 22.00-38.00 load; 3 loads Com, 55.00-63.00. Green Dragon Livestock Sales Location: Ephrata RD 4. mile N. on North State St, Ephrata. • COWS X SALE EVERY FRIDAY Lots of good Northern Feeder & Stockers. Slaughter Cows - Bull Steer, Veal-lamb. 11:00 A.M.-Beef Sale 200-300 each week. 1:00 P.M.-Dairy Sale. 7:00 P.M.-Small Animal Sale. For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733-2444, Home 717-838-4318. WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor All out of state and new buyers must have cash or certified check or current letter of credit fromJbank. 'EMI7W EWVSiIW CAT fifi %3rJwwJlWfc' J& JBUb -1010 W. Main SI., Mount Joy, PA 17552 The only full service company, in this area, to handle the total needs of the poultrymen. • Area distributor of a complete line of Bio-Guard Poultry & Swine sanitation products. Including: sow shampoo, field disinfectants, hatchery disinfect ants, egg wash. Keister’s Hay Middlebnrg, PA Tuesday, Oct. 7 Report supplied by auction 19 loads Hay. Mixed Hay, 50.00- 110.00; Mulch, 42.50; 3 loads Starw, 75.00- 6 loads Ear Com, 50.00- 61.00; 1 load Rye, 3.20 bu. Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, PA - Friday, Oct. 3 Report supplied by Auction ' 87 loads. Mixed Hay, 62.00-119.00; Timothy, 66.00-125.00; Alfalfa, 70.00- Straw, 73.00-107.00; Ear Com, 55.00-67.00; Oats, 1.30- 2.00 bu.; Alfalfa Seed, 70.00 bag. Good’s Hay Leola, Pa. Wednesday, Oct. 8,1986 Report Supplied by Auction 38 loads. Timothy, 72.00-125.00; Mixed Hay, 66.00-121.00; Straw, 74.00- 111.00; Com, 64.00-74.00; Rye, 3.70 bu. GWALTNEY of. " SMITHFIELD, LTD. RECEIVING HOGS; LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS MONDAYS: McCoy's Branch Office, Bareville WEDNESDAYS: (Next to Bawells Butcher Shop) A FRIDAYS: on Butter Rd. 717-656-9668 TUESDAYS: B&RCattle THURSDAYS: Marietta 717-426-3258 717-993-2564 TUESDAYS: Thomasvllle 717-792-2248 or 9836 Contact for information; Ed Herrmann, 717-284-3203 or Charlie Kauffman. 215-593-5674 Future forward contracts available *♦ s £ • New modern dollie equipment to move your pullets fast and efficiently with minimum stress to the pullets. Place Ym Confidence In A Full Sendee Company That Wants To Be Worthy Of Your Business For More Information Phone: 717-653-1102 Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Carroll Co. Hay Westminster, MD Tuesday, Oct. 7 Report supplied by Auction 16 loads. Alfalfa, 2nd cutting, 105.00; Timothy and Orchard Grass, 105.00-127.00; Timothy and Alfalfa, 104.00; Mixed Hay, 92.50-108.00; Wheat Straw, 120.00, 1.50 bale; Oats, 1.60 fou.; Rye, 3.35 bu. „ North Jersey Hay-Straw & Grain Hackettstown, NJ Tuesday, Oct. 7 Grass/bale 2 lots 1.75-2.00. Omaha Weekly Thursday, Oct 9 Report Supplied by USDA Slaughter steer and heifer prices ended the week steady with last weeks closing levels. Early week declines were erased by midweek advances as buyer demand con tinued good, slaughter cows and bulls closed steady. Estimated 5 day receipts of cattle this week compared to ac- Which Includes: • DEKALB chicks & started pullets sold by Nelson Groff & Harold Mishler. • Complete loading & unloading of pullets & spent hens. tuals of 6614 last week and last year. Slaughter steers accounted for 33 percent of this weeks supply, slaughter heifers 36 percent, slaughter cows 4 percent and feeder cattle 25 percent. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Closing sales Choice 241100-1300 lbs. 59.00- 60.50. Few Mixed Good and Choice 2-31050-1200 lbs. 57.50-59.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Closing sales Choice 24 975-1100 lbs. 58.50-59.50. Few Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 925-1050 lbs. 56.50- 58.50. Average of LS 214 detailed quotations for Choice 900-1100 lbs. steers 58.92, 1100-1300 lbs. 59.76. Average cost of all slaughter steers this week 58.50. Average weight 1182 lbs. compared to 59.29 and 1147 lbs. last week. Average cost of all Slaughter Heifers this week 58.19, average weight 1033 lbs. compared to 58.26 and 1050 lbs. last week. SLAUGHTER COWS; Breaking Utility and Commercial 24 38.50- 39.75. High Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 36.0040.00. Low to average cutter 32.50-36.00. EMERYS \ BUYING Ifi «H STWIOH OPEN TO RECEIVE YOUR MARKET HOGS AT THE GREEN DRAGON MARKET RD4. EPHRATA, PA 17522 1 MILE NORTH OF EPHRATA ON NORTH STATE STREET. HOURS: MONDAY. TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY 6:00 A.M. to 11:30 A. M. 215-458-5677 Residence 717-733-9648 OHice YOU ARE PAID FOR YOUR HOGS IMMEDIATELY Ken & Lois Emery, Proprietors Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 11, 1916-A7 SLAUGHTER BULLS: 1-2 1600- 2300 lbs. 46.0049.50. Low Dressing 42.0046.00. Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Return to Farm Calves 65.00- 105.00. Good Veal 50.00-82.50. Common Veal 45.00-56.00. Good Steers 48.00-56.50. Common Steers 38.0046.00. Commercial Cows 36.2540.50. Canners-Cutters 32.00-38.25. Shells 25.50-31.00. Good Heifers 42.0051.50. Common Heifers 36.0044.50. Good Feeders 54.0062.50. Common Feeders 31.0048.00. Bulls 40.0048.50. Good Hogs 52.0055.10. Sows 45.0047.00. Roughs 35.0040.00. Eggs |.45-$.78/doz. Auction every Thursday Oct. 9,1986 Jersey Shore, Pa. Report supplied by Auction HAY & STRAW SALE 12:00 Noon Every Wednesday Westend of Avondale at the intersection of Baltimore Pike and Route 41. \ Harvey Z. Martin 1 215-268-3604 \ (Office) j 215-445-5303 | (Residence) wocoeooowQoeot » ♦ ♦ * • m* m m \ KING'S AUCTION KIRKWOOD Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 12:00 Located Rt 472 5 mite* touth of Quarryvilk or 6 mlk* north of Oxford at Shaub’a Auction Houat Lloyd H Krtkkr, Auctknaar AU-000513L No out of state checks ALL TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOME
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