A4-Lancast«r Farming, Saturday, October 11, 1986 Delmarva Poultry Thursday, Oct. 9,1986 Market Comment: Movement of ready to cook whole birds was moderate to good. Offerings were generally in-balance and clearing satisfactorily. In the parts com plex, white meat items were usually adequate. Legs were clearing quite well while leg quarters were slow movers at some spots. Wings were somewhat more available today and generally fully adequate. Less than trucklot asking prices were again higher at 67-72 cents. Live supplies were moderate to light. Weights, were mixed but generally desirable. Slaughter schedules were very light due to several plants curtailing production. The undertone remained firm and heavily influenced by conditions in southern production areas. Estimated slaughter of broiler fryers in Delmarva: Estimated 10/9 1,677,000; Actual 10/22,010,000. Actual 10/71,630,000. Average Weights 10/7 4.45, 9/30 4.59. Copyright ISK by Lancaster Farming P.O. Box 366 - lititz, PA 17543 Office: 22 E. Main St., Lititz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building Phone: Uncaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 Robert G. Campbell, Publisher Everett R. Newswanger, Managing Editor Jack Hubley, Associate Editor Suzanne Keene, Home Editor Martha Gehringer, Dairy Editor NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Sally B. Bair, Lancaster County Columbia 717-285-4926 Joyce Bupp, York County Seven Valleys 717-428-1865 Kathy Gill, Cumberland Carlisle 717-243-5566 Robin Phillips, Berks Mohrsville 215-926-1261 Ginger Myers, Adams Littlestown 717-359-7542 Nancy Kunick, Crawford Centerville 814-694-2571 Barbara Rader, Butler Connoquenessing 412-789-7413 Betsy Stitt, Blair, Bedford Martinsburg 814-793-2495 Barbara Miller, Lycoming Hughesville 717-584-3892 Mary Maxwell, Center State College, 814-238-1416 Craig Bingman, Snyder, Union, Juniata Beaver Springs 717-837-0085 Margie Fusco, Cambria Johnstown 814-255-6115 Helen Kelchner, Columbia Berwick 717-752-4691 Julie Gochenour, Virginia Maurertown 703-459-3209 Sharon Schuster, Maryland New Windsor 301-635-2654 Sue Crow, Maryland Kennedyville 301-648-5687 Debbie Stiles, Renzi, WV Clarksburg 304-622-9841 Subscription Price: $8.50 per year; $15.00-2years $l5 00 per year outside of PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY, VA & WV $26 00-2 Years Established November 4,1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA Second Class Postage paid at Office in Lititz Record Express Building Rear 22 E Mam St Lititz, PA 17543 ISSNOO23 7485 For address change form or new subscription see Mailbox Markets. Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. National Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc. Phone 203-966-1746 Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, N.J. Tuesday, Oct. 7 Report Supplied by Auction Heavy Fowl .15-.55. Leghorn Fowl .10-.40. Broilers .30-.80. Medium Fowl .35. Roasters .30-.80. Bantams .20-1.25. Pullets 1.60. Roosters .80-.85. Turkeys .25-.40. Ducks .25-1.00. Rabbits .30-1.95. Pigeons 2.20-3.70. Guineas 1.40-1.70. Eggs White Grade A Jumbo X Lge. .70-.86; Large .62- .70; Medium .50-.60; Small .25-.57; Pee Wees .20. Brown Jumbo X Lge. .78-.94; Large .55- .70; Medium .S5-.49; Pee Wees .30. Heinsey’s Poultry Report Root’s, East Petersburg Tuesday, Oct. 7,1986 Report supplied by auction Muscovy Ducks, Drakes: range .7S-.92 per lb. Muscovy Ducks, Hens: range ,60-.6Bperlb. Pekin Ducks: range .25-.32 per lb. Pullets: 6-8 lbs. range .44-. SB per lb. Red Fowl: 4-4 M: lbs. range .10-.22 per lb. Red Fowl: 5-6 lbs. range .14-.32 per lb. Crossbred Fowl: 5-9 lbs. range .18-.32 per lb. Crossbred Roosters; 4-6 lbs. range .40-.72 per lb. Crossbred Roosters: 7-11 lbs. range ,25-.s6perlb. Guinea Fowl: range 1.50-1.90 per lb. Banty Roosters: range 1.50-4.50 ea. Banty Hens: range .25-I.ooea. Leghorn Hens: range .12-.22 per lb. Leghorn Roosters: range .10-.18 per lb. Geese 8-12 lbs. range .17-.30 per lb. Pigeons; range 1.00-1.50 ea. White Pigeons: range 1.75-2.35 ea. Silkies: range 4.00-5.00 ea. Doves: range 2.00-2.50 ea. Chukars: range3.oo-4.00 ea. Rabbits; 4-6 lbs. range .40-.72 per Rabbits: 7-11 lbs. range .30-.56 per lb. Bunnies: .35-I.ooea. Guinea Pigs: range 1.00-3.00 ea. Goats: range 22.00-48.00. Total Number Coops: 884. New York Multiple Drop Broiler Report Thursday, Oct. 9,1986 Report Supplied by USDA Current broiler-fryer negotiated prices for immediate delivery includes mostly multiple drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. Range: U.S. Grade A5B-72. Weighted Avg.; U.S. Grade A 69.67. Premium (X) Boxes 9,977 (X) Includes special services, selected competitive brands, etc. N.E. Weakly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, Oct. 7 Report Supplied by USDA Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” Brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: N.HAMP. Mostly R.I. Mostly VERMONT Mostly MAINE Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes From Friday Oct. 3 to Thursday, Oct. 9 Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. WHITE Jumbo Ex. Large Large Medium Pullets Off Grade BROWN Ex. Large Large Mediums OFF GRADE Undergrades Checks .37 .37 .37 .37 Breaking Stocks: Friday 48-50 lbs. 45.00-46.00, 50 lbs 47.00 Eastern PA and NJ Poultry Wednesday, Oct. 8,1986 Report Supplied by USDA Market Comment; Prices were trending lower in light to fair trading. Finished product sales were under price resistance, causing processors to shy away from additional purchases. Of ferings were readily available for next week’s schedules. The un dertone was weak and unsettled. Prices Paid at Farm: Light Type Hens: 12-13, mostly 12-12&. F. 0.8. Plant: 14-16, mostly 14- 15%. Philadelphia Eggs Thursday, Oct. 9,1986 Report Supplied by USDA Market Comment: Prices were unchanged on large and extra large; two cents lower on mediums. Trade sentiment was mixed but showing improvement in spots. Movement into retail outlets was fair to good with some traders noting increased interest in store featuring of large. Supplies and offerings were at least adequate on all sizes with mediums in the heaviest supply. Breakers continue to remove supplies of mediums and larger sizes from the marketplace. Prices to retailers: sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons delivered store door: A Extra Large 65-69%; A Large 63-67%; A Medium 51- 58%. Apple Market News Octobers, 1986 Report Supplied by PDA Demand good, market steady. Prices quoted are delivered sales F. 0.8. shipping point basis. d CHICKS, INC. Bahy Chicks & Started Pullets eqceds Brown & White Layers Broilers PHONE (215) 536-3155 266 E. PALETOWN RD. QLAKERTOWN. PA 10951 Ex. Large .84-. BS .86-.57 .87-.91 .91 .91-1.02 .91 .91-.98 Large .81-.85 .83-.84 .84-. SB .84 .88-.99 .88 .BS-.95 .91 .84 .69 Cartons 12/3# bags 2V’ minimum; Red Delicious, U.S. Fancy 7.50-8.50 mostly 8-8.50 few 9- 9.50; Golden Delicious, U.S. Fancy 7.00- Jonathon, U.S. Fancy 7.00- Mclntosh, U.S. Fancy 8.00- few 10.00; Stayman, U.S. Fancy 10.00; Rome, U.S. Fancy 9.00- Red Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 2V 4 ” 9.00-11.00 mostly 10.00-11.00; Red Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 2W 11.00- 12.00. Traypack cartons: Red Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 64-80’s 11.00-12.00; Red Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 88-100’s 10.00- mostly 11.00-12.00; Red Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 113’s 10.00-11.00 few 12.00; Red Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 125’s 9.00-11.00 mostly 10.00; Red Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 138’s 8.00-9.00 few 10.00; Golden Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 88-100’s 12.00-13.00; Golden Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 113’s 11.00-12.00; Golden Delicious, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 125’s 10.00- 11.00; Jonathon, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 100-113’s 12.00; Stayman, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 64-88’s 18.00; Stayman, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 100’s 16.00; Stayman, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 113’s 14.00; Stayman, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 125’s 12.00; Rome, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 64- 100’s 13.00-15.00 mostly 14.00; Rome. Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 113’s 13.00- Rome, Comb. Ex. Fey & Fey 125’s 12.00-13.00 few 14.00; Red Delicious, Ex. Fey 64-80’s 12.00- Red Delicious, Ex. Fey 88-100’s 13.00-15.00 mostly 14.00; Red Delicious, Ex. Fey 113’s 13.00- 14.00; Red Delicious, Ex. Fey 125’s 12.00- few 14.00. The above quotes are from the Appalachian Fruit Report, Federal-State Market News for Wednesday, Octobers, 1986. Small .46-.50 .4S-.49 .49-.53 .49 Medium .79-. BS .81-.82 .82-.56 .82 .79-.92 .86 .86-.9S .53-.60 Thurs. .96 .89 .71 .39 .37 up 46.00- SUMMARY
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